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# Konsento is open source
Konsento is an open source software licensed under the [MIT License](http://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/), meaning anyone can freely see, use, contribute to, change and redistribute the source code, as long as the copyrights to the ONG and the license are kept, and the ONG is not held liable.

## How to contribute to the source code
If you want to contribute to Konsento’s source code, here are a few tips and guidelines.

### Find where to help
The first thing you should do is to find where to help.

#### GitHub issues
The easiest way to find where to help is to check for [open issues in the repository](https://github.com/konsento/konsento/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue%20is%3Aopen%20), or open one yourself if you find any bug.

#### GitHub project
You can check the progress of the issues on the GitHub [project](https://github.com/konsento/konsento/projects/1).

#### Facebook group
If you have any question or suggestion, you can always post it on [our facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/dddcp/) and discuss about it with everyone interested, before committing yourself into making changes to the source code.

### Hack some code!
It’s time to hack some code and submit it. [There’s a GitHub’s comprehensive guide to contributing](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/), but here are the basic steps:

#### Register to GitHub
GitHub is the world’s largest programming collaboration tool in the world, if you’re not registered yet, [register for an account](https://github.com/join), you’ll need it.

#### Fork and clone the repo
Fork the repository so you can make the changes, just click the fork button at the top right of the repository page. You’ll need a local copy of your fork of the repository, so head over to you fork and clone it.

#### Create a new branch, make changes and test
Create a new local branch in your local clone and make some changes using your favorite code editor or IDE. Remember to change or create the respective tests, they’ll need to pass for your changes to be accepted.

#### Commit, push and pull request
Now commit the changes you’ve made, push to your fork of the repository and create a pull request.
We use [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/), so when your pull request is created all tests will be automatically run, if any of them don’t pass you’ll have to check what’s wrong, fix it, commit and push before you changes can be merged.

Feel free to comment on the pull request with questions to any of the repo admins.