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Test Coverage
package tcp

import (


// Client manages multiple service connections.
// This struct is responsible for managing connections to different services identified by their addresses.
type Client struct {
    services map[string]*Service
    mu       sync.Mutex // Mutex for thread-safe operations on services map

// NewClient creates a new instance of Client.
// It initializes the client with an empty map for managing services.
// Returns:
// - *Client: Newly created instance of Client.
func NewClient() *Client {
    return &Client{
        services: make(map[string]*Service),

// Connect establishes a service connection for a given address.
// It creates an instance of Service for network interactions.
// Parameters:
// - address: string The TCP address to connect to.
// - nbInstances: ...int Optional parameter to specify the number of instances to create (default is 1).
// Returns:
// - *Service: Instance of the Service for the specified address.
// - error: Error, if any occurred during the connection setup.
func (c *Client) Connect(address string, nbInstances ...int) (*Service, error) {
    num := config.DEFAULT_CLIENT_SERVICE_MAX_CONNS // Default to one instance
    if len(nbInstances) > 0 && nbInstances[0] > 0 {
        num = nbInstances[0]

    defer c.mu.Unlock()

    if service, exists := c.services[address]; exists {
        return service, nil

    c.services[address] = NewService(address, num)

    return c.services[address], nil

// Close closes all service connections managed by the client.
// It iterates over all services and closes each connection.
// Returns:
// - error: Error, if any occurred during the closure of services.
func (c *Client) Close() error {
    defer c.mu.Unlock()

    for _, service := range c.services {
        if err := service.Close(); err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("Error closing service at address %s: %v\n", service.address, err)

    // Clear the services map after closure
    c.services = make(map[string]*Service)

    return nil