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Test Coverage
package permission

import (

// Constants representing file permissions.
const (
    read      = 0400 // Read permission
    write     = 0200 // Write permission
    execution = 0100 // Execution permission

    PERMS_R   = os.FileMode(read)                     // Read permission
    PERMS_W   = os.FileMode(write)                    // Write permission
    PERMS_X   = os.FileMode(execution)                // Execution permission
    PERMS_RW  = os.FileMode(read | write)             // Read and write permissions
    PERMS_RX  = os.FileMode(read | execution)         // Read and execution permissions
    PERMS_WX  = os.FileMode(write | execution)        // Write and execution permissions
    PERMS_RWX = os.FileMode(read | write | execution) // Read, write, and execution permissions

// Validate checks if the file at the specified filePath has the given permissions.
// It retrieves the file information, checks the current permissions, and compares them with the specified permissions.
// The function returns true if the file has the specified permissions, otherwise it returns false.
// Parameters:
// - filePath: string The path of the file to check.
// - perms: fs.FileMode The permissions to validate against the file.
// Returns:
// - bool: true if the file has the specified permissions, false otherwise.
func Validate(filePath string, perms fs.FileMode) bool {
    info, err := os.Stat(filePath)
    if err != nil {
        return false

    return info.Mode().Perm()&perms == perms