import React, { useMemo, useState } from "react";
import styled, { css } from "styled-components";
import { landscapeStyle } from "styles/landscapeStyle";
import { responsiveSize } from "styles/responsiveSize";
import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";
import { Accordion, DropdownSelect } from "@kleros/ui-components-library";
import EthereumIcon from "svgs/icons/ethereum.svg";
import BalanceIcon from "svgs/icons/law-balance.svg";
import BalanceWithPNKIcon from "svgs/icons/law-balance-with-pnk.svg";
import MinStake from "svgs/icons/min-stake.svg";
import VotesPerPNKIcon from "svgs/icons/votes-per-pnk.svg";
import PNKIcon from "svgs/icons/pnk.svg";
import PNKRedistributedIcon from "svgs/icons/redistributed-pnk.svg";
import VoteStake from "svgs/icons/vote-stake.svg";
import PNKUSDIcon from "svgs/icons/pnk-usd.svg";
import PNKETHIcon from "svgs/icons/pnk-eth.svg";
import ChartIcon from "svgs/icons/chart.svg";
import { CoinIds } from "consts/coingecko";
import { useCoinPrice } from "hooks/useCoinPrice";
import { useCourtDetails, CourtDetailsQuery } from "queries/useCourtDetails";
import { useHomePageExtraStats } from "queries/useHomePageExtraStats";
import { calculateSubtextRender } from "utils/calculateSubtextRender";
import { formatETH, formatPNK, formatUnitsWei, formatUSD } from "utils/format";
import { isUndefined } from "utils/index";
import { beautifyStatNumber } from "utils/beautifyStatNumber";
import StatDisplay, { IStatDisplay } from "components/StatDisplay";
import { StyledSkeleton } from "components/StyledSkeleton";
import WithHelpTooltip from "components/WithHelpTooltip";
import Info from "./Info";
const StyledAccordion = styled(Accordion)`
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 12px;
> * > button {
justify-content: unset;
background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.whiteBackground} !important;
border: 1px solid ${({ theme }) => theme.stroke} !important;
> svg {
fill: ${({ theme }) => theme.primaryText} !important;
> p {
color: ${({ theme }) => theme.primaryText};
//adds padding to body container
> * > div > div {
padding: 0;
const TimeDisplayContainer = styled.div`
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
gap: 8px;
const AllTimeContainer = styled(TimeDisplayContainer)`
padding-top: ${responsiveSize(12, 20)};
const TimeSelectorContainer = styled(TimeDisplayContainer)`
padding-top: 12px;
flex-wrap: wrap;
const StyledAllTimeText = styled.p`
color: ${({ theme }) => theme.primaryText};
margin: 0;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 600;
const StyledChartIcon = styled(ChartIcon)`
path {
fill: ${({ theme }) => theme.primaryText};
const StyledCard = styled.div`
width: auto;
height: fit-content;
display: grid;
gap: 32px;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(300px, 1fr));
padding-top: ${responsiveSize(28, 32)};
padding-bottom: ${responsiveSize(20, 0)};
() => css`
gap: 16px;
const StyledDropdownSelect = styled(DropdownSelect)`
margin-right: 16px;
small {
color: ${({ theme }) => theme.primaryText};
svg {
fill: ${({ theme }) => theme.primaryText};
interface IStat {
title: string;
coinId?: number;
getText: (data: CourtDetailsQuery["court"]) => string;
getSubtext?: (data: CourtDetailsQuery["court"], coinPrice?: number) => string;
color: IStatDisplay["color"];
icon: React.FC<React.SVGAttributes<SVGElement>>;
const stats: IStat[] = [
title: "Min Stake",
coinId: 0,
getText: (data) => formatPNK(data?.minStake),
getSubtext: (data, coinPrice) => formatUSD(Number(formatUnitsWei(data?.minStake)) * (coinPrice ?? 0)),
color: "purple",
icon: MinStake,
title: "Vote Stake",
coinId: 0,
getText: (data) => {
const stake = BigInt((data?.minStake * data?.alpha) / 1e4);
return formatPNK(stake);
getSubtext: (data, coinPrice) => {
const stake = BigInt((data?.minStake * data?.alpha) / 1e4);
return formatUSD(Number(formatUnitsWei(stake)) * (coinPrice ?? 0));
color: "purple",
icon: VoteStake,
title: "Active Jurors",
getText: (data) => data?.numberStakedJurors,
color: "purple",
icon: PNKRedistributedIcon,
title: "PNK Staked",
coinId: 0,
getText: (data) => formatPNK(data?.stake),
getSubtext: (data, coinPrice) => formatUSD(Number(formatUnitsWei(data?.stake)) * (coinPrice ?? 0)),
color: "purple",
icon: PNKIcon,
title: "Cases",
getText: (data) => data?.numberDisputes,
color: "orange",
icon: BalanceIcon,
title: "In Progress",
getText: (data) => data?.numberDisputes - data?.numberClosedDisputes,
color: "orange",
icon: BalanceIcon,
title: "ETH paid to Jurors",
coinId: 1,
getText: (data) => formatETH(data?.paidETH),
getSubtext: (data, coinPrice) => formatUSD(Number(formatUnitsWei(data?.paidETH)) * (coinPrice ?? 0)),
color: "blue",
icon: EthereumIcon,
title: "PNK redistributed",
coinId: 0,
getText: (data) => formatPNK(data?.paidPNK),
getSubtext: (data, coinPrice) => formatUSD(Number(formatUnitsWei(data?.paidPNK)) * (coinPrice ?? 0)),
color: "purple",
icon: PNKRedistributedIcon,
interface ITimeframedStatData {
treeExpectedRewardPerPnk: number;
treeVotesPerPnk: number;
treeDisputesPerPnk: number;
interface ITimeframedStat {
title: string | React.ReactNode;
coinId?: number;
getText: (data: ITimeframedStatData) => string;
color: IStatDisplay["color"];
icon: React.FC<React.SVGAttributes<SVGElement>>;
const timeRanges = [
{ value: 7, text: "Last 7 days" },
{ value: 30, text: "Last 30 days" },
{ value: 90, text: "Last 90 days" },
/* we can uncomment as court creation time increases,
but it's a bit tricky because this affects every court */
// { value: 180, text: "Last 180 days" },
// { value: 365, text: "Last 365 days" },
{ value: "allTime", text: "All Time" },
const Stats = () => {
const { id } = useParams();
const { data } = useCourtDetails(id);
const [selectedRange, setSelectedRange] = useState(timeRanges[0].value);
const timeframedCourtData = useHomePageExtraStats(selectedRange);
const coinIds = [CoinIds.PNK, CoinIds.ETH];
const { prices: pricesData } = useCoinPrice(coinIds);
const foundCourt = useMemo(() => {
return timeframedCourtData?.data?.courts?.find((c) => c.id === id);
}, [timeframedCourtData, id]);
const handleTimeRangeChange = (value: string | number) => {
const timeframedStats: ITimeframedStat[] = [
title: (
<WithHelpTooltip place="top" tooltipMsg="Amount of PNK you need to stake to earn 1 USD in rewards.">
PNK for 1 USD
getText: (data) => {
const treeExpectedRewardPerPnk = data?.treeExpectedRewardPerPnk;
const ethPriceUSD = pricesData ? pricesData[CoinIds.ETH]?.price : undefined;
if (!ethPriceUSD || !treeExpectedRewardPerPnk) return "N/A";
const pnkNeeded = treeExpectedRewardPerPnk * ethPriceUSD;
return beautifyStatNumber(pnkNeeded, true);
color: "purple",
icon: PNKUSDIcon,
title: (
<WithHelpTooltip place="top" tooltipMsg="Amount of PNK you need to stake to earn 1 ETH in rewards.">
PNK for 1 ETH
getText: (data) => {
const treeExpectedRewardPerPnk = data?.treeExpectedRewardPerPnk;
if (!treeExpectedRewardPerPnk) return "N/A";
const pnkNeeded = treeExpectedRewardPerPnk;
return beautifyStatNumber(pnkNeeded, true);
color: "blue",
icon: PNKETHIcon,
title: (
<WithHelpTooltip place="top" tooltipMsg="Amount of PNK you need to stake to get 1 vote.">
PNK for 1 Vote
getText: (data) => {
const treeVotesPerPnk = data?.treeVotesPerPnk;
return beautifyStatNumber(treeVotesPerPnk, true);
color: "orange",
icon: VotesPerPNKIcon,
title: (
tooltipMsg="Amount of PNK you need to stake to be drawn in 1 case (which may involve one or more votes)."
PNK for 1 Case
getText: (data) => {
const treeDisputesPerPnk = data?.treeDisputesPerPnk;
return beautifyStatNumber(treeDisputesPerPnk, true);
color: "orange",
icon: BalanceWithPNKIcon,
return (
title: "Statistics",
body: (
<StyledChartIcon />
<StyledAllTimeText>All time</StyledAllTimeText>
{stats.map(({ title, coinId, getText, getSubtext, color, icon }) => {
const coinPrice = !isUndefined(pricesData) ? pricesData[coinIds[coinId!]]?.price : undefined;
return (
{...{ title, color, icon }}
text={data ? getText(data.court) : <StyledSkeleton />}
subtext={calculateSubtextRender(data?.court, getSubtext, coinPrice)}
<StyledChartIcon />
items={timeRanges.map((range) => ({
value: range.value,
text: range.text,
<Info />
{timeframedStats.map(({ title, getText, color, icon }) => {
return (
{...{ title, color, icon }}
text={foundCourt ? getText(foundCourt) : <StyledSkeleton />}
export default Stats;