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from copy import copy
from itertools import chain
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.fields.related import ManyToOneRel, ManyToManyRel

def get_subclasses(cls):
    Recursively finds all subclasses of the current class.
    Like Python's __class__.__subclasses__(), but recursive.
    Returns a list containing all subclasses.

    @type cls: object
    @param cls: A Python class.
    @rtype: list(object)
    @return: A list containing all subclasses.
    result = set()
    path = [cls]
    while path:
        parent = path.pop()
        for child in parent.__subclasses__():
            if not '.' in str(child):
                # In a multi inheritance scenario, __subclasses__()
                # also returns interim-classes that don't have all the
                # methods. With this hack, we skip them.
            if child not in result:
    return result

def child_classes(cls):
    Returns all models that have a foreign key pointing to cls.
    children = []
    for field in cls._meta.get_fields():
        if isinstance(field, (ManyToOneRel, ManyToManyRel)):
    return children

def parent_classes(cls):
    Returns all models that are referenced by a foreign key of the
    given class.
    parents = []
    for field in cls._meta.get_fields():
        if isinstance(field, (models.ForeignKey, models.ManyToManyField)):
    return parents

def get_field_to(cls, target_cls):
    for field in cls._meta.get_fields():
        if not isinstance(field, (models.ForeignKey, models.ManyToManyField)):
        if field.remote_field.model is target_cls:
            return field
    return None

def get_object_vector_to(cls, search_cls, subtype, avoid=None):
    Returns a list of all possible paths to the given class.
    Only searches classes that are subtype of the given class.
    # Does the name point to this class? Then we are done.
    if search_cls == cls:
        return [(cls,)]

    # Avoid endless recursion.
    if avoid is None:
        avoid = set()
        avoid = copy(avoid)

    # So the name does not point to this class. Delegate the request to
    # each of our connected classes, collecting all possible paths.
    path_list = []
    for thecls in chain(child_classes(cls), parent_classes(cls)):
        if thecls in avoid:
        if subtype in thecls.__mro__:
            child_path_list = get_object_vector_to(thecls, search_cls, subtype, copy(avoid))
        elif thecls == search_cls:
            child_path_list = [(thecls,)]
        for path in child_path_list:
    return path_list

def yield_all_vectors(search_cls_list, subtype):
    Yields all possible vectors between all given classes.
    for target_cls in search_cls_list[:]:
        for thecls in search_cls_list:
            vectors = get_object_vector_to(thecls, target_cls, subtype)
            for vector in vectors:
                yield vector

def yield_matching_vectors(vectors, search_cls_list):
    Yields all possible vectors that connect all of the given classes.
    The result is sorted by the position of the primary class, and
    the vector length.
    for vector in vectors:
        for target_cls in search_cls_list:
            if target_cls not in vector:
            yield vector

def sort_vectors_by_primary_cls(vectors, primary_cls):
    Sort the vectors by the position of the primary class, and
    the vector length.
    def sort_by_length_and_pos_of_primary_cls(vector):
            pos = vector.index(primary_cls)
        except ValueError:
            pos = 0
        return float('{}.{}'.format(pos, len(vector)))
    return sorted(vectors, key=sort_by_length_and_pos_of_primary_cls)

def get_object_vector_for(cls, search_cls_list, subtype, avoid=None):
    Like get_object_vector_to(), but returns a single vector that reaches
    all of the given classes, if it exists.
    Only searches classes that are subtype of the given class.
    vectors = list(yield_all_vectors(search_cls_list, subtype))
    matching = list(yield_matching_vectors(vectors, search_cls_list))
    if not matching:
        return None # No vector contains all classes

    # Prefer the path where the classes appear in the same order as in
    # search_cls_list.
    primary_cls = search_cls_list[0]
    matching = sort_vectors_by_primary_cls(matching, primary_cls)
    for vector in matching:
        # Remove extra classes that are not explicitly requested.
        clean_vector = [c for c in vector if c in search_cls_list]
        if clean_vector == search_cls_list:
            return vector

    return matching[0] # No vector contains all classes in the same order.

def _class2through_columns(from_cls, through_model):
    table_name = from_cls._meta.db_table
    through_table = through_model._meta.db_table
    through_left = get_field_to(through_model, from_cls).column
    through_right = table_name+'.'
    return through_table, through_left, through_right

def _through2class_columns(through_model, target_cls):
    # From through-table to target class.
    through_table = through_model._meta.db_table
    from_field = get_field_to(through_model, target_cls)
    through_join = from_field.get_reverse_joining_columns()
    left, right = through_join[0]
    right = through_table+'.'+right
    return left, right

def _get_through_model(cls, field):
    if isinstance(field, models.fields.related.ManyToManyField):
        return getattr(cls, field.attname).through
    return None

def _get_join_data(last_cls, to_cls):
    result = []
    last_table_name = last_cls._meta.db_table

    # Two options: The current class has a reference to the other table,
    # or the other way around.
    field = get_field_to(last_cls, to_cls)
    if field:
        through_model = _get_through_model(last_cls, field)
        if through_model:
            result.append(_class2through_columns(last_cls, through_model))
            left, right = _through2class_columns(through_model, to_cls)
            left, right = field.get_reverse_joining_columns()[0]
            right = last_table_name+'.'+right

        field = get_field_to(to_cls, last_cls)
        if field is None:
            raise AttributeError('JOIN for unconnected objects is not possible')

        through_model = _get_through_model(to_cls, field)
        if through_model:
            result.append(_class2through_columns(last_cls, through_model))
            left, right = _through2class_columns(through_model, to_cls)
            left, right = field.get_joining_columns()[0]
            right = last_table_name+'.'+right

    table_name = to_cls._meta.db_table
    result.append((table_name, left, right))
    return result

def get_join_for(vector):
    Given a vector as returned by get_object_vector_for(), this function
    returns a list of tuples that explain how to join the models (tables)
    together on the SQL layer. Each tuple has three elements::

        (table_name, left_key, right_key)

    In the first tuple of the list, left_key is always None.
    In the second tuple of the list, right_key is always None.
    All other tuples required both keys to join them.

    Complete example (keep in mind that the connection between Component
    and Unit is many-to-many, so there's a helper table here)::

        get_join_path_for((Device, Component, Unit))

    This returns::

            ('inventory_device', None, None),
            ('inventory_component', 'device_id', 'inventory_device.metadata_id'),
            ('inventory_unit_component', 'component_id', ''),
            ('inventory_unit', 'id', 'inventory_unit_component.unit_id')

    Which means that the following SQL JOIN could be used::

        SELECT *
        FROM inventory_device
        LEFT JOIN inventory_component ON inventory_component.device_id=inventory_device.metadata_id
        LEFT JOIN inventory_unit_component ON
        LEFT JOIN inventory_unit ON
    result = [(vector[0]._meta.db_table, None, None)]
    for pos, thecls in enumerate(vector[1:]):
        last_cls = vector[pos]
        result += _get_join_data(last_cls, thecls)
    return result