<section class="instance">
<LandingHeroBanner />
<template v-if="showCarousel">
<!-- top collections -->
class="py-8 instance"
<div class="container is-fluid">
<LandingTopCollections class="my-5" />
<section class="py-8 instance">
<div class="container is-fluid">
<!-- generative -->
<LazyCarouselTypeGenerative />
<section class="py-8 instance">
<div class="container is-fluid">
<!-- latest sales -->
<LazyCarouselTypeLatestSales />
<!-- new listings -->
<LazyCarouselTypeNewestList class="mt-8" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import type { Prefix } from '@kodadot1/static'
import { openProfileCreateModal } from '@/components/profile/create/openProfileModal'
import { useProfileOnboardingStore } from '@/stores/profileOnboarding'
const hiddenCarrouselPrefixes: Prefix[] = ['dot']
const forbiddenPrefixesForTopCollections: Prefix[] = ['ksm', 'dot', 'imx']
const { urlPrefix } = usePrefix()
const profileOnboardingStore = useProfileOnboardingStore()
const { hasProfile, isFetchingProfile } = useProfile()
// currently only supported on rmrk
const showCarousel = computed(
() => !hiddenCarrouselPrefixes.includes(urlPrefix.value),
const showTopCollections = computed(
() => !forbiddenPrefixesForTopCollections.includes(urlPrefix.value),
watchEffect(() => {
if (!hasProfile.value && !isFetchingProfile.value && profileOnboardingStore.getShouldShowOnboarding) {
// delay to show onboarding modal to avoid disturbing the user
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)