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package buffer

import "sync"

var (
    // bufferPools holds the instances of buffer pools, keyed by buffer size.
    // It maps buffer sizes to their respective Pool instances.
    bufferPools = make(map[int32]*Pool)

    // mu is used to synchronize access to the bufferPools map.
    mu = sync.Mutex{}

// Pool represents a pool of byte slices.
// It provides functionality to get and put byte slices to avoid frequent allocation and deallocation,
// which can improve performance in scenarios where byte slices of a fixed size are repeatedly used.
type Pool struct {
    sync *sync.Pool // sync.Pool internally used for pooling byte slices.

// Get retrieves a pointer to a byte slice from the pool.
// It returns a pre-allocated byte slice pointer from the pool, reducing the need for memory allocation.
// Output:
// - *[]byte: A pointer to a byte slice from the pool.
func (p *Pool) Get() *[]byte {
    return p.sync.Get().(*[]byte)

// Put returns a pointer to a byte slice to the pool.
// This method is used to return a used byte slice pointer back to the pool for reuse,
// aiding in efficient memory management.
// Input:
// - x *[]byte: The pointer to the byte slice to be returned to the pool.
func (p *Pool) Put(x *[]byte) {

// ExistPool checks for the existence of a Pool for the given buffer size.
// It returns the Pool if it exists in bufferPools, otherwise nil.
// Parameters:
// - size: int32 The size of the buffer pool to look for.
// Returns:
// - *Pool: The existing buffer pool, or nil if not found.
func ExistPool(size int32) *Pool {
    return bufferPools[size]

// GetPool retrieves or creates a Pool for the given buffer size.
// It ensures thread-safe access to the bufferPools.
// If a Pool does not exist for the given size, it is created and added to bufferPools.
// Parameters:
// - size: int32 The size of the buffer pool to retrieve or create.
// Returns:
// - *Pool: A buffer pool for the given size.
func GetPool(size int32) *Pool {
    defer mu.Unlock()

    if pool := ExistPool(size); pool != nil {
        return pool

    p := &Pool{
        sync: &sync.Pool{
            New: func() any {
                b := make([]byte, size)
                return &b

    bufferPools[size] = p

    return p