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package main

import (


// common
var (
    // --format
    flagFormat = &flags.String{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "format",
        Description: fmt.Sprintf("output format (%s)", strings.Join(printers.ListFormats(), "|"))},

    // --page
    flagPage = &flags.Int{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "page",
        Description: "page number (from 1 to 100)"},
        Default: 1,

    // --per-page
    flagPerPage = &flags.Int{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "per-page",
        Description: "records count per page (from 1 to 100)"},
        Default: 100,

// configure
var (
    flagConfigureAccessToken = &flags.String{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "access-token",
        Description: "qiita access token"},
    flagConfigureFormat = &flags.String{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "format",
        Description: "default output format"},

// items
var (
    // --columns
    flagItemsColumns = &flags.StringSlice{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "columns",
        Description: "properties that are going to be presented as columns (table format only)"},
        Default: []string{"id", "title", "user", "url"},

// items search
var (
    // --query
    flagItemsSearchQuery = &flags.String{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "query",
        ShortName:   "q",
        Description: "search query"},

// items create
var (
    // --title
    flagItemsCreateTitle = &flags.String{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "title",
        Description: "the title of the item",

    // --tags
    flagItemsCreateTags = &flags.StringSlice{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "tags",
        Description: "a list of tags"},

    // --body
    flagItemsCreateBody = &flags.String{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "body",
        Description: "item body in markdown"},

    // --private
    flagItemsCreatePrivate = &flags.Bool{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "private",
        Description: "whether the item is private"},

    // --tweet
    flagItemsCreateTweet = &flags.Bool{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "tweet",
        Description: "whether to post a tweet"},

// items update
var (
    // --title
    flagItemsUpdateTitle = &flags.String{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "title",
        Description: "the title of the item",

    // --tags
    flagItemsUpdateTags = &flags.StringSlice{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "tags",
        Description: "a list of tags"},

    // --body
    flagItemsUpdateBody = &flags.String{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "body",
        Description: "item body in markdown"},

    // --private
    flagItemsUpdatePrivate = &flags.Bool{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "private",
        Description: "whether the item is private"},

// items new
var (
    // --title
    flagItemsNewTitle = &flags.String{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "title",
        Description: "the title of the item"},

    // --tags
    flagItemsNewTags = &flags.StringSlice{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "tags",
        Description: "a list of tags"},

    // --private
    flagItemsNewPrivate = &flags.Bool{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "private",
        Description: "whether the item is private"},

// items push
var (
    // --write
    flagItemsPushWrite = &flags.Bool{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "write",
        Description: "write information about the pushed item to a file",

// items pull
var (
    // --out
    flagItemsPullOut = &flags.String{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "out",
        ShortName:   "o",
        Description: "output directory path",
        Required:    true},

    // --all
    flagItemsPullAll = &flags.Bool{Flag: &flags.Flag{
        Name:        "all",
        Description: "pull all items",