import type { ZipEntry } from 'unzipit'
import { unzip } from 'unzipit'
import { blake2AsHex } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'
import config from './codechecker.config'
import type { AssetMessage } from './types'
type FileEntry = { path: string, content: string }
const cleanFileName = (path) => {
const parts = path.split('/')
return parts[parts.length - 1] // Returns only the file name
const createBlobUrlForEntry = async (entry, mimeType) => {
const blob = await entry.blob()
const typedBlob = new Blob([blob], { type: mimeType })
return URL.createObjectURL(typedBlob)
const extractAssetAttributes = (
element: HTMLScriptElement | HTMLLinkElement,
): {
srcOrHref: string
isExternal: boolean
mimeType: string
parent: 'head' | 'body'
} => {
const srcOrHref = (element.getAttribute('src')
?? element.getAttribute('href')) as string
const isExternal = srcOrHref.startsWith('http')
const mimeType
= element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'script' ? 'text/javascript' : 'text/css'
const parent
= element.parentNode?.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'head' ? 'head' : 'body'
return { srcOrHref, isExternal, mimeType, parent: parent }
// process and add a single asset to the assets array
const processAsset = async (element, entries, assets) => {
const attributes = extractAssetAttributes(element)
const assetType
= element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'script' ? 'script' : 'style'
const asset: AssetMessage = {
type: assetType,
parent: attributes.parent,
src: attributes.srcOrHref,
originalSrc: attributes.srcOrHref,
if (attributes.isExternal) {
const cleanName = cleanFileName(attributes.srcOrHref)
const matchingEntryKey = Object.keys(entries).find(key =>
if (matchingEntryKey) {
const blobUrl = await createBlobUrlForEntry(
asset.src = blobUrl
const calculateCommonPrefix = (filePaths: string[]): string => {
let commonPrefix = ''
const indexPath = filePaths[0]
if (indexPath) {
const lastSlashIndex = indexPath.lastIndexOf('/')
if (lastSlashIndex !== -1) {
commonPrefix = indexPath.substring(0, lastSlashIndex + 1)
return commonPrefix
const categorizeFiles = async (
entries: { [key: string]: ZipEntry },
commonPrefix: string,
): Promise<{ htmlFiles: FileEntry[], jsFiles: FileEntry[], p5Files: FileEntry[] }> => {
const htmlFiles: FileEntry[] = []
const jsFiles: FileEntry[] = []
const p5Files: FileEntry[] = []
for (const [path, file] of Object.entries(entries)) {
const adjustedPath = path.replace(commonPrefix, '')
const content = await file.text()
const isJsFile = path.endsWith('.js')
if (path === 'index.html') {
htmlFiles.push({ path: adjustedPath, content })
// allows p5 libraries
else if (path.includes(config.p5) && isJsFile) {
p5Files.push({ path: adjustedPath, content })
else if (isJsFile) {
jsFiles.push({ path: adjustedPath, content })
return { htmlFiles, jsFiles, p5Files }
// exported functions
export const postAssetsToSandbox = (
message: Array<AssetMessage>,
iframeId: string,
) => {
const iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId) as HTMLIFrameElement
if (iframe?.contentWindow) {
{ type: 'assets', assets: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(message)) },
export const generateRandomHash = () => {
const randomValue = window.crypto
.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(20))
return blake2AsHex(randomValue, 256, null, true)
export const extractAssetsFromZip = async (
zip: File,
): Promise<{
indexFile: FileEntry
sketchFile: FileEntry
p5File: FileEntry
entries: { [key: string]: ZipEntry }
jsFiles: FileEntry[]
}> => {
const { entries } = await unzip(zip)
const filePaths = Object.keys(entries)
const commonPrefix = calculateCommonPrefix(filePaths)
const { htmlFiles, jsFiles, p5Files } = await categorizeFiles(entries, commonPrefix)
const sketchFile = jsFiles.find(file => file.path.includes(config.sketchFile)) as FileEntry
const p5File = p5Files.find(file => file.path.includes(config.p5File)) as FileEntry
return {
indexFile: htmlFiles[0],
export const createSandboxAssets = async (
indexFile: FileEntry,
entries: { [key: string]: ZipEntry },
) => {
const assets: Array<AssetMessage> = []
const htmlContent = indexFile.content
const parser = new DOMParser()
const doc = parser.parseFromString(htmlContent, 'text/html')
const assetElements = Array.from(
doc.querySelectorAll('script[src], link[rel="stylesheet"][href]'),
for (const element of assetElements) {
await processAsset(element, entries, assets)
return assets
export const getDocumentFromString = (html: string): Document => {
const parser = new DOMParser()
return parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html')