<template> <NftCard v-if="entityOnChain" :nft="entityOnChain" :link-to="linkTo" :placeholder="placeholder" :prefix="urlPrefix" :show-price="isAvailableToBuy" :variant="variant" :hide-media-info="hideMediaInfo" :class="{ 'in-cart-border': shoppingCartStore.isItemInCart( || listingCartStore.isItemInCart(, }" :show-action-on-hover="!showActionSection" :link="NuxtLink" bind-key="to" :media-player-cover="entity.image" :media-static-video="hideVideoControls" :lazy-loading="lazyLoading" media-hover-on-cover-play :link-target="linkTarget" > <template v-if="!hideAction" #action > <div v-if="!isOwner && isAvailableToBuy" class="flex" > <NeoButton :label="buyLabel" data-testid="item-buy" no-shadow :loading="showActionSection" class="flex-grow" loading-with-label @click.prevent="onClickBuy" /> <NeoButton data-testid="item-add-to-cart" no-shadow class="p-1 !border-l-0" @click.prevent="onClickShoppingCart" > <NeoIcon class="w-4 h-4" :icon=" shoppingCartStore.isItemInCart( ? 'fa-striked-out-cart-shopping' : 'fa-shopping-cart-outline-sharp' " pack="fa-kit" /> </NeoButton> </div> <div v-else-if="isOwner && !hideListing" class="flex" > <template v-if="isStack"> <NeoButton v-if="isThereAnythingToList !== undefined" :label="listLabel" data-testid="item-buy" no-shadow class="flex-grow" @click.prevent="onClickListingCart" /> </template> <template v-else> <NeoButton :label="listLabel" data-testid="item-buy" no-shadow class="flex-grow" @click.prevent="onClickListingCart" /> </template> </div> </template> </NftCard> <NftCardSkeleton v-else :hide-media-info="hideMediaInfo" :variant="skeletonVariant" /></template> <script setup lang="ts">// PLEASE FIX bind-key href => toimport { resolveComponent } from 'vue'import { NeoButton, NeoIcon } from '@kodadot1/brick'import { getTokensNfts, useNftActions } from './useNftActions'import type { NftCardVariant } from '@/components/shared/nftCard/types'import type { TokenEntity } from '@/composables/useNft'import { useShoppingCartStore } from '@/stores/shoppingCart'import { useListingCartStore } from '@/stores/listingCart'import { usePreferencesStore } from '@/stores/preferences'import { nftToShoppingCartItem } from '@/components/common/shoppingCart/utils'import { tokenIdToRoute } from '@/components/unique/utils'import { fetchOdaToken } from '@/services/oda' const { urlPrefix } = usePrefix()const { placeholder } = useTheme()const { isLogIn } = useAuth()const { doAfterLogin } = useDoAfterlogin()const shoppingCartStore = useShoppingCartStore()const listingCartStore = useListingCartStore()const preferencesStore = usePreferencesStore()const { listNftByNftWithMetadata } = useListingCartModal()const { $i18n } = useNuxtApp()const NuxtLink = resolveComponent('NuxtLink') const props = defineProps<{ entity: TokenEntity variant?: NftCardVariant hideMediaInfo?: boolean hideAction?: boolean hideVideoControls?: boolean lazyLoading?: boolean skeletonVariant: string hideListing?: boolean linkTarget?: string}>() const { getNFTForBuying, isAvailableToBuy, isStack, nftForShoppingCart, isOwner, isThereAnythingToList,} = useNftActions(props.entity)const cheapestNFT = ref<NFTWithMetadata>() const linkTo = computed(() => isStack.value ? `/${urlPrefix.value}/collection/${}` : `/${urlPrefix.value}/gallery/${}`,) const variant = computed(() => isStack.value ? `stacked-${props.variant}` : props.variant,) const showActionSection = computed(() => { return ( !isLogIn.value && shoppingCartStore.getItemToBuy?.id !== undefined && shoppingCartStore.getItemToBuy?.id === cheapestNFT.value?.id )}) const buyLabel = computed(function () { if (showActionSection.value) { return $i18n.t('shoppingCart.wallet') } return $i18n.t( preferencesStore.getReplaceBuyNowWithYolo ? 'YOLO' : 'shoppingCart.buyNow', )}) const listLabel = computed(() => listingCartStore.isItemInCart( ? $i18n.t('remove') : $i18n.t('select')) const openCompletePurcahseModal = () => { preferencesStore.setCompletePurchaseModal({ isOpen: true, mode: 'buy-now', })} const onCancelPurchase = () => { shoppingCartStore.removeItemToBuy()} const onClickBuy = async () => { if (isAvailableToBuy.value) { const nft = await getNFTForBuying() shoppingCartStore.setItemToBuy(nftToShoppingCartItem(nft)) doAfterLogin({ onLoginSuccess: openCompletePurcahseModal, onCancel: onCancelPurchase, }) }} const onClickShoppingCart = async () => { if (shoppingCartStore.isItemInCart( { shoppingCartStore.removeItem( } else { const nft = await getNFTForBuying() shoppingCartStore.setItem(nftToShoppingCartItem(nft)) }} const onClickListingCart = async () => { const nftsToProcess = await getTokensNfts([props.entity]) for (const nft of nftsToProcess) { listNftByNftWithMetadata(nft, { toggle: true }) }} onMounted(async () => { cheapestNFT.value = await getNFTForBuying()}) const entityOnChain = ref(props.entity)const { isAssetHub } = useIsChain(urlPrefix) onMounted(async () => { // until fixed on indexer side // ref: if (variant.value === 'minimal' && isAssetHub.value) { const { id: collectionId, item: tokenId } = tokenIdToRoute( const metadata = await fetchOdaToken(urlPrefix.value, collectionId, tokenId) if (metadata.metadata) { entityOnChain.value = { ...props.entity, name:, } } }})</script> <style lang="scss" scoped>@import '@/assets/styles/abstracts/variables'; .in-cart-border { @include ktheme() { outline: 2px solid theme('k-blue') !important; outline-offset: -1px; border-color: transparent !important; background-color: theme('blue-light-cards'); }} .hover-color { &:hover { @include ktheme() { background-color: theme('background-color-inverse'); } // can this be used in the composable to remove assets? img { filter: invert(1); } }}</style>