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package core

import (

    str "github.com/kode4food/ale/internal/strings"

type (
    asmEncoder struct {
        args    map[data.Local]data.Value
        labels  map[data.Local]isa.Operand
        private map[data.Local]data.Local

    call struct {
        argCount int

    callMap map[data.Local]*call

    toOperandFunc func(data.Value) (isa.Operand, error)
    toNameFunc    func(*asmEncoder, data.Local) data.Local

const (
    // ErrUnknownDirective is raised when an unknown directive is called
    ErrUnknownDirective = "unknown directive: %s"

    // ErrUnexpectedForm is raised when an unexpected form is encountered in
    // the assembler block
    ErrUnexpectedForm = "unexpected form: %s"

    // ErrIncompleteInstruction is raised when an instruction is encountered in
    // the assembler block not accompanied by a required operand
    ErrIncompleteInstruction = "incomplete instruction: %s"

    // ErrUnknownLocalType is raised when a local or private is declared that
    // doesn't have a proper disposition (var, ref, rest)
    ErrUnknownLocalType = "unexpected local type: %s, expected: %s"

    // ErrUnexpectedParameter is raised when an encoder parameter is not found.
    // These are declared using the !make-special directive
    ErrUnexpectedParameter = "unexpected parameter name: %s"

    // ErrUnexpectedName is raised when a local name is referenced that hasn't
    // been declared as part of the assembler encoder's scope
    ErrUnexpectedName = "unexpected local name: %s"

    // ErrUnexpectedLabel is raised when a jump or cond-jump instruction refers
    // to a label that hasn't been anchored in the assembler block
    ErrUnexpectedLabel = "unexpected label: %s"

    // ErrBadNameResolution is raised when an attempt is made to bind a local
    // using an argument to the encoder that is not a Local symbol
    ErrBadNameResolution = "encoder argument is not a name: %s"

const (
    MakeSpecial = data.Local("!make-special")
    Resolve     = data.Local(".resolve")
    Evaluate    = data.Local(".eval")
    ForEach     = data.Local(".for-each")
    Const       = data.Local(".const")
    Local       = data.Local(".local")
    Private     = data.Local(".private")
    PushLocals  = data.Local(".push-locals")
    PopLocals   = data.Local(".pop-locals")

var (
    instructionCalls = getInstructionCalls()
    encoderCalls     = getEncoderCalls()
    calls            = mergeCalls(instructionCalls, encoderCalls)

    gen = data.NewSymbolGenerator()

    cellTypes = map[data.Keyword]encoder.CellType{
        data.Keyword("val"):  encoder.ValueCell,
        data.Keyword("ref"):  encoder.ReferenceCell,
        data.Keyword("rest"): encoder.RestCell,

    cellTypeNames = makeCellTypeNames()

// Asm provides indirect access to the Encoder's methods and generators
func Asm(e encoder.Encoder, args ...data.Value) {

func makeAsmEncoder(e encoder.Encoder) *asmEncoder {
    return &asmEncoder{
        Encoder: e,
        labels:  map[data.Local]isa.Operand{},
        args:    map[data.Local]data.Value{},
        private: map[data.Local]data.Local{},

func (e *asmEncoder) withParams(n data.Locals, v data.Vector) *asmEncoder {
    args := make(map[data.Local]data.Value, len(n))
    for i, k := range n {
        args[k] = v[i]
    res := e.copy()
    res.args = args
    return res

func (e *asmEncoder) copy() *asmEncoder {
    res := *e
    res.args = maps.Clone(res.args)
    res.private = maps.Clone(res.private)
    res.labels = maps.Clone(res.labels)
    return &res

func (e *asmEncoder) process(forms data.Sequence) {
    if f, r, ok := forms.Split(); ok {
        if l, ok := f.(data.Local); ok {
            switch l {
            case MakeSpecial:

func (e *asmEncoder) makeSpecialCall(forms data.Sequence) {
    pc := parseParamCases(forms)
    ac := pc.makeChecker()
    f := pc.makeFetchers()
    fn := func(e encoder.Encoder, args ...data.Value) {
        if err := ac(len(args)); err != nil {
        for i, c := range pc.Cases() {
            if a, ok := f[i](args); ok {
                ae := makeAsmEncoder(e).withParams(c.params, a)
    e.Emit(isa.Const, e.AddConstant(special.Call(fn)))

func (e *asmEncoder) encode(forms data.Sequence) {
    for f, r, ok := forms.Split(); ok; f, r, ok = r.Split() {
        switch name := f.(type) {
        case data.Keyword:
            e.Emit(isa.Label, e.getLabelIndex(name.Name()))
        case data.Local:
            d, ok := calls[name]
            if !ok {
                panic(fmt.Errorf(ErrUnknownDirective, name))
            args, rest, ok := take(r, d.argCount)
            if !ok {
                panic(fmt.Errorf(ErrIncompleteInstruction, name))
            d.Call(e, args...)
            r = rest
            panic(fmt.Errorf(ErrUnexpectedForm, data.ToString(f)))

func (e *asmEncoder) getLabelIndex(n data.Local) isa.Operand {
    if idx, ok := e.labels[n]; ok {
        return idx
    idx := e.NewLabel()
    e.labels[n] = idx
    return idx

func (e *asmEncoder) toOperands(oc isa.Opcode, args data.Vector) []isa.Operand {
    return basics.Map(args, func(a data.Value) isa.Operand {
        ao := isa.Effects[oc].Operand
        toOperand := e.getToOperandFor(ao)
        r, err := toOperand(a)
        if err != nil {
        return r

func (e *asmEncoder) getToOperandFor(ao isa.ActOn) toOperandFunc {
    switch ao {
    case isa.Locals:
        return e.makeNameToWord()
    case isa.Labels:
        return e.makeLabelToWord()
        return toOperand

func (e *asmEncoder) makeLabelToWord() toOperandFunc {
    return wrapToOperandError(func(val data.Value) (isa.Operand, error) {
        if v, ok := e.resolveEncoderArg(val); ok {
            val = v
        if val, ok := val.(data.Keyword); ok {
            return e.getLabelIndex(val.Name()), nil
        return toOperand(val)
    }, ErrUnexpectedLabel)

func (e *asmEncoder) makeNameToWord() toOperandFunc {
    return wrapToOperandError(func(val data.Value) (isa.Operand, error) {
        if v, ok := e.resolveEncoderArg(val); ok {
            val = v
        if val, ok := val.(data.Local); ok {
            n := e.resolvePrivate(val)
            if cell, ok := e.ResolveLocal(n); ok {
                return cell.Index, nil
            return 0, fmt.Errorf(ErrUnexpectedName, val)
        return toOperand(val)
    }, ErrUnexpectedName)

func (e *asmEncoder) resolveEncoderArg(v data.Value) (data.Value, bool) {
    if v, ok := v.(data.Local); ok {
        res, ok := e.args[v]
        return res, ok
    return nil, false

func (e *asmEncoder) resolvePrivate(l data.Local) data.Local {
    if g, ok := e.private[l]; ok {
        return g
    return l

func getInstructionCalls() callMap {
    res := make(callMap, len(isa.Effects))
    for oc, effect := range isa.Effects {
        name := data.Local(str.CamelToSnake(oc.String()))
        res[name] = func(oc isa.Opcode, ao isa.ActOn) *call {
            return makeEmitCall(oc, ao)
        }(oc, effect.Operand)
    return res

func makeEmitCall(oc isa.Opcode, actOn isa.ActOn) *call {
    argCount := 0
    if actOn != isa.Nothing {
        argCount = 1
    return &call{
        Call: func(e encoder.Encoder, args ...data.Value) {
            e.Emit(oc, e.(*asmEncoder).toOperands(oc, args)...)
        argCount: argCount,

func getEncoderCalls() callMap {
    return callMap{
        Resolve:    {Call: resolveCall, argCount: 1},
        Evaluate:   {Call: evaluateCall, argCount: 1},
        ForEach:    {Call: forEachCall, argCount: 2},
        Const:      {Call: constCall, argCount: 1},
        PushLocals: {Call: pushLocalsCall},
        PopLocals:  {Call: popLocalsCall},
        Local:      {Call: makeLocalEncoder(publicNamer), argCount: 2},
        Private:    {Call: makeLocalEncoder(privateNamer), argCount: 2},

func resolveCall(e encoder.Encoder, args ...data.Value) {
    s := args[0].(data.Symbol)
    if l, ok := s.(data.Local); ok {
        generate.Symbol(e, e.(*asmEncoder).resolvePrivate(l))
    generate.Symbol(e, s)

func evaluateCall(e encoder.Encoder, args ...data.Value) {
    if v, ok := e.(*asmEncoder).resolveEncoderArg(args[0]); ok {
        generate.Value(e, v)
    generate.Value(e, args[0])

func forEachCall(e encoder.Encoder, args ...data.Value) {
    name := args[0].(data.Local)
    encode := eval.Value(e.Globals(), args[1]).(special.Call)
    s, ok := e.(*asmEncoder).resolveEncoderArg(name)
    if !ok {
        panic(fmt.Errorf(ErrUnexpectedParameter, name))
    seq := s.(data.Sequence)
    for f, r, ok := seq.Split(); ok; f, r, ok = r.Split() {
        encode(e, f)

func constCall(e encoder.Encoder, args ...data.Value) {
    if v, ok := e.(*asmEncoder).resolveEncoderArg(args[0]); ok {
        generate.Literal(e, v)
    generate.Literal(e, args[0])

func pushLocalsCall(e encoder.Encoder, _ ...data.Value) {

func popLocalsCall(e encoder.Encoder, _ ...data.Value) {

func makeLocalEncoder(toName toNameFunc) special.Call {
    return func(e encoder.Encoder, args ...data.Value) {
        name := toName(e.(*asmEncoder), args[0].(data.Local))
        kwd := args[1].(data.Keyword)
        cellType, ok := cellTypes[kwd]
        if !ok {
            panic(fmt.Errorf(ErrUnknownLocalType, kwd, cellTypeNames))
        e.AddLocal(name, cellType)

func publicNamer(e *asmEncoder, l data.Local) data.Local {
    if v, ok := e.resolveEncoderArg(l); ok {
        if res, ok := v.(data.Local); ok {
            return res
        panic(fmt.Errorf(ErrBadNameResolution, v))
    return l

func privateNamer(e *asmEncoder, l data.Local) data.Local {
    p := gen.Local(l)
    e.private[l] = p
    return p

func mergeCalls(maps ...callMap) callMap {
    res := callMap{}
    for _, m := range maps {
        for k, v := range m {
            if _, ok := res[k]; ok {
                panic(debug.ProgrammerError("duplicate entry: %s", k))
            res[k] = v
    return res

func take(s data.Sequence, count int) (data.Vector, data.Sequence, bool) {
    var f data.Value
    var ok bool
    res := make(data.Vector, count)
    for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
        if f, s, ok = s.Split(); !ok {
            return nil, nil, false
        res[i] = f
    return res, s, true

func wrapToOperandError(toOperand toOperandFunc, errStr string) toOperandFunc {
    return func(val data.Value) (isa.Operand, error) {
        res, err := toOperand(val)
        if err != nil {
            return 0, errors.Join(fmt.Errorf(errStr, val), err)
        return res, nil

func toOperand(val data.Value) (isa.Operand, error) {
    if val, ok := val.(data.Integer); ok {
        if isa.IsValidOperand(int(val)) {
            return isa.Operand(val), nil
    return 0, fmt.Errorf(isa.ErrExpectedOperand, val)

func makeCellTypeNames() string {
    res := basics.MapKeys(cellTypes)
    var buf strings.Builder
    for i, s := range res {
        switch {
        case i == len(res)-1:
            buf.WriteString(" or ")
        case i != 0:
            buf.WriteString(" ")
    return buf.String()