import { formatDuration, intervalToDuration, intlFormat } from 'date-fns'
import { DropStatus } from './useDrops'
import type { DropItem } from '@/params/types'
import { getDropById } from '@/services/fxart'
import { fetchOdaCollection, fetchOdaCollectionAbi } from '@/services/oda'
export function toDropScheduledDurationString(startTime: Date, short: boolean = false) {
const duration = intervalToDuration({
start: startTime,
end: new Date(),
const options = {
format: ['hours', 'minutes'],
if (short) {
Object.assign(options, {
locale: {
formatDistance: (token: string, count: string) => {
return {
xHours: '{{count}}h',
xMinutes: '{{count}}m',
xSeconds: '{{count}}s',
}?.[token]?.replace('{{count}}', count)
} as Locale,
return formatDuration(duration, options)
export function formatDropStartTime(
startTime: Date,
locale: string,
withTime = false,
) {
const options = {
day: '2-digit',
month: withTime ? '2-digit' : 'long',
hour12: withTime,
} as const
if (withTime) {
Object.assign(options, {
hour: 'numeric',
minute: '2-digit',
return intlFormat(startTime, options, { locale })
export const formatCETDate = (date: string, time: string): Date =>
new Date(`${date}T${time}+02:00`)
export const parseCETDate = (datetime: string): Date => {
const [date, time] = datetime.split(' ')
return formatCETDate(date, time)
export const dateHasTime = (datetime: string): boolean => /:/.test(datetime)
const ONE_DAYH_IN_MS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
const getLocalDropStatus = (drop: Pick<DropItem, 'dropStartTime' | 'minted' | 'max' | 'disabled'>): DropStatus => {
const now = new Date()
if (drop.minted === drop.max) {
return DropStatus.MINTING_ENDED
if (!drop.dropStartTime) {
return DropStatus.UNSCHEDULED
if (drop.dropStartTime <= now) {
if (drop.disabled) {
return DropStatus.COMING_SOON
return DropStatus.MINTING_LIVE
if (drop.dropStartTime.valueOf() - now.valueOf() <= ONE_DAYH_IN_MS) {
return DropStatus.SCHEDULED_SOON
return DropStatus.SCHEDULED
export async function getDropAttributes(alias: string): Promise<DropItem | undefined> {
// get some offchain data
// ----------------------
const campaign = await getDropById(alias)
const offChainData = {
chain: campaign.chain,
alias: campaign.alias,
collection: campaign.collection,
type: campaign.type,
disabled: campaign.disabled,
start_at: campaign.start_at,
holder_of: campaign.holder_of,
// would be nice if we could get this from the onchain
price: campaign.price,
creator: campaign.creator,
const address = campaign.collection
if (!address) {
// get some onchain data
// ----------------------
const [{ supply, claimed: minted, metadata }, abi] = await Promise.all([
fetchOdaCollection(campaign.chain, address),
isEvm(campaign.chain) ? fetchOdaCollectionAbi(campaign.chain, address) : Promise.resolve(null),
const onChainData = {
max: Number(supply) || FALLBACK_DROP_COLLECTION_MAX,
minted: Number(minted),
collectionDescription: metadata.description,
image: metadata.image,
banner: metadata.banner || metadata.image,
content: metadata.generative_uri || campaign.content,
abi: abi,
// additional data
// ----------------------
let dropStartTime = offChainData.start_at ? parseCETDate(offChainData.start_at) : undefined
if (onChainData.minted >= 5) {
dropStartTime = new Date( - 1e10) // this is a bad hack to make the drop appear as "live" in the UI
const drop = {
isMintedOut: onChainData.minted >= onChainData.max,
isFree: !Number(offChainData.price),
return {
status: getLocalDropStatus(drop),
export const isTBA = (price: unknown) => price === null || price === ''