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# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the new BSD License.
# Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Sebastian Staudt

require 'steam-condenser/error'

module SteamCondenser

  # This error is raised when a Steam Web API request or a related action
  # fails. This can have various reasons like an invalid Web API key or a
  # broken request.
  # @author Sebastian Staudt
  # @see WebApi
  class Error::WebApi < Error

    # Creates a new `Error::WebApi` with an error message according to the
    # given `cause`. If this cause is `:status_bad` (which will origin from the
    # Web API itself) or `:http_error` the details about this failed request
    # will be taken from `status_code` and `status_message`.
    # @param [:http_error, :invalid_key, :status_bad, :unauthorized] cause A
    #        symbolic name for the problem which caused this error:
    #        * `:http_error`: An error during the HTTP request itself will
    #          result in an error with this reason.
    #        * `:invalid_key`: This occurs when trying to set a Web API key
    #          thatĀ isn't valid, i.e. a 128 bit integer in a hexadecimal
    #          string.
    #        * `:status_bad`: This is caused by a successful request that fails
    #          for some Web API internal reason (e.g. an invalid argument).
    #          Details about this failed request will be taken from
    #          `status_code` and `status_message`.
    #        * `:unauthorized`: This happens when a Steam Web API request is
    #          rejected as unauthorized. This most likely means that you did
    #          not specify a valid Web API key using {WebApi.api_key=}. A Web
    #          API key can be obtained from
    #          http://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey.
    #        Other undefined reasons will cause a generic error message.
    # @param [Fixnum] status_code The HTTP status code returned by the Web API
    # @param [String] status_message The status message returned in the
    #        response
    def initialize(cause, status_code = nil, status_message = '')
      case cause
        when :http_error then
          message = "The Web API request has failed due to an HTTP error: #{status_message} (status code: #{status_code})."
        when :invalid_key then
          message = 'This is not a valid Steam Web API key.'
        when :status_bad then
          message = "The Web API request failed with the following error: #{status_message} (status code: #{status_code})."
        when :unauthorized then
          message = 'Your Web API request has been rejected. You most likely did not specify a valid Web API key.'
          message = 'An unexpected error occured while executing a Web API request.'

      super message
