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# Tutorials

This is a list of publicly available Tutorials for using Mermaid.JS and is intended as a basic introduction for the use of the Live Editor for generating diagrams, and deploying Mermaid.JS through HTML.

**Note that these tutorials might display an older interface, but the usage of the live-editor will largely be the same.**

For most purposes, you can use the [Live Editor](, to quickly and easily render a diagram.

## Live-Editor Tutorials

The definitions that can be generated the Live-Editor are also backwards-compatible as of version 8.7.0.

[Chris Chinchilla: Hands on - Text-based diagrams with Mermaid](

[GitLab Unfiltered: How to Create Mermaid Diagrams](

[GitLab Unfiltered: Emilie adds a mermaid diagram to the handbook](

[World of Zero: I Learn How To Build Flowcharts and Signal Diagram's in Mermaid.JS](

[Eddie Jaoude: Can you code your diagrams?](

## Mermaid with OpenAI

[Elle Neal: Mind Mapping with AI: An Accessible Approach for Neurodiverse Learners Tutorial:](, [Demo:](

## Mermaid with HTML

Examples are provided in [Getting Started](../intro/

**CodePen Examples:**

## Mermaid with Text Area

## Mermaid in open source docs

[ Diagram Guide](

[ blog: Improve your documentation with Mermaid.js diagrams](

## Jupyter Integration with mermaid-js

Here's an example of Python integration with mermaid-js which uses the service, that displays the graph in a Jupyter notebook.

import base64
from IPython.display import Image, display
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def mm(graph):
    graphbytes = graph.encode("utf8")
    base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(graphbytes)
    base64_string = base64_bytes.decode("ascii")
    display(Image(url="" + base64_string))

graph LR;
    A--> B & C & D;
    B--> A & E;
    C--> A & E;
    D--> A & E;
    E--> B & C & D;


![Example graph of the Python integration](img/python-mermaid-integration.png)

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