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 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the new BSD License.
 * Copyright (c) 2008-2014, Sebastian Staudt
 * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License

namespace SteamCondenser;

use SteamCondenser\Exceptions\SocketException;

 * This class represents a UDP socket
 * It can connect to a remote host, send and receive packets
 * @author  Sebastian Staudt
 * @package steam-condenser
class UDPSocket extends Socket {

     * Connects the UDP socket to the host with the given IP address and port
     * number
     * Depending on whether PHP's sockets extension is loaded, this uses either
     * <var>socket_create</var>/<var>socket_connect</var> or
     * <var>fsockopen</var>.
     * @param string $ipAddress The IP address to connect to
     * @param int $portNumber The UDP port to connect to
     * @param int $timeout The timeout in milliseconds
     * @throws SocketException if an error occurs during connecting the socket
    public function connect($ipAddress, $portNumber, $timeout) {
        $this->ipAddress = $ipAddress;
        $this->portNumber = $portNumber;

        if($this->socketsEnabled) {
            if(!$this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP)) {
                throw new SocketException(socket_last_error($this->socket));
            if(!socket_connect($this->socket, $ipAddress, $portNumber)) {
                throw new SocketException(socket_last_error($this->socket));
        } else {
            if(!$this->socket = fsockopen("udp://$ipAddress", $portNumber, $socketErrno, $socketErrstr)) {
                throw new SocketException($socketErrstr);
            stream_set_blocking($this->socket, true);