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package http

import (


// Server represents an HTTP server that handles both standard and secure connections.
// It encapsulates the functionality of two engines, one for handling standard HTTP
// connections and the other for secure HTTPS connections, along with a router for API routing.
type Server struct {
    standard *Engine        // The engine for handling standard HTTP connections.
    secure   *Engine        // The engine for handling secure HTTPS connections.
    router   *router.Router // The router for managing API endpoints.

// ServerCfg holds configuration data for the HTTP server.
// This structure includes details such as the server's domain, subdomains, and port numbers
// for both HTTP and HTTPS connections.
type ServerCfg struct {
    DOMAIN string   // The domain of the server.
    SUBS   []string // The subdomains of the server.
    HTTP   string   // The port number for HTTP connections.
    HTTPS  string   // The port number for HTTPS connections.

// Engine represents an HTTP engine.
// It is responsible for managing network listeners and the HTTP server for either standard
// or secure connections, keeping track of its running status and configuration details
// like port, domain, and subdomains.
type Engine struct {
    PORT     string       // The port number for the engine.
    DOMAIN   string       // The domain of the engine.
    SUBS     []string     // The subdomains of the engine.
    listener net.Listener // The network listener for the engine.
    server   *http.Server // The HTTP server instance.
    running  bool         // Indicates if the engine is currently running.

// newServerConfig creates a new HTTP server configuration.
// It sets up various timeouts and limits for the server. If a TLS configuration is provided,
// it is applied to enable HTTPS.
// Parameters:
// - tls: *tls.Config Optional TLS configuration for HTTPS.
// Returns:
// - *http.Server: Configured HTTP server.
func newServerConfig(tls *tls.Config) *http.Server {
    srv := &http.Server{
        ReadTimeout:       5 * time.Second,
        WriteTimeout:      5 * time.Second,
        IdleTimeout:       120 * time.Second,
        ReadHeaderTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
        MaxHeaderBytes:    1 << 20,

    if tls != nil {
        srv.TLSConfig = tls

    return srv

// NewServer creates a new HTTP server based on the provided configuration.
// It initializes a standard and, if specified, a secure engine based on the server configuration.
// Parameters:
// - cfg: *ServerCfg Configuration data for the HTTP server.
// Returns:
// - *Server: A new HTTP server.
// - error: An error if any.
func NewServer(cfg *ServerCfg) *Server {
    server := &Server{
        router: router.MakeRouter(),
        standard: &Engine{
            PORT:   cfg.HTTP,
            DOMAIN: cfg.DOMAIN,
            SUBS:   cfg.SUBS,
            server: newServerConfig(nil),

    server.standard.server.Handler = http.HandlerFunc(server.HTTPHandler)

    if cfg.HTTPS == "" {
        return server

    server.secure = &Engine{
        PORT:   cfg.HTTPS,
        DOMAIN: cfg.DOMAIN,
        SUBS:   cfg.SUBS,
        server: newServerConfig(certs.TLSConfigFor(cfg.DOMAIN, cfg.SUBS...)),

    server.secure.server.Handler = http.HandlerFunc(server.HTTPHandler)

    http2.ConfigureServer(server.secure.server, &http2.Server{
        IdleTimeout: config.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT * time.Second,

    return server

func (s *Server) Register(api *router.EndPoint) {

// Start starts the HTTP server, allowing it to accept incoming connections.
// It checks for any running instances of the server and starts the standard and secure engines.
// Returns:
// - error: An error if any.
func (s *Server) Start() error {
    multi := errors.NewMultiError()

    if s.standard.running {
        multi.Add(errors.New("standard server active"))

    if s.secure != nil && s.secure.running {
        multi.Add(errors.New("secure server active"))

    if multi.Count() > 0 {
        return multi

    if s.secure != nil {

    return multi.IsError()

// Stop stops the HTTP server.
// This method halts the server's operations and stops accepting incoming connections.
// Returns:
// - error: An error if any.
func (s *Server) Stop() error {
    multi := errors.NewMultiError()

    if !s.standard.running {
        multi.Add(errors.New("standard server is not active"))

    if s.secure != nil && !s.secure.running {
        multi.Add(errors.New("secure server is not active"))

    if multi.Count() > 0 {
        return multi

    if s.secure != nil {

    return multi.IsError()

// Start starts the HTTP engine, allowing it to accept incoming connections.
// This method initiates the listening process on the specified port and handles incoming requests.
// Returns:
// - error: An error if any.
func (e *Engine) Start() error {
    if e.running {
        return errors.New("server already started")

    listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":"+e.PORT)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    e.listener = listener
    if e.server.TLSConfig != nil {
        e.listener = tls.NewListener(e.listener, e.server.TLSConfig)

    e.running = true

    logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("server start on %v:%v with pid: %v", e.DOMAIN, e.PORT, os.Getpid()))

    go e.server.Serve(e.listener)

    return nil

// Stop stops the HTTP engine.
// It terminates the listening process and stops the server from accepting new connections.
// Returns:
// - error: An error if any.
func (e *Engine) Stop() error {
    if !e.running {
        return errors.New("server is not active")

    err := e.listener.Close()
    e.running = false

    logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("server stop on %v:%v with pid: %v", e.DOMAIN, e.PORT, os.Getpid()))

    return err

// HTTPHandler handles HTTP requests and sends back HTTP responses.
// It processes incoming HTTP requests, creates a corresponding transport request,
// and uses the router to generate a response. The handler deals with various HTTP methods,
// reads request bodies if necessary, and writes back responses including headers and status codes.
// Parameters:
// - w: http.ResponseWriter Response writer to send back the HTTP response.
// - r: *http.Request The incoming HTTP request to be processed.
func (s *Server) HTTPHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    logger.Infof("request: %v %v", r.Host, r.URL.String())
    // Initialize a new transport request and response
    exchange := transport.New()