import { WagmiPlugin } from '@wagmi/vue'
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from 'nuxt/app'
import { base, immutableZkEvm, mantle } from '@wagmi/vue/chains'
import { defaultWagmiConfig } from '@web3modal/wagmi/vue'
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
const wagmiConfig = (projectId: string) => {
const metadata = {
name: 'Koda',
description: 'Koda - Generative Art Marketplace',
url: '',
icons: [''],
return defaultWagmiConfig({
chains: [base, immutableZkEvm, mantle],
const projectId = useRuntimeConfig().public.walletConnectProjectId
nuxtApp.vueApp.use(WagmiPlugin, { config: wagmiConfig(projectId) })
// By default, you don't need to pass the config as long as you are using composables from @wagmi/vue.
// If you still need to pass the config, you can do so through the useConfig() composable.
// If you need the config outside of the plugin, such as from a Pinia store, you can access it through useNuxtApp().$wagmiConfig.
return {
provide: {
wagmiConfig: wagmiConfig(projectId),