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This is a currency converter web app, which uses the http://fixer.io API to get currency rates.

It is built using Rails 5, with CI/CD using Travis CI and Heroku. It also has support for running this app using docker.

## How to run the app

This project was built using docker to facilitate the development. In order to run the project locally, first install docker and then clone this repo.

Inside the project's root folder, run:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

The first command will download the PostgreSQL docker image and build our app docker image. The second command will start the containers. If everything went well you should see something like this in your shell:

web_1  | => Booting Puma
web_1  | => Rails 5.1.0 application starting in development on
web_1  | => Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
web_1  | Puma starting in single mode...
web_1  | * Version 3.8.2 (ruby 2.4.1-p111), codename: Sassy Salamander
web_1  | * Min threads: 5, max threads: 5
web_1  | * Environment: development
web_1  | * Listening on tcp://
web_1  | Use Ctrl-C to stop

Open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.

## Testing

To run the tests you can run:

docker-compose run --rm web rake db:setup
docker-compose run --rm web rspec

The first command will create the test database, and the second will run the tests.