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package http

import (


// HTTPClient represents an HTTP client.
// It encapsulates the functionality for sending HTTP requests and receiving responses,
// handling underlying client and transport configurations.
type HTTPClient struct {
    client    *http.Client    // The underlying HTTP client used for sending requests.
    transport *http.Transport // The transport configuration for the HTTP client.

// NewHTTPClient initializes a new HTTPClient and returns its pointer.
// This function sets up the HTTP client with a custom transport configuration,
// including TLS settings and default timeout.
// Returns:
// - *HTTPClient: A pointer to the newly created HTTPClient.
func NewHTTPClient() *HTTPClient {
    return &HTTPClient{
        client: &http.Client{
            Transport: &http.Transport{
                TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
            Timeout: config.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT * time.Second,

// Send sends an HTTP request and returns the HTTP response.
// This method constructs and sends an HTTP request based on the provided transport request,
// handling headers, method, endpoint, and body. It also processes the received HTTP response,
// extracting status, headers, and body.
// Parameters:
// - req: *generated.Request The HTTP request to be sent.
// Returns:
// - *generated.Response: The HTTP response received.
func (c *HTTPClient) Send(req *generated.Request) *generated.Response {
    // Create a default response with a 500 status code and an empty header.
    res := &generated.Response{
        Status:  500,
        Headers: map[string]*generated.Header{},

    // Create an HTTP request based on the input request.
    httpRequest, err := http.NewRequest(req.Method, req.Endpoint, bytes.NewReader(req.Body))

    if err != nil {
        // If there's an error creating the HTTP request, return the default response.
        return res

    // Set headers for the HTTP request.
    for k, v := range req.Headers {
        for _, h := range v.GetItems() {
            httpRequest.Header.Add(k, h)

    // Send the HTTP request and receive the HTTP response.
    httpResponse, err := c.client.Do(httpRequest)
    if err != nil {
        // If there's an error sending the request, return the default response.
        return res

    defer httpResponse.Body.Close()

    // Populate the response with the status code from the HTTP response.
    res.Status = uint32(httpResponse.StatusCode)

    // Copy headers from the HTTP response to the response object.

    for header := range httpResponse.Header {
        res.Headers[header] = &generated.Header{Items: httpResponse.Header.Values(header)}

    // Read the response body and store it in the response object.
    data, err := io.ReadAll(httpResponse.Body)
    if err != nil {
        // If there's an error reading the response body, return the default response.
        return res

    res.Body = data

    // Return the populated response object.
    return res