import keyring from '@polkadot/ui-keyring'
import type { AddressOrPair, SubmittableExtrinsic } from '@polkadot/api/types'
import type { Callback, ISubmittableResult } from '@polkadot/types/types'
import type { DispatchError, Hash } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'
import type { ApiPromise } from '@polkadot/api'
import { Interaction } from '@kodadot1/minimark/v1'
import { estimateGas, getGasPrice } from '@wagmi/core'
import { useConfig } from '@wagmi/vue'
import type { Address } from 'viem'
import { encodeFunctionData } from 'viem'
import type { Prefix } from '@kodadot1/static'
import { calculateBalance } from './format/balance'
import type { KeyringAccount } from '@/utils/types/types'
import { getAddress } from '@/utils/extension'
import { toDefaultAddress } from '@/utils/account'
import { KODADOT_DAO } from '@/utils/support'
import type { Actions, ActionsInteractions, ExecuteEvmTransactionParams } from '@/composables/transaction/types'
export type ExecResult = UnsubscribeFn | string
export type Extrinsic = SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>
export type UnsubscribeFn = () => string
export const execResultValue = (execResult: ExecResult): string => {
if (typeof execResult === 'function') {
return execResult()
return execResult
const exec = async (
account: KeyringAccount | string,
password: string | null,
callback: (...params: any[]) => SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>,
params: any[],
statusCb: Callback<any>,
): Promise<ExecResult> => {
try {
const transfer = await callback(...params)
const address = typeof account === 'string' ? account : account.address
const injector = await getAddress(toDefaultAddress(address))
if (!injector) {
throw new Error('Oops! We can\'t find your wallet, please log in again.')
const hasCallback = typeof statusCb === 'function'
const options = injector ? { signer: injector.signer } : undefined
const signer: AddressOrPair = injector
? address
: extractFromKeyring(address, password)
const tx = await transfer.signAsync(signer, options)
const hash = await getHash(hasCallback, tx, transfer, statusCb)
return typeof hash === 'function'
? constructCallback(hash, tx.hash.toHex())
: hash.toHex()
catch (err) {
throw err
const getHash = async (hasCallback, tx, transfer, statusCb) => {
return hasCallback ? await tx.send(statusCb) : await transfer.send()
const extractFromKeyring = (address: string, password: string | null) => {
const alicePair = keyring.getPair(address)
if (password) {
return alicePair
const constructCallback = (cb: () => void, result: string) => {
return () => {
return result
export type TxCbOnSuccessParams = { blockHash: Hash, txHash: Hash }
export const txCb
= (
onSuccess: (prams: TxCbOnSuccessParams) => void,
onError: (err: DispatchError) => void,
onResult: (result: ISubmittableResult) => void = console.log,
) =>
(result: ISubmittableResult): void => {
if (result.dispatchError) {
console.warn('[EXEC] dispatchError', result)
if (result.status.isFinalized) {
console.log('[EXEC] Finalized', result)
console.log(`[EXEC] blockHash ${result.status.asFinalized}`)
onSuccess({ blockHash: result.status.asFinalized, txHash: result.txHash })
export const estimate = async (
account: KeyringAccount | string,
callback: (...params: any) => SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>,
params: any[],
): Promise<string> => {
const transfer = await callback(...params)
const address
= typeof account === 'string' ? account ?? KODADOT_DAO : account.address
// if user have not connect wallet, we provide a mock address to estimate fee
const injector = await getAddress(toDefaultAddress(address))
const info = await transfer.paymentInfo(
injector ? { signer: injector.signer } : {},
return info.partialFee.toString()
const estimateEvm = async ({ arg, abi, functionName, account, prefix }: ExecuteEvmTransactionParams & { account: string, prefix: Prefix }) => {
const wagmiConfig = useConfig()
const [estimatedGas, gasPrice] = await Promise.all([
estimateGas(wagmiConfig, {
account: account as Address,
data: encodeFunctionData({
args: arg,
chainId: PREFIX_TO_CHAIN[prefix]?.id,
return String(estimatedGas * gasPrice)
const preProcessedAction: Partial<Record<ActionsInteractions, (params: { action: Actions, account: string }) => Actions>> = {
[Interaction.SEND]: ({ action, account }) => ({ ...action, address: account }),
export const getActionTransactionFee = ({
address: account,
}: {
action: Actions
address: string
api?: ApiPromise
prefix?: Prefix
}): Promise<string> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Keep in mind atm actions with ipfs file will be uploadeed
if ([Interaction.MINT, Interaction.MINTNFT].includes(action.interaction)) {
console.log('[ACTION FEE]: Fee not allowed', action.interaction)
return resolve('0')
const item = preProcessedAction[action.interaction]?.({ action, account }) || action
executeTransaction: async (params) => {
try {
const fee = await execByVm({
SUB: () => estimate(account, params.cb, params.arg),
EVM: () => estimateEvm({ account, ...params, prefix }),
}, { prefix }) as string
catch (error) {
isLoading: ref(false),
status: ref(''),
export const estimateTransactionFee = (account: string, decimals: number): Promise<string> => getTransitionFee(account, [''], decimals)
export const getTransitionFee = async (
accountId: string,
targetAddresses: Array<string>,
decimal: number,
) => {
const { cb, arg } = await getTransferParams(
() =>
address: toDefaultAddress(KODADOT_DAO),
usd: 1,
token: 1,
}) as TargetAddress,
return estimate(accountId, cb, arg)
export type TargetAddress = {
address: string
usd?: number | string
token?: number | string
isInvalid?: boolean
const getTransferParams = async (
addresses: TargetAddress[],
decimals: number,
) => {
const { apiInstance } = useApi()
const api = await apiInstance.value
const isSingle = addresses.length === 1
const firstAddress = addresses[0]
const cb = isSingle
? api.tx.balances.transferAllowDeath
: api.tx.utility.batch
const arg = isSingle
? [
String(calculateBalance(firstAddress.token as number, decimals)),
: [
addresses.map((target) => {
const amountToTransfer = String(
calculateBalance(target.token as number, decimals),
return api.tx.balances.transferAllowDeath(
return { cb, arg }
export default exec