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Test Coverage
package tcp

import (


type Service struct {
    mutex       sync.Mutex    // Mutex for thread-safe access.
    connections []*Connection // Active TCP connections.
    address     string        // TCP server address.
    current     int           // Current number of connections.

    recover  chan *generated.Response
    promises map[string]*transport.Exchange

// NewService creates a new service instance.
// Initializes the service and starts connection cleanup routine.
// Parameters:
// - address: string The TCP address of the server.
// - maxConns: int Maximum number of connections.
// Returns:
// - *Service: New service instance.
func NewService(address string, maxConns int) *Service {
    service := &Service{
        address:  address,
        recover:  make(chan *generated.Response),
        promises: make(map[string]*transport.Exchange),

    for i := 0; i < maxConns; i++ {
        service.connections = append(service.connections, newConnection(address, service.recover))

    go service.aggregate()

    return service

func (s *Service) aggregate() {
    for p := range s.recover {
        delete(s.promises, p.Id)

// Send sends a request and waits for a response.
// Uses an available connection from the pool or scales up if needed.
// Parameters:
// - exchange: *transport.Exchange Exchange object with request and response.
// Returns:
// - *transport.Exchange: Updated exchange object with response.
func (s *Service) Send(exchange *transport.Exchange) *transport.Exchange {
    return s.process(exchange, s.current%len(s.connections))

// process the request using a specific connection.
// It uses the indexed writer and reader for sending the request and receiving the response.
// Parameters:
// - exchange: *transport.Exchange The exchange object containing the request and response.
// - index: int The index of the connection to use for this request.
// Returns:
// - *transport.Exchange: The exchange object with the updated response.
func (s *Service) process(exchange *transport.Exchange, index int) *transport.Exchange {
    req := exchange.Request()

    conn := s.connections[index]
    s.promises[req.Id] = exchange
    s.current = (s.current + 1) % len(s.connections)

    conn.o <- req

    return exchange

// Close closes all TCP connections of the service.
// It stops the cleanup ticker and closes each active connection in the service.
// Returns:
// - error: An error, if any occurred during the closure of connections.
func (s *Service) Close() error {
    defer s.mutex.Unlock()

    var err error

    for i, conn := range s.connections {
        if conn != nil {
            if conn.net != nil {
                conn.close = true
                if closeErr := conn.net.Close(); closeErr != nil {
                    err = closeErr // Set the error if closing a connection fails
                conn.net = nil
            s.connections[i] = nil

    return err