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package config

// Constants for default application name and version.
const (
    DEFAULT_APP_NAME = "kitsune" // The default name of the application.
    DEFAULT_VERSION  = "local"   // The default version, typically used for local or development builds.

// Global variables for build information.
var (
    BUILD_COMMIT   string                    // The commit hash of the build, useful for tracking specific builds in version control.
    BUILD_VERSION  string = DEFAULT_VERSION  // The version of the build, defaults to the value in DEFAULT_VERSION.
    BUILD_APP_NAME string = DEFAULT_APP_NAME // The name of the build, defaults to the value in DEFAULT_APP_NAME.

    BUILD_ARCH string // The architecture for which the build was compiled (e.g., amd64, arm).
    BUILD_OS   string // The operating system for which the build was compiled (e.g., linux, windows).

    BUILD_SERVICE_SUPERVISOR string // Build identifier for the supervisor service.
    BUILD_SERVICE_GATEWAY    string // Build identifier for the gateway service.
    BUILD_SERVICE_CACHE      string // Build identifier for the cache service.

    // BUILD_SERVICES is a map associating service names with their respective build identifiers.
    // This map is useful for dynamically referencing build information for different services.
    BUILD_SERVICES = map[string]string{
        "supervisor": BUILD_SERVICE_SUPERVISOR,
        "gateway":    BUILD_SERVICE_GATEWAY,
        "cache":      BUILD_SERVICE_CACHE,