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Test Coverage
package process

import (


type Manager struct {
    processes map[string]*Process
    mutex     sync.Mutex

func NewProcessManager() *Manager {
    mngr := &Manager{
        processes: make(map[string]*Process),
        mutex:     sync.Mutex{},

    return mngr

// CreateProcess creates a new process with the given name, command, and arguments.
// It returns a pointer to the created Process and an error if any.
// If a process with the same name is already running or exists, an error is returned.
func (m *Manager) CreateProcess(name string, command string, args ...string) (*Process, error) {
    pidHandler := daemon.NewPIDHandler(name, config.PATH_RUN)

    defer m.mutex.Unlock()

    if pid, _ := pidHandler.GetPID(); pid != 0 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("process with name %s is already running", name)

    _, exists := m.processes[name]
    if exists {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("process with name %s already exists", name)

    proc := &Process{
        Name:       name,
        command:    command,
        args:       args,
        pidHandler: pidHandler,

    err := proc.Start()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to start process: %v", err)

    m.processes[name] = proc
    return proc, nil

// DeleteProcess deletes a process with the given name from the manager.
// It kills the process and removes it from the list of managed processes.
// If no process is found with the given name, it returns an error.
func (m *Manager) DeleteProcess(name string) error {
    defer m.mutex.Unlock()

    proc, exists := m.processes[name]
    if !exists {
        return fmt.Errorf("no process found with name %s", name)

    err := proc.Kill()
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to kill process: %v", err)

    delete(m.processes, name)
    return nil

// GetProcess récupère le processus avec le nom spécifié.
// Il renvoie le processus et un booléen indiquant si le processus existe.
func (m *Manager) GetProcess(name string) (*Process, bool) {
    defer m.mutex.Unlock()

    proc, exists := m.processes[name]
    return proc, exists

// ListProcesses returns a map of all processes managed by the Manager.
// The key of the map is the name of the process, and the value is a pointer to the Process struct.
func (m *Manager) ListProcesses() map[string]*Process {
    defer m.mutex.Unlock()

    copy := make(map[string]*Process, len(m.processes))
    for name, proc := range m.processes {
        copy[name] = proc
    return copy