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Yii2 Scroll Pager

[Yii2 Scroll Pager (Y2SP)](http://kop.github.io/yii2-scroll-pager) turns your regular paginated page into an
infinite scrolling page using AJAX.

Y2SP works with a `Pagination` object which specifies the totally number of pages and the current page number.

Pager is build with help of [JQuery Infinite Ajax Scroll plugin](http://infiniteajaxscroll.com/).

[![Latest Stable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/kop/yii2-scroll-pager/v/stable.svg)](https://packagist.org/packages/kop/yii2-scroll-pager)
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[![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/kop/yii2-scroll-pager.svg)](https://gemnasium.com/kop/yii2-scroll-pager)

## Requirements

- Yii 2.0
- PHP 5.4

## Installation

The preferred way to install this extension is through [Composer](http://getcomposer.org/).

Either run

``` php composer.phar require kop/yii2-scroll-pager "dev-master" ```

or add

``` "kop/yii2-scroll-pager": "dev-master"```

to the `require` section of your `composer.json` file.

## Usage

Just pass the ScrollPager class name to the ListView `pager` configuration.
Make sure that items in your list have some classes that can be used as JavaScript selectors.

### ListView

echo ListView::widget([
     'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
     'itemOptions' => ['class' => 'item'],
     'itemView' => '_item_view',
     'pager' => ['class' => \kop\y2sp\ScrollPager::className()]

### ListView (Advanced example)

Here you can see how you can use variable `{{ias}}` for events. In this example are added the new settings `linkPager`, `linkPagerOptions` and `linkPagerWrapperTemplate`.
echo ListView::widget([
     'options' => ['class' => 'list-view'],
     'dataProvider' => $listDataProvider,
     'itemOptions' => ['tag' => false],
     'itemView' => '_list_item',
     'summary' => '',
     'layout' => '{items}{pager}',
     'pager' => [
          'class' => \kop\y2sp\ScrollPager::className(),
          'item' => 'article',
          'next' => '.next a',
          'paginationSelector' => '.list-view .pagination',
          'triggerText' => Yii::t('app', 'Show more'),
          'triggerTemplate' => '<span class="reveal-btn">{text}</span>',
          'noneLeftText' => '',
          'noneLeftTemplate' => '',
          'spinnerSrc' => '',
          'spinnerTemplate' => '',
          'linkPager'     => [
               'prevPageCssClass' => 'btn-link prev',
               'nextPageCssClass' => 'btn-link next',
               'prevPageLabel' => '<span class="prev-page">prev</span>',
               'nextPageLabel' => '<span class="next-page">next</span>',
          'linkPagerOptions'     => [
               'class' => 'pagination',
          'linkPagerWrapperTemplate' => '<div class="button-news-more"><div class="wrapper"><div class="paging">{pager}</div></div></div>',
          'eventOnPageChange' => 'function() {{{ias}}.hidePagination();}',
          'eventOnReady' => 'function() {{{ias}}.restorePagination();}',

### GridView

echo GridView::widget([
     'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
     'pager' => [
        'class' => \kop\y2sp\ScrollPager::className(),
        'container' => '.grid-view tbody',
        'item' => 'tr',
        'paginationSelector' => '.grid-view .pagination',
        'triggerTemplate' => '<tr class="ias-trigger"><td colspan="100%" style="text-align: center"><a style="cursor: pointer">{text}</a></td></tr>',

## Configuration

### General Options

| Option name           | Description      | Default value |
|---                 |---                |---            |
| container           | The selector of the element containing your items that you want to paginate. | `.list-view` |
| item               | The selector of the element that each item has.<br Make sure the elements are inside the container element. | `.item` |
| paginationSelector | The selector of the element containing the pagination. | `.list-view .pagination` |
| next               | The selector of the link element that links to the next page.<br> The href attribute of this element will be used to get the items from the next page.<br> Make sure there is only one(1) element that matches the selector. | `.next a` |
| delay               | Minimal number of milliseconds to stay in a loading state. | `600` |
| negativeMargin       | By default IAS starts loading new items when you scroll to the latest `.item` element.<br> The `negativeMargin` will be added to the items offset, giving you the ability to load new items earlier (please note that the margin is always transformed to a negative integer).<br><br> *Example:* Setting a negativeMargin of 250 means that IAS will start loading 250 pixel before the last item has scrolled into view. | `10` |

### Extensions

| Option name           | Description      | Default value |
|---                 |---                |---            |
| enabledExtensions  | The list of the enabled plugin extensions. | [<br>&emsp; `ScrollPager::EXTENSION_TRIGGER`, <br>&emsp; `ScrollPager::EXTENSION_SPINNER`, <br>&emsp; `ScrollPager::EXTENSION_NONE_LEFT`, <br>&emsp; `ScrollPager::EXTENSION_PAGING`, <br>&emsp; `ScrollPager::EXTENSION_HISTORY` <br>] |

### Extension Options

| Option name           | Description      | Default value |
|---                 |---                |---            |
| triggerText           | Text of trigger the link. | `Load more items` |
| triggerTemplate       | Allows you to override the trigger html template. | `<div class="ias-trigger" style="text-align: center; cursor: pointer;"><a>{text}</a></div>` |
| triggerOffset       | The number of pages which should load automatically. After that the trigger is shown for every subsequent page.<br><br> *Example:* if you set the offset to 2, the pages 2 and 3 (page 1 is always shown) would load automatically and for every subsequent page the user has to press the trigger to load it. | `0` |
| spinnerSrc           | The src attribute of the spinner image. | ![Spinner Image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kop/yii2-scroll-pager/v1.0.2/assets/infinite-ajax-scroll/images/loader.gif) |
| spinnerTemplate       | Allows you to override the spinner html template. | `<div class="ias-spinner" style="text-align: center;"><img src="{src}"/></div>` |
| noneLeftText       | Text of the "nothing left" message. | `You reached the end` |
| noneLeftTemplate   | Allows you to override the "nothing left" message html template. | `<div class="ias-noneleft" style="text-align: center;">{text}</div>` |
| historyPrev           | The selector of the link element that links to the previous page.<br> The href attribute of this element will be used to get the items from the previous page.<br> Make sure there is only one element that matches the selector. | `.previous` |
| historyPrevText           | Text of previous page trigger. | `Load previous items` |
| historyPrevTemplate       | Allows you to override the previous trigger html template. | `<div class="ias-trigger ias-trigger-prev" style="text-align: center; cursor: pointer;"><a>{text}</a></div>'` |
| overflowContainer  | A selector for `div` HTML element to use as an overflow container. | `null` |

### Plugin Events

| Option name           | Description      | Default value |
|---                 |---                |---            |
| eventOnScroll       | Triggered when the visitors scrolls. | `null` |
| eventOnLoad           | Triggered when a new url will be loaded from the server. | `null` |
| eventOnLoaded       | Triggered after a new page was loaded from the server. | `null` |
| eventOnRender       | Triggered before new items will be rendered. | `null` |
| eventOnRendered       | Triggered after new items have rendered. | `null` |
| eventOnNoneLeft       | Triggered when there are no more pages left. | `null` |
| eventOnNext           | Triggered when the next page should be loaded.<br> Happens before loading of the next page starts. With this event it is possible to cancel the loading of the next page.<br> You can do this by returning false from your callback. | `null` |
| eventOnReady       | Triggered when IAS and all the extensions have been initialized. | `null` |
| eventOnPageChange  | Triggered when a used scroll to another page. | `null` |

## Report

- Report any issues [on the GitHub](https://github.com/kop/yii2-scroll-pager/issues).

## License

**yii2-scroll-pager** is released under the MIT License. See the bundled `LICENSE.md` for details.

## Resources

- [Project Page](http://kop.github.io/yii2-scroll-pager)
- [Packagist Package](https://packagist.org/packages/kop/yii2-scroll-pager)
- [Source Code](https://github.com/kop/yii2-scroll-pager)