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# Configuration File

The configuration file should be named `.dog.yml` and be placed in the root directory of your project.
The file format is [yaml](https://yaml.org/).

The following options are available:

## title

Title for the index page of your project.
Type: `string`.
Default: `'Api Reference'`.


title: 'Overview'

## srcPaths

List of relative or absolute paths to a source directory mapped to a list of matching (true) or not matching (false)
patterns (regex or string).
Type: `array`.
Default: `['src' => ['/.*\.php$/' => true]]`

See [symfony/finder documentation](https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/finder.html#path) for more details about
pattern types.


    '/.*\.php$/': true # include all files with php file extension
    '/\/migrations\//': false # exclude all migrations directories

## rules

Add new or change default validation rules.
Type: `array`.
Default: [default set of rules](rules.md).

!!! tip "Change a default rule"

    You should only set `issueLevel` and `match`.
    Both will override the default values.
    The id must match the id of the default rules.

!!! tip "Disable a default rule"
    Simply set `issueLevel` to `'ignore'`.
    The id must match the id of the default rules.

!!! tip "Add a new rule"

    The id of the rule has to be unique.
    You must set `class` to the full qualified class name of the rule.
    Default value for `issueLevel` is `'error'`.
    Default value for `match` is `[]`.

  # ignore default rule
    issueLevel: ignore
  # change issue level of default rule
    issueLevel: warning
  # add new rule
    class: \Klitsche\Dog\Analyzer\Rules\TypeMissingRule
    issueLevel: error
      isPublic: true
      isInternal: false

## enrichers

Configure enrichers to add extra data to project and element items.
Type: `array`.
Default: `[]`

!!! Hint

    See [enrichers](enrichers.md) for more details on how they work and for a list of bundled enrichers.

  # id of enricher
    # full qualified class name
    class: \Klitsche\Dog\Enrichers\PHPLOC\PHPLOCEnricher
    # parameters
    file: phploc.json

## printerClass

Full qualified class name of the template printer class.
Type: `string`.
Default: `'Klitsche\Dog\Printer\Markdown\Printer'`

!!! Hint

    See [printers](printers.md) for more details on how they work.


printerClass: 'Klitsche\Dog\Printer\Markdown\Printer'

## printerConfig

Provide assoc array with custom printer configuration matching the configured printer class.
Type: `array`.
Default: `[]`

## outputPath

Relative or absolute path to output directory
Type: `string`.
Default: `'docs/api'`

!!! Warning

    dog does not purge the output directory before printing. You have to take care of it yourself.


outputDir: 'docs/api'

## debug

Enable or disable debug mode.
Type: `bool`.
Default: `false`.

debug: false