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# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the new BSD License.
# Copyright (c) 2010-2015, Sebastian Staudt

require 'multi_json'

require 'steam-condenser/community/web_api'

module SteamCondenser::Community

  # This class represents Steam news and can be used to load a list of current
  # news about specific games
  # @author Sebastian Staudt
  class AppNews

    # Returns the Steam Application ID of the game this news belongs to
    # @return [Fixnum] The application ID of the game this news belongs to
    attr_reader :app_id

    # Returns the name of the author of this news
    # @return [String] The author of this news
    attr_reader :author

    # Returns the contents of this news
    # This might contain HTML code.
    # @note Depending on the setting for the maximum length of a news (see
    #       {.news_for_app}), the contents might be truncated.
    # @return [String] The contents of this news
    attr_reader :contents

    # Returns the date this news item has been published
    # @return [Time] The date this news has been published
    attr_reader :date

    # Returns the name of the feed this news item belongs to
    # @return [String] The name of the feed this news belongs to
    attr_reader :feed_label

    # Returns the symbolic name of the feed this news item belongs to
    # @return [String] The symbolic name of the feed this news belongs to
    attr_reader :feed_name

    # Returns a unique identifier for this news
    # @return [Fixnum] A unique identifier for this news
    attr_reader :gid

    # Returns the title of this news
    # @return [String] The title of this news
    attr_reader :title

    # Returns the URL of the original news
    # This is a direct link to the news on the Steam website or a redirecting
    # link to the external post.
    # @return [String] The URL of the original news
    attr_reader :url

    # Loads the news for the given game with the given restrictions
    # @param [Fixnum] app_id The unique Steam Application ID of the game (e.g.
    #        `440` for Team Fortress 2). See
    #        http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_Application_IDs for
    #        all application IDs.
    # @param [Fixnum] count The maximum number of news to load. There's no
    #        reliable way to load all news. Use a really great number instead.
    # @param [Fixnum] max_length The maximum content length of the news. If a
    #        maximum length is defined, the content of the news will only be at
    #        most `max_length` characters long plus an ellipsis.
    # @return [Array<AppNews>] An array of news items for the specified game
    #         with the given options
    def self.news_for_app(app_id, count = 5, max_length = nil)
      params = { appid: app_id, count: count, maxlength: max_length }
      data = WebApi.json('ISteamNews', 'GetNewsForApp', 2, params)

      news_items = []
      data[:appnews][:newsitems].each do |news_data|
        news_items << AppNews.new(app_id, news_data)


    # Returns whether this news item originates from a source other than Steam
    # itself (e.g. an external blog)
    # @return [Boolean] `true` if this news item is from an external source
    def external?

    # Returns a simple textual representation of this news item
    # Will consist of the name of the feed this news belongs to and the title
    # of the news.
    # @return [String] A simple text representing this news
    def to_s
      "#@feed_label: #@title"


    # Creates a new instance of an AppNews news item with the given data
    # @param [Fixnum] app_id The unique Steam Application ID of the game (e.g.
    #        `440` for Team Fortress 2). See
    #        http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_Application_IDs for
    #        all application IDs.
    # @param [Hash<Symbol, Object>] news_data The news data extracted from JSON
    def initialize(app_id, news_data)
      @app_id      = app_id
      @author      = news_data[:author]
      @contents    = news_data[:contents].strip
      @data        = Time.at(news_data[:date])
      @external    = news_data[:is_external_url]
      @feed_label  = news_data[:feedlabel]
      @feed_name   = news_data[:feedname]
      @gid         = news_data[:gid]
      @title       = news_data[:title]
      @url         = news_data[:url]
