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# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the new BSD License.
# Copyright (c) 2008-2015, Sebastian Staudt

require 'steam-condenser/error'

module SteamCondenser::Servers

  # The SteamPlayer class represents a player connected to a server
  # @author Sebastian Staudt
  class SteamPlayer

    # Returns the client port of this player
    # @return [Fixnum] The client port of the player
    attr_reader :client_port

    # Returns the connection ID (as used on the server) of this player
    # @return [Fixnum] The connection ID of this player
    attr_reader :connection_id

    # Returns the time this player is connected to the server
    # @return [Float] The connection time of the player
    attr_reader :connect_time

    # Returns the ID of this player
    # @return [Fixnum] The ID of this player
    attr_reader :id

    # Returns the IP address of this player
    # @return [String] The IP address of this player
    attr_reader :ip_address

    # Returns the nickname of this player
    # @return [String] The name of this player
    attr_reader :name

    # Returns the packet loss of this player's connection
    # @return [String] The packet loss of this player's connection
    attr_reader :loss

    # Returns the ping of this player
    # @return [Fixnum] The ping of this player
    attr_reader :ping

    # Returns the rate of this player
    # @return [Fixnum] The rate of this player
    attr_reader :rate

    # Returns the score of this player
    # @return [Fixnum] The score of this player
    attr_reader :score

    # Returns the connection state of this player
    # @return [String] The connection state of this player
    attr_reader :state

    # Returns the SteamID of this player
    # @return [String] The SteamID of this player
    attr_reader :steam_id

    # Creates a new player instance with the given information
    # @param [Fixnum] id The ID of the player on the server
    # @param [String] name The name of the player
    # @param [Fixnum] score The score of the player
    # @param [Float] connect_time The time the player is connected to the
    #        server
    def initialize(id, name, score, connect_time)
      @connect_time = connect_time
      @id = id
      @name = name
      @score = score
      @extended = false

    # Extends a player object with information retrieved from a RCON call to
    # the status command
    # @param [String] player_data The player data retrieved from `rcon status`
    # @raise [Error] if the information belongs to another player
    def add_info(player_data)
      unless player_data[:name] == @name
        raise Error, 'Information to add belongs to a different player.'

      @extended = true

      @connection_id = player_data[:userid].to_i
      @steam_id = player_data[:uniqueid]
      @state = player_data[:state] if player_data.key? :state

      if !bot?
        @loss = player_data[:loss].to_i
        @ping = player_data[:ping].to_i

        if player_data.key? :adr
          @ip_address, @client_port  = player_data[:adr].split(':')
          @client_port = @client_port.to_i

        @rate  = player_data[:rate].to_i if player_data.key? :rate

    # Returns whether this player is a bot
    # @return bool `true` if this player is a bot
    def bot?
      @steam_id == 'BOT'

    # Returns whether this player object has extended information gathered
    # using RCON
    # @return bool `true` if extended information for this player is available
    def extended?

    # Returns a string representation of this player
    # @return [String] A string representing this player
    def to_s
      if @extended
        "\##@connection_id \"#@name\", SteamID: #@steam_id, Score: #@score, Time: #@connect_time"
        "\##@id \"#@name\", Score: #@score, Time: #@connect_time"
