import { BigInt } from "@graphprotocol/graph-ts";
import { CourtCreated } from "../../generated/KlerosCore/KlerosCore";
import { Court } from "../../generated/schema";
import { ZERO } from "../utils";
// This function calculates the "effective" stake, which is the specific stake
// of the current court + the specific stake of all of its children courts
export function updateEffectiveStake(courtID: string): void {
let court = Court.load(courtID);
if (!court) return;
while (court) {
let totalStake = court.stake;
const childrenCourts = court.children.load();
for (let i = 0; i < childrenCourts.length; i++) {
const childCourt = Court.load(childrenCourts[i].id);
if (childCourt) {
totalStake =;
court.effectiveStake = totalStake;;
if (court.parent && court.parent !== null) {
court = Court.load(court.parent as string);
} else {
export function createCourtFromEvent(event: CourtCreated): void {
const court = new Court(event.params._courtID.toString());
court.hiddenVotes = event.params._hiddenVotes;
court.parent = event.params._parent.toString();
court.minStake = event.params._minStake;
court.alpha = event.params._alpha;
court.feeForJuror = event.params._feeForJuror;
court.jurorsForCourtJump = event.params._jurorsForCourtJump;
court.timesPerPeriod = event.params._timesPerPeriod;
court.supportedDisputeKits =<string>((value) => value.toString());
court.numberDisputes = ZERO;
court.numberClosedDisputes = ZERO;
court.numberVotingDisputes = ZERO;
court.numberAppealingDisputes = ZERO;
court.numberVotes = ZERO;
court.numberStakedJurors = ZERO;
court.stake = ZERO;
court.effectiveStake = ZERO;
court.delayedStake = ZERO;
court.paidETH = ZERO;
court.paidPNK = ZERO;;
export function getFeeForJuror(id: string): BigInt {
const court = Court.load(id);
if (!court) return ZERO;
return court.feeForJuror;