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Test Coverage

Missing semicolon

  publicClient: PublicClient

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

unused expression, expected an assignment or function call

  disputeID: string,
  publicClient: PublicClient

Rule: no-unused-expression

Disallows unused expression statements.

Unused expressions are expression statements which are not assignments or function calls (and thus usually no-ops).


Detects potential errors where an assignment or function call was intended.


Three arguments may be optionally provided:

  • allow-fast-null-checks allows to use logical operators to perform fast null checks and perform method or function calls for side effects (e.g. e && e.preventDefault()).
  • allow-new allows 'new' expressions for side effects (e.g. new ModifyGlobalState();.
  • allow-tagged-template allows tagged templates for side effects (e.g. this.add\foo`;`.
"no-unused-expression": true
"no-unused-expression": true,allow-fast-null-checks
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 0,
  "maxLength": 3

For more information see this page.

Unnecessary semicolon


Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

unused expression, expected an assignment or function call

  publicClient: PublicClient

Rule: no-unused-expression

Disallows unused expression statements.

Unused expressions are expression statements which are not assignments or function calls (and thus usually no-ops).


Detects potential errors where an assignment or function call was intended.


Three arguments may be optionally provided:

  • allow-fast-null-checks allows to use logical operators to perform fast null checks and perform method or function calls for side effects (e.g. e && e.preventDefault()).
  • allow-new allows 'new' expressions for side effects (e.g. new ModifyGlobalState();.
  • allow-tagged-template allows tagged templates for side effects (e.g. this.add\foo`;`.
"no-unused-expression": true
"no-unused-expression": true,allow-fast-null-checks
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 0,
  "maxLength": 3

For more information see this page.

Type assertion on object literals is forbidden, use a type annotation instead.

          return {} as DisputeDetails;

Rule: no-object-literal-type-assertion

Forbids an object literal to appear in a type assertion expression. Casting to any or to unknown is still allowed.


Always prefer const x: T = { ... }; to const x = { ... } as T;. The type assertion in the latter case is either unnecessary or hides an error. The compiler will warn for excess properties with this syntax, but not missing required fields. For example: const x: { foo: number } = {} will fail to compile, but const x = {} as { foo: number } will succeed. Additionally, the const assertion const x = { foo: 1 } as const, introduced in TypeScript 3.4, is considered beneficial and is ignored by this rule.

  • TypeScript Only


One option may be configured:

  • allow-arguments allows type assertions to be used on object literals inside call expressions.
"no-object-literal-type-assertion": true
"no-object-literal-type-assertion": true,[object Object]
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "allow-arguments": {
      "type": "boolean"
  "additionalProperties": false

For more information see this page.

missing whitespace

): Promise<bigint> => {

Rule: whitespace

Enforces whitespace style conventions.


Helps maintain a readable, consistent style in your codebase.

  • Has Fix


Several arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "check-branch" checks branching statements (if/else/for/while) are followed by whitespace.
  • "check-decl"checks that variable declarations have whitespace around the equals token.
  • "check-operator" checks for whitespace around operator tokens.
  • "check-module" checks for whitespace in import & export statements.
  • "check-separator" checks for whitespace after separator tokens (,/;).
  • "check-rest-spread" checks that there is no whitespace after rest/spread operator (...).
  • "check-type" checks for whitespace before a variable type specification.
  • "check-typecast" checks for whitespace between a typecast and its target.
  • "check-type-operator" checks for whitespace between type operators | and &.
  • "check-preblock" checks for whitespace before the opening brace of a block.
  • "check-postbrace" checks for whitespace after an opening brace.
"whitespace": true,check-branch,check-operator,check-typecast
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 0,
  "maxLength": 11

For more information see this page.

unused expression, expected an assignment or function call

export const usePopulatedDisputeData = (disputeID?: string, arbitrableAddress?: `0x${string}`) => {

Rule: no-unused-expression

Disallows unused expression statements.

Unused expressions are expression statements which are not assignments or function calls (and thus usually no-ops).


Detects potential errors where an assignment or function call was intended.


Three arguments may be optionally provided:

  • allow-fast-null-checks allows to use logical operators to perform fast null checks and perform method or function calls for side effects (e.g. e && e.preventDefault()).
  • allow-new allows 'new' expressions for side effects (e.g. new ModifyGlobalState();.
  • allow-tagged-template allows tagged templates for side effects (e.g. this.add\foo`;`.
"no-unused-expression": true
"no-unused-expression": true,allow-fast-null-checks
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 0,
  "maxLength": 3

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

  arbitrableAddress: `0x${string}`,

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

statements are not aligned

  publicClient: PublicClient

Rule: align

Enforces vertical alignment.


Helps maintain a readable, consistent style in your codebase.

Consistent alignment for code statements helps keep code readable and clear. Statements misaligned from the standard can be harder to read and understand.

  • Has Fix


Five arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "parameters" checks alignment of function parameters.
  • "arguments" checks alignment of function call arguments.
  • "statements" checks alignment of statements.
  • "members" checks alignment of members of classes, interfaces, type literal, object literals and object destructuring.
  • "elements" checks alignment of elements of array literals, array destructuring and tuple types.
"align": true,parameters,statements
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 1,
  "maxLength": 5

For more information see this page.

statements are not aligned

): Promise<bigint> => {

Rule: align

Enforces vertical alignment.


Helps maintain a readable, consistent style in your codebase.

Consistent alignment for code statements helps keep code readable and clear. Statements misaligned from the standard can be harder to read and understand.

  • Has Fix


Five arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "parameters" checks alignment of function parameters.
  • "arguments" checks alignment of function call arguments.
  • "statements" checks alignment of statements.
  • "members" checks alignment of members of classes, interfaces, type literal, object literals and object destructuring.
  • "elements" checks alignment of elements of array literals, array destructuring and tuple types.
"align": true,parameters,statements
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 1,
  "maxLength": 5

For more information see this page.

Do not use comma operator here because it can be easily misunderstood or lead to unintended bugs.

  disputeID: string,
  publicClient: PublicClient

Rule: ban-comma-operator

Disallows the comma operator to be used.

Read more about the comma operator here.


Using the comma operator can create a potential for many non-obvious bugs or lead to misunderstanding of code.


foo((bar, baz)); // evaluates to 'foo(baz)' because of the extra parens - confusing and not obvious
switch (foo) {
    case 1, 2: // equals 'case 2' - probably intended 'case 1: case2:'
        return true;
    case 3:
        return false;
let x = (y = 1, z = 2); // x is equal to 2 - this may not be immediately obvious.
"ban-comma-operator": true

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

export const usePopulatedDisputeData = (disputeID?: string, arbitrableAddress?: `0x${string}`) => {

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Expected property shorthand in object literal ('{externalDisputeID}').

            externalDisputeID: externalDisputeID,

Rule: object-literal-shorthand

Enforces/disallows use of ES6 object literal shorthand.

  • Has Fix


"always" assumed to be default option, thus with no options provided the rule enforces object literal methods and properties shorthands. With "never" option provided, any shorthand object literal syntax causes an error.

The rule can be configured in a more granular way. With {"property": "never"} provided (which is equivalent to {"property": "never", "method": "always"}), the rule only flags property shorthand assignments, and respectively with {"method": "never"} (equivalent to {"property": "always", "method": "never"}), the rule fails only on method shorthands.

"object-literal-shorthand": true
"object-literal-shorthand": true,never
"object-literal-shorthand": true,[object Object]
  "oneOf": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "property": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
        "method": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
      "minProperties": 1,
      "maxProperties": 2

For more information see this page.

statements are not aligned

  disputeID: string,
  publicClient: PublicClient

Rule: align

Enforces vertical alignment.


Helps maintain a readable, consistent style in your codebase.

Consistent alignment for code statements helps keep code readable and clear. Statements misaligned from the standard can be harder to read and understand.

  • Has Fix


Five arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "parameters" checks alignment of function parameters.
  • "arguments" checks alignment of function call arguments.
  • "statements" checks alignment of statements.
  • "members" checks alignment of members of classes, interfaces, type literal, object literals and object destructuring.
  • "elements" checks alignment of elements of array literals, array destructuring and tuple types.
"align": true,parameters,statements
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 1,
  "maxLength": 5

For more information see this page.

Expected property shorthand in object literal ('{disputeID}').

            disputeID: disputeID,

Rule: object-literal-shorthand

Enforces/disallows use of ES6 object literal shorthand.

  • Has Fix


"always" assumed to be default option, thus with no options provided the rule enforces object literal methods and properties shorthands. With "never" option provided, any shorthand object literal syntax causes an error.

The rule can be configured in a more granular way. With {"property": "never"} provided (which is equivalent to {"property": "never", "method": "always"}), the rule only flags property shorthand assignments, and respectively with {"method": "never"} (equivalent to {"property": "always", "method": "never"}), the rule fails only on method shorthands.

"object-literal-shorthand": true
"object-literal-shorthand": true,never
"object-literal-shorthand": true,[object Object]
  "oneOf": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "property": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
        "method": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
      "minProperties": 1,
      "maxProperties": 2

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

  disputeID: string,

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

statements are not aligned

  arbitrableAddress: `0x${string}`,
  disputeID: string,

Rule: align

Enforces vertical alignment.


Helps maintain a readable, consistent style in your codebase.

Consistent alignment for code statements helps keep code readable and clear. Statements misaligned from the standard can be harder to read and understand.

  • Has Fix


Five arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "parameters" checks alignment of function parameters.
  • "arguments" checks alignment of function call arguments.
  • "statements" checks alignment of statements.
  • "members" checks alignment of members of classes, interfaces, type literal, object literals and object destructuring.
  • "elements" checks alignment of elements of array literals, array destructuring and tuple types.
"align": true,parameters,statements
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 1,
  "maxLength": 5

For more information see this page.

missing whitespace

export const usePopulatedDisputeData = (disputeID?: string, arbitrableAddress?: `0x${string}`) => {

Rule: whitespace

Enforces whitespace style conventions.


Helps maintain a readable, consistent style in your codebase.

  • Has Fix


Several arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "check-branch" checks branching statements (if/else/for/while) are followed by whitespace.
  • "check-decl"checks that variable declarations have whitespace around the equals token.
  • "check-operator" checks for whitespace around operator tokens.
  • "check-module" checks for whitespace in import & export statements.
  • "check-separator" checks for whitespace after separator tokens (,/;).
  • "check-rest-spread" checks that there is no whitespace after rest/spread operator (...).
  • "check-type" checks for whitespace before a variable type specification.
  • "check-typecast" checks for whitespace between a typecast and its target.
  • "check-type-operator" checks for whitespace between type operators | and &.
  • "check-preblock" checks for whitespace before the opening brace of a block.
  • "check-postbrace" checks for whitespace after an opening brace.
"whitespace": true,check-branch,check-operator,check-typecast
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 0,
  "maxLength": 11

For more information see this page.

missing whitespace

): Promise<bigint> => {

Rule: whitespace

Enforces whitespace style conventions.


Helps maintain a readable, consistent style in your codebase.

  • Has Fix


Several arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "check-branch" checks branching statements (if/else/for/while) are followed by whitespace.
  • "check-decl"checks that variable declarations have whitespace around the equals token.
  • "check-operator" checks for whitespace around operator tokens.
  • "check-module" checks for whitespace in import & export statements.
  • "check-separator" checks for whitespace after separator tokens (,/;).
  • "check-rest-spread" checks that there is no whitespace after rest/spread operator (...).
  • "check-type" checks for whitespace before a variable type specification.
  • "check-typecast" checks for whitespace between a typecast and its target.
  • "check-type-operator" checks for whitespace between type operators | and &.
  • "check-preblock" checks for whitespace before the opening brace of a block.
  • "check-postbrace" checks for whitespace after an opening brace.
"whitespace": true,check-branch,check-operator,check-typecast
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 0,
  "maxLength": 11

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

export const usePopulatedDisputeData = (disputeID?: string, arbitrableAddress?: `0x${string}`) => {

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Expected property shorthand in object literal ('{arbitrableAddress}').

            arbitrableAddress: arbitrableAddress,

Rule: object-literal-shorthand

Enforces/disallows use of ES6 object literal shorthand.

  • Has Fix


"always" assumed to be default option, thus with no options provided the rule enforces object literal methods and properties shorthands. With "never" option provided, any shorthand object literal syntax causes an error.

The rule can be configured in a more granular way. With {"property": "never"} provided (which is equivalent to {"property": "never", "method": "always"}), the rule only flags property shorthand assignments, and respectively with {"method": "never"} (equivalent to {"property": "always", "method": "never"}), the rule fails only on method shorthands.

"object-literal-shorthand": true
"object-literal-shorthand": true,never
"object-literal-shorthand": true,[object Object]
  "oneOf": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "property": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
        "method": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
      "minProperties": 1,
      "maxProperties": 2

For more information see this page.

missing whitespace

  arbitrableAddress: `0x${string}`,

Rule: whitespace

Enforces whitespace style conventions.


Helps maintain a readable, consistent style in your codebase.

  • Has Fix


Several arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "check-branch" checks branching statements (if/else/for/while) are followed by whitespace.
  • "check-decl"checks that variable declarations have whitespace around the equals token.
  • "check-operator" checks for whitespace around operator tokens.
  • "check-module" checks for whitespace in import & export statements.
  • "check-separator" checks for whitespace after separator tokens (,/;).
  • "check-rest-spread" checks that there is no whitespace after rest/spread operator (...).
  • "check-type" checks for whitespace before a variable type specification.
  • "check-typecast" checks for whitespace between a typecast and its target.
  • "check-type-operator" checks for whitespace between type operators | and &.
  • "check-preblock" checks for whitespace before the opening brace of a block.
  • "check-postbrace" checks for whitespace after an opening brace.
"whitespace": true,check-branch,check-operator,check-typecast
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 0,
  "maxLength": 11

For more information see this page.

unused expression, expected an assignment or function call

  arbitrableAddress: `0x${string}`,
  disputeID: string,

Rule: no-unused-expression

Disallows unused expression statements.

Unused expressions are expression statements which are not assignments or function calls (and thus usually no-ops).


Detects potential errors where an assignment or function call was intended.


Three arguments may be optionally provided:

  • allow-fast-null-checks allows to use logical operators to perform fast null checks and perform method or function calls for side effects (e.g. e && e.preventDefault()).
  • allow-new allows 'new' expressions for side effects (e.g. new ModifyGlobalState();.
  • allow-tagged-template allows tagged templates for side effects (e.g. this.add\foo`;`.
"no-unused-expression": true
"no-unused-expression": true,allow-fast-null-checks
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 0,
  "maxLength": 3

For more information see this page.

unused expression, expected an assignment or function call

): Promise<bigint> => {

Rule: no-unused-expression

Disallows unused expression statements.

Unused expressions are expression statements which are not assignments or function calls (and thus usually no-ops).


Detects potential errors where an assignment or function call was intended.


Three arguments may be optionally provided:

  • allow-fast-null-checks allows to use logical operators to perform fast null checks and perform method or function calls for side effects (e.g. e && e.preventDefault()).
  • allow-new allows 'new' expressions for side effects (e.g. new ModifyGlobalState();.
  • allow-tagged-template allows tagged templates for side effects (e.g. this.add\foo`;`.
"no-unused-expression": true
"no-unused-expression": true,allow-fast-null-checks
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 0,
  "maxLength": 3

For more information see this page.

Do not use comma operator here because it can be easily misunderstood or lead to unintended bugs.

  arbitrableAddress: `0x${string}`,
  disputeID: string,

Rule: ban-comma-operator

Disallows the comma operator to be used.

Read more about the comma operator here.


Using the comma operator can create a potential for many non-obvious bugs or lead to misunderstanding of code.


foo((bar, baz)); // evaluates to 'foo(baz)' because of the extra parens - confusing and not obvious
switch (foo) {
    case 1, 2: // equals 'case 2' - probably intended 'case 1: case2:'
        return true;
    case 3:
        return false;
let x = (y = 1, z = 2); // x is equal to 2 - this may not be immediately obvious.
"ban-comma-operator": true

For more information see this page.

missing whitespace

): Promise<bigint> => {

Rule: whitespace

Enforces whitespace style conventions.


Helps maintain a readable, consistent style in your codebase.

  • Has Fix


Several arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "check-branch" checks branching statements (if/else/for/while) are followed by whitespace.
  • "check-decl"checks that variable declarations have whitespace around the equals token.
  • "check-operator" checks for whitespace around operator tokens.
  • "check-module" checks for whitespace in import & export statements.
  • "check-separator" checks for whitespace after separator tokens (,/;).
  • "check-rest-spread" checks that there is no whitespace after rest/spread operator (...).
  • "check-type" checks for whitespace before a variable type specification.
  • "check-typecast" checks for whitespace between a typecast and its target.
  • "check-type-operator" checks for whitespace between type operators | and &.
  • "check-preblock" checks for whitespace before the opening brace of a block.
  • "check-postbrace" checks for whitespace after an opening brace.
"whitespace": true,check-branch,check-operator,check-typecast
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "string",
    "enum": [
  "minLength": 0,
  "maxLength": 11

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

): Promise<bigint> => {

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Missing semicolon

  publicClient: PublicClient

Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

Unnecessary semicolon


Rule: semicolon

Enforces consistent semicolon usage at the end of every statement.

  • Has Fix


One of the following arguments must be provided:

  • "always" enforces semicolons at the end of every statement.
  • "never" disallows semicolons at the end of every statement except for when they are necessary.

The following arguments may be optionally provided:

  • "ignore-interfaces" skips checking semicolons at the end of interface members.
  • "ignore-bound-class-methods" skips checking semicolons at the end of bound class methods.
  • "strict-bound-class-methods" disables any special handling of bound class methods and treats them as any other assignment. This option overrides "ignore-bound-class-methods".
"semicolon": true,always
"semicolon": true,never
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-interfaces
"semicolon": true,always,ignore-bound-class-methods
  "type": "array",
  "items": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
      "type": "string",
      "enum": [
  "additionalItems": false

For more information see this page.

There are no issues that match your filters.
