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Test Coverage
package daemon

import (


// Constant representing the name of the daemon.
const Name = "daemon"

// Handler struct defines a structure for handling specific daemon tasks.
type Handler struct {
    Name string       // Name of the handler.
    Call func() error // Call is the function to execute the handler's task.

// DaemonHandler manages the lifecycle and signal handling of the daemon.
type DaemonHandler struct {
    PIDHandler *PIDHandler    // PIDHandler is used to manage the PID file of the daemon.
    sigs       chan os.Signal // sigs is a channel for receiving OS signals.
    done       chan bool      // done is a channel to signal the completion of the daemon's execution.

// New creates a new instance of DaemonHandler.
// It initializes the PIDHandler and channels for signal and completion handling.
func New() *DaemonHandler {
    return &DaemonHandler{
        PIDHandler: NewPIDHandler(config.BUILD_APP_NAME, config.PATH_RUN),
        sigs:       make(chan os.Signal, 1),
        done:       make(chan bool, 1),

// Start begins the daemon execution.
// It starts the specified handlers and listens for system signals to handle graceful shutdown.
// Parameters:
// - handlers: ...*Handler A variadic list of handlers to be executed by the daemon.
func (d *DaemonHandler) Start(handlers ...*Handler) {
    signal.Notify(d.sigs, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)

    processes := findProcessByName(findProcessName(os.Getpid()))
    if len(processes) > 1 {
        logger.Error(fmt.Errorf("multiple processes with the same name found: %v", config.BUILD_APP_NAME))
        d.sigs <- syscall.SIGTERM


    go d.handleSignal()

    for _, handler := range handlers {
        go d.processHandler(handler)


// Stop gracefully stops the daemon.
// It sends a SIGTERM signal to the daemon.
func (d *DaemonHandler) Stop() {
    d.sigs <- syscall.SIGTERM

// handleSignal waits for an OS signal and initiates the daemon shutdown process.
func (d *DaemonHandler) handleSignal() {
    d.done <- true

// processHandler executes a given handler and manages its lifecycle.
// It attempts to restart the handler on failure and stops the daemon if it fails repeatedly in a short time.
// Parameters:
// - handler: *Handler The handler to be processed.
func (d *DaemonHandler) processHandler(handler *Handler) {
    count := 0
    startTime := time.Now()

    for {
        logger.Info(config.BUILD_APP_NAME + " " + handler.Name + " start")
        if err := handler.Call(); err != nil {
            logger.Warn(config.BUILD_APP_NAME + " " + handler.Name + " fail:" + err.Error())
            if d.shouldExit(count, startTime) {
                logger.Error(fmt.Errorf(config.BUILD_APP_NAME + " " + handler.Name + " won't start"))
                d.done <- true
        } else {

// shouldExit determines if the daemon should exit based on the number of failures and time elapsed.
// Returns true if the handler has failed multiple times in a short duration.
// Parameters:
// - count: int The number of times the handler has failed.
// - startTime: time.Time The start time of the handler execution.
func (d *DaemonHandler) shouldExit(count int, startTime time.Time) bool {
    if count < 2 {
        return false

    return time.Since(startTime) < time.Minute