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"""This module contains helper functions to use the Paho MQTT library with the
MQTT broker defined in a :class:`.MQTTConfig` object.
import json

from paho.mqtt.publish import single

def auth_params(mqtt_config):
    """Return the authentication parameters from a :class:`.MQTTConfig`

        mqtt_config (:class:`.MQTTConfig`): The MQTT connection settings.

        dict: A dict {'username': username, 'password': password} with the
        authentication parameters, or None if no authentication is used.

    .. versionadded:: 0.6.0
    # Set up a dict containing authentication parameters for the MQTT client.
    if mqtt_config.auth.username:
        # The password can be None.
        return {'username': mqtt_config.auth.username,
                'password': mqtt_config.auth.password}
    # Or use no authentication.
        return None

def host_port(mqtt_config):
    """Return the host and port from a :class:`.MQTTConfig` object.

        mqtt_config (:class:`.MQTTConfig`): The MQTT connection settings.

        (str, int): A tuple with the host and port defined in the MQTT
        connection settings.

    .. versionadded:: 0.6.0
    host_port = mqtt_config.broker_address.split(':')

    if mqtt_config.tls.hostname:
        host = mqtt_config.tls.hostname
        host = host_port[0]

    port = int(host_port[1])

    return (host, port)

def tls_params(mqtt_config):
    """Return the TLS configuration parameters from a :class:`.MQTTConfig`

        mqtt_config (:class:`.MQTTConfig`): The MQTT connection settings.

        dict: A dict {'ca_certs': ca_certs, 'certfile': certfile,
        'keyfile': keyfile} with the TLS configuration parameters, or None if
        no TLS connection is used.

    .. versionadded:: 0.6.0
    # Set up a dict containing TLS configuration parameters for the MQTT
    # client.
    if mqtt_config.tls.hostname:
        return {'ca_certs': mqtt_config.tls.ca_file,
                'certfile': mqtt_config.tls.client_cert,
                'keyfile': mqtt_config.tls.client_key}
    # Or don't use TLS.
        return None

def connect(client, mqtt_config, keepalive=60, bind_address=''):
    """Connect to an MQTT broker with the MQTT connection settings defined in
    an :class:`.MQTTConfig` object.

        client (`paho.mqtt.client.Client`_): The MQTT client object.
        mqtt_config (:class:`.MQTTConfig`): The MQTT connection settings.
        keepalive (int, optional): The maximum period in seconds allowed
            between communications with the broker. Defaults to 60.
        bind_address (str, optional): The IP address of a local network
            interface to bind this client to, assuming multiple interfaces
            exist. Defaults to ''.

    .. _`paho.mqtt.client.Client`: https://www.eclipse.org/paho/clients/python/docs/#client

    .. versionadded:: 0.6.0
    host, port = host_port(mqtt_config)

    # Set up MQTT authentication.
    auth = auth_params(mqtt_config)
    if auth:
        client.username_pw_set(auth['username'], auth['password'])

    # Set up an MQTT TLS connection.
    tls = tls_params(mqtt_config)
    if tls:

    client.connect(host, port, keepalive, bind_address)

def publish_single(mqtt_config, topic, payload=None, json_encode=True):
    """Publish a single message to the MQTT broker with the connection settings
    defined in an :class:`.MQTTConfig` object, and then disconnect cleanly.

    .. note:: The Paho MQTT library supports many more arguments when
       publishing a single message. Other arguments than `topic` and `payload`
       are not supported by this helper function: it’s aimed at just the
       simplest use cases.

        mqtt_config (:class:`.MQTTConfig`): The MQTT connection settings.
        topic (str): The topic string to which the payload will be published.
        payload (str, optional): The payload to be published. If '' or None, a
            zero length payload will be published.
        json_encode (bool, optional): Whether or not the payload is a dict
            that will be encoded as a JSON string. The default value is
            True. Set this to False if you want to publish a binary payload

    .. versionadded:: 0.6.0
    host, port = host_port(mqtt_config)
    auth = auth_params(mqtt_config)
    tls = tls_params(mqtt_config)

    if json_encode:
        payload = json.dumps(payload)

    single(topic, payload, hostname=host, port=port, auth=auth, tls=tls)