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# Enums #

enum Period {

# Interfaces #

interface DisputeKitDispute {
  id: ID!
  coreDispute: Dispute!
  localRounds: [DisputeKitRound!]! @derivedFrom(field: "localDispute")
  currentLocalRoundIndex: BigInt!
  timestamp: BigInt!

interface DisputeKitRound {
  id: ID!
  localDispute: DisputeKitDispute!
  votes: [Vote!]! @derivedFrom(field: "localRound")

interface Vote {
  id: ID!
  coreDispute: Dispute!
  localRound: DisputeKitRound!
  juror: User!
  draw: Draw

interface Contribution {
  id: ID!
  coreDispute: Dispute!
  contributor: User!

interface EvidenceGroup {
  id: ID!
  evidences: [Evidence!]! @derivedFrom(field: "evidenceGroup")
  nextEvidenceIndex: BigInt!

interface Evidence {
  id: ID!
  evidence: String!
  evidenceGroup: EvidenceGroup!
  evidenceIndex: String!
  sender: User!
  senderAddress: String!
  timestamp: BigInt!
  name: String
  description: String
  fileURI: String
  fileTypeExtension: String

# Entities #

type User @entity {
  id: ID! # address
  tokens: [JurorTokensPerCourt!]! @derivedFrom(field: "juror")
  totalStake: BigInt!
  totalDelayed: BigInt!
  shifts: [TokenAndETHShift!]! @derivedFrom(field: "juror")
  draws: [Draw!]! @derivedFrom(field: "juror")
  activeDisputes: BigInt!
  rounds: [Round!]!
  disputes: [Dispute!]!
  resolvedDisputes: [Dispute!]!
  totalResolvedDisputes: BigInt!
  totalDisputes: BigInt!
  totalCoherent: BigInt!
  coherenceScore: BigInt!
  totalAppealingDisputes: BigInt!
  votes: [Vote!]! @derivedFrom(field: "juror")
  contributions: [Contribution!]! @derivedFrom(field: "contributor")
  evidences: [Evidence!]! @derivedFrom(field: "sender")
  penalties: [Penalty!]! @derivedFrom(field: "juror")

type Penalty @entity {
  id: ID! # dispute.id-roundIndex-user.id
  dispute: Dispute!
  round: Round!
  juror: User!
  amount: BigInt!
  numberDraws: BigInt!
  degreeOfCoherency: BigInt!

type Arbitrable @entity {
  id: ID! # address
  disputes: [Dispute!]! @derivedFrom(field: "arbitrated")
  totalDisputes: BigInt!

type TokenAndETHShift @entity {
  id: ID! # user.id-dispute.id
  juror: User!
  dispute: Dispute!
  pnkAmount: BigInt!
  ethAmount: BigInt!
  isNativeCurrency: Boolean!
  feeTokenAmount: BigInt!
  feeToken: FeeToken

type JurorTokensPerCourt @entity {
  id: ID! # user.id-court.id
  juror: User!
  court: Court!
  staked: BigInt!
  locked: BigInt!
  delayed: BigInt!

type Court @entity {
  id: ID!
  policy: String
  name: String
  parent: Court
  hiddenVotes: Boolean!
  children: [Court!]! @derivedFrom(field: "parent")
  minStake: BigInt!
  alpha: BigInt!
  feeForJuror: BigInt!
  jurorsForCourtJump: BigInt!
  timesPerPeriod: [BigInt!]!
  supportedDisputeKits: [DisputeKit!]!
  disputes: [Dispute!]! @derivedFrom(field: "court")
  numberDisputes: BigInt!
  numberClosedDisputes: BigInt!
  numberVotingDisputes: BigInt!
  numberAppealingDisputes: BigInt!
  stakedJurors: [JurorTokensPerCourt!]! @derivedFrom(field: "court")
  numberStakedJurors: BigInt!
  stake: BigInt!
  delayedStake: BigInt!
  paidETH: BigInt!
  paidPNK: BigInt!

type Dispute @entity {
  id: ID!
  disputeID: BigInt!
  court: Court!
  createdAt: BigInt
  arbitrated: Arbitrable!
  period: Period!
  ruled: Boolean!
  currentRuling: BigInt!
  tied: Boolean!
  overridden: Boolean!
  periodDeadline: BigInt!
  periodNotificationIndex: BigInt!
  lastPeriodChange: BigInt!
  lastPeriodChangeBlockNumber: BigInt!
  rounds: [Round!]! @derivedFrom(field: "dispute")
  currentRound: Round!
  currentRoundIndex: BigInt!
  jurors: [User!]! @derivedFrom(field: "disputes")
  shifts: [TokenAndETHShift!]! @derivedFrom(field: "dispute")
  disputeKitDispute: [DisputeKitDispute!]! @derivedFrom(field: "coreDispute")

type PeriodIndexCounter @entity {
  id: String!
  counter: BigInt!

type Round @entity {
  id: ID! # dispute.id-dispute.rounds.length
  disputeKit: DisputeKit!
  tokensAtStakePerJuror: BigInt!
  totalFeesForJurors: BigInt!
  nbVotes: BigInt!
  isCurrentRound: Boolean!
  repartitions: BigInt!
  penalties: BigInt!
  drawnJurors: [Draw!]! @derivedFrom(field: "round")
  dispute: Dispute!
  court: Court!
  feeToken: FeeToken
  timeline: [BigInt!]!
  jurorsDrawn: Boolean!
  jurorRewardsDispersed: Boolean!

type Draw @entity(immutable: true) {
  id: ID! # dispute.id-currentRound-voteID
  blockNumber: BigInt!
  dispute: Dispute!
  round: Round!
  juror: User!
  voteIDNum: BigInt!
  vote: Vote @derivedFrom(field: "draw")
  drawNotificationIndex: BigInt

type DisputeKit @entity {
  id: ID!
  address: Bytes
  needsFreezing: Boolean!
  rounds: [Round!]! @derivedFrom(field: "disputeKit")
  courts: [Court!]! @derivedFrom(field: "supportedDisputeKits")

type Counter @entity {
  id: ID! # Will be the timestamp except for the counter which will be 0
  stakedPNK: BigInt!
  redistributedPNK: BigInt!
  paidETH: BigInt!
  activeJurors: BigInt!
  cases: BigInt!
  casesVoting: BigInt!
  casesRuled: BigInt!
  casesAppealing: BigInt!

type FeeToken @entity {
  id: ID! # The address of the ERC20 token.
  accepted: Boolean!
  rateInEth: BigInt!
  rateDecimals: Int!
  totalPaid: BigInt!
  totalPaidInETH: BigInt!
  rounds: [Round!] @derivedFrom(field: "feeToken")
  tokenAndETHShift: [TokenAndETHShift!] @derivedFrom(field: "feeToken")

# ClassicDisputeKit #

type ClassicDispute implements DisputeKitDispute @entity {
  id: ID! # disputeKit.id-coreDispute
  coreDispute: Dispute!
  localRounds: [DisputeKitRound!]! @derivedFrom(field: "localDispute")
  currentLocalRoundIndex: BigInt!
  timestamp: BigInt!

  numberOfChoices: BigInt!
  extraData: Bytes!

type ClassicRound implements DisputeKitRound @entity {
  id: ID! # disputeKit.id-coreDispute-dispute.rounds.length
  localDispute: DisputeKitDispute!
  votes: [Vote!]! @derivedFrom(field: "localRound")

  winningChoice: BigInt!
  counts: [BigInt!]!
  tied: Boolean!
  totalVoted: BigInt!
  totalCommited: BigInt!
  paidFees: [BigInt!]!
  contributions: [ClassicContribution!]! @derivedFrom(field: "localRound")
  feeRewards: BigInt!
  totalFeeDispersed: BigInt!
  appealFeesDispersed: Boolean!
  fundedChoices: [BigInt!]!
  justifications: [ClassicJustification!] @derivedFrom(field: "localRound")

type ClassicVote implements Vote @entity {
  id: ID! # disputeKit.id-coreDispute-currentRound-voteID
  coreDispute: Dispute!
  localRound: DisputeKitRound!
  juror: User!
  draw: Draw

  commit: Bytes
  commited: Boolean!
  choice: BigInt
  voted: Boolean!
  justification: ClassicJustification

type ClassicJustification @entity {
  id: ID! # disputeKit.id-coreDispute-currentRound-voteIDs
  coreDispute: Dispute!
  localRound: ClassicRound!
  juror: User!
  choice: BigInt!
  votes: [ClassicVote!]! @derivedFrom(field: "justification")
  reference: String!

type ClassicEvidenceGroup implements EvidenceGroup @entity {
  id: ID!
  evidences: [Evidence!]! @derivedFrom(field: "evidenceGroup")
  nextEvidenceIndex: BigInt!

type ClassicEvidence implements Evidence @entity(immutable: true) {
  id: ID! # classicEvidenceGroup.id-nextEvidenceIndex
  evidence: String!
  evidenceGroup: EvidenceGroup!
  evidenceIndex: String!
  sender: User!
  senderAddress: String!
  timestamp: BigInt!
  name: String
  description: String
  fileURI: String
  fileTypeExtension: String

type ClassicContribution implements Contribution @entity {
  id: ID! # disputeKit.id-dispute.id-classicround.id-contributor-choice
  contributor: User!
  coreDispute: Dispute!

  localRound: ClassicRound!
  amount: BigInt!
  rewardAmount: BigInt
  choice: BigInt!
  rewardWithdrawn: Boolean!

type _Schema_
    name: "evidenceSearch"
    language: en
    algorithm: rank
    include: [{ entity: "ClassicEvidence", fields: [{ name: "name" }, { name: "description" },{ name: "senderAddress"},{ name: "evidenceIndex"}] }]