import { BigInt } from "@graphprotocol/graph-ts";
import { KlerosCore, KlerosCore__getRoundInfoResultValue0Struct } from "../../generated/KlerosCore/KlerosCore";
import { Dispute, Round } from "../../generated/schema";
import { ONE } from "../utils";
export function createRoundFromRoundInfo(
contract: KlerosCore,
disputeID: BigInt,
roundIndex: BigInt,
roundInfo: KlerosCore__getRoundInfoResultValue0Struct
): void {
const roundID = `${disputeID.toString()}-${roundIndex.toString()}`;
const round = new Round(roundID);
round.isCurrentRound = true;
const feeToken = roundInfo.feeToken.toHexString();
round.feeToken = feeToken === "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ? null : feeToken;
round.disputeKit = roundInfo.disputeKitID.toString();
round.tokensAtStakePerJuror = roundInfo.pnkAtStakePerJuror;
round.totalFeesForJurors = roundInfo.totalFeesForJurors;
round.nbVotes = roundInfo.nbVotes;
round.repartitions = roundInfo.repartitions;
round.penalties = roundInfo.pnkPenalties;
round.dispute = disputeID.toString();
const courtID = contract.disputes(disputeID).value0.toString();
round.court = courtID;
round.timeline = new Array<BigInt>(4).fill(new BigInt(0));
round.jurorsDrawn = false;
round.jurorRewardsDispersed = false;;
function getIndexByPeriodName(periodName: string): i32 {
const periodArray = ["evidence", "commit", "vote", "appeal", "execution"];
return periodArray.indexOf(periodName);
export function updateRoundTimeline(disputeId: string, newPeriod: string, timestamp: BigInt): void {
const dispute = Dispute.load(disputeId);
if (!dispute) return;
//explanation: this to handle new round,since AppealDecision is emitted before NewPeriod, which changes the currentRoundIndex ,
//hence when round changes we subtract 1 from current round index
const currentRoundIndex =
dispute.period.includes("appeal") && newPeriod === "evidence"
? dispute.currentRoundIndex.minus(ONE)
: dispute.currentRoundIndex;
const roundID = `${disputeId}-${currentRoundIndex.toString()}`;
const round = Round.load(roundID);
if (!round) return;
let timeline = round.timeline;
const period = getIndexByPeriodName(dispute.period);
timeline[period] = timestamp;
round.timeline = timeline;;