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Test Coverage
import got from "got";
import http from "http";
import https from "https";
import { CookieJar } from "tough-cookie";
import { URLSearchParams } from "url";

import { ensureTrailingSlash } from "./helpers";
import { Response } from "./response";

type RequestOptions = Record<string, any>;

export class Reqwest {
     * The request body format.
    #bodyFormat!: string;

     * The request options.
    #options: RequestOptions = {};

     * Create a new HTTP Client instance.
    public constructor() {

     * Create a new HTTP Client instance and set the base URL for the request.
    public static new(url: string): Reqwest {
        return new Reqwest().baseUrl(url);

     * Set the base URL for the request.
    public baseUrl(url: string): Reqwest {
        this.#options.prefixUrl = ensureTrailingSlash(url);

        return this;

     * Indicate the request contains JSON.
    public asJson(): Reqwest {
        return this.bodyFormat("json").contentType("application/json");

     * Indicate the request contains form parameters.
    public asForm(): Reqwest {
        return this.bodyFormat("form_params").contentType(

     * Indicate the request is a multi-part form request.
    public asMultipart(): Reqwest {
        return this.bodyFormat("multipart");

     * Specify the body format of the request.
    public bodyFormat(format: string): Reqwest {
        this.#bodyFormat = format;

        return this;

     * Specify the request's content type.
    public contentType(contentType: string): Reqwest {
        return this.withHeaders({ "Content-Type": contentType });

     * Indicate that JSON should be returned by the server.
    public acceptJson(): Reqwest {
        return this.accept("application/json");

     * Indicate the type of content that should be returned by the server.
    public accept(contentType: string): Reqwest {
        return this.withHeaders({ Accept: contentType });

     * Add the given headers to the request.
    public withHeaders(headers: object): Reqwest {
        this.#options.headers = { ...this.#options.headers, ...headers };

        return this;

     * Specify the basic authentication username and password for the request.
    public withBasicAuth(username: string, password: string): Reqwest {
        return this.withHeaders({
            Authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(username + ":" + password).toString(

     * Specify the digest authentication username and password for the request.
    public withDigestAuth(username: string, password: string): Reqwest {
        throw new Error(
            `The [withDigestAuth("${username}", "${password}")] method is not yet supported.`

     * Specify an authorization token for the request.
    public withToken(token: string): Reqwest {
        return this.withHeaders({ Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` });

     * Specify the cookies that should be included with the request.
    public withCookies(cookies: object, domain: string): Reqwest {
        const cookieJar: CookieJar = new CookieJar();

        for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(cookies)) {
            cookieJar.setCookie(`${key}=${value}`, domain);

        this.#options.cookieJar = cookieJar;

        return this;

     * Indicate that redirects should not be followed.
    public withoutRedirecting(): Reqwest {
        this.#options.followRedirects = false;

        return this;

     * Indicate that TLS certificates should not be verified.
    public withoutVerifying(): Reqwest {
        this.#options.verify = false;

        return this;

     * Specify the host that should be used as SOCKS proxy.
    public withAgent(agent: { http: http.Agent; https: https.Agent }): Reqwest {
        this.#options.agent = agent;

        return this;

     * Specify the timeout (in seconds) for the request.
    public timeout(seconds: number): Reqwest {
        this.#options.timeout = seconds;

        return this;

     * Specify the number of times the request should be attempted.
    public retry(times: number, sleep?: number): Reqwest {
        this.#options.retry = {
            limit: times,
            maxRetryAfter: sleep,

        return this;

     * Merge new options into the client.
    public withOptions(options: object): Reqwest {
        this.#options = { ...this.#options, ...options };

        return this;

     * Issue a GET request to the given URL.
    public async get(url: string, query?: object): Promise<Response> {
        return this.send("GET", url, { query });

     * Issue a HEAD request to the given URL.
    public async head(url: string, query?: object): Promise<Response> {
        return this.send("HEAD", url, { query });

     * Issue a POST request to the given URL.
    public async post(url: string, data?: object): Promise<Response> {
        return this.send("POST", url, { data });

     * Issue a PATCH request to the given URL.
    public async patch(url, data?: object): Promise<Response> {
        return this.send("PATCH", url, { data });

     * Issue a PUT request to the given URL.
    public async put(url, data?: object): Promise<Response> {
        return this.send("PUT", url, { data });

     * Issue a DELETE request to the given URL.
    public async delete(url: string, data?: object): Promise<Response> {
        return this.send("DELETE", url, { data });

     * Send the request to the given URL.
    private async send(
        method: string,
        url: string,
        data?: { query?: object; data?: any }
    ): Promise<Response> {
        const options: RequestOptions = {

        if (data && data.query) {
            options.searchParams = data.query;

        if (data && data.data) {
            if (this.#bodyFormat === "json") {
                options.json = data.data;

            if (this.#bodyFormat === "form_params") {
                options.body = new URLSearchParams();

                for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data.data)) {
                    options.body.set(key, value);

            if (this.#bodyFormat === "multipart") {
                options.body = new FormData();

                for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data.data)) {
                    options.body.append(key, value);

        try {
            return new Response(
                await got[method.toLowerCase()](url.replace(/^\/+/g, ""), options)
        } catch (error) {
            return new Response(error.response, error);