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Test Coverage
I need you to write or rewrite all the comments in the code files that I will send you.
You must return the entirety of the files, even if they are particularly long. 
The comments should be in English. Also, add comments to each function to detail what it does.

You must strictly follow the following format for the functions. If a function does not have arguments or a return value, these parts can be omitted, but the description must always be present.

// ${function name} ${small description}
// ${long description}
// Parameters:
// - ${param name}: ${type} ${type description}
// Returns:
// - ${return name}: ${type} ${type description}

In addition, for each struct, you will need to complete each property in the GoDoc format.
For each code file, you must strictly apply all these instructions without taking liberties. 
If I have adjustments to make, you must take them into account for all future requests. 

Is that clear?