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#!/usr/bin/env php

class BootstrapError extends \Exception { }

trait SingletonSupport
  private static $_instance = null;

  public static function instance(...$args)
    if(!is_object(self::$_instance)) {
      self::$_instance = new self(...$args);
    return self::$_instance;

abstract class AbstractInstaller {

  protected $install_dir;
  protected $filename;
  protected $url;
  protected $sig_url;
  protected $tmpdir;
  protected $tmpfile;
  protected $remove_tmpdir;

  static protected $currentSystem;
  static protected $currentMachine;

  protected function __construct( $install_dir = null,
                                  $filename = null,
                                  $url = null,
                                  $sig_url = null,
                                  $tmpdir = null)
    if(!isset($install_dir))  { $install_dir = $this->defaultInstallDir(); }
    if(!isset($filename))     { $filename = $this->defaultFileName(); }
    if(!isset($url))          { $url = $this->defaultUrl(); }
    if(!isset($sig_url))      { $sig_url = $this->defaultSigUrl(); }
    if(!isset($tmpdir))       { $tmpdir = $this->defaultTmpDir(); }

    $this->_init($install_dir, $filename, $url, $sig_url, $tmpdir);

  abstract protected function defaultFileName();
  abstract protected function defaultUrl();
  abstract protected function defaultSigUrl();
  abstract protected function tmpFileNamePrefix();
  abstract protected function runInstallCmd();

  protected function defaultInstallDir() { return '.'; }
  protected function defaultTmpDir() { return 'tmp'; }

  static public function system()
    if(!isset(self::$system))   { self::$currentSystem = php_uname('s'); }
    return self::$currentSystem;

  static public function machine()
    if(!isset(self::$machine))   { self::$currentMachine = php_uname('m'); }
    return self::$currentMachine;

  final private function __clone() { }
  final private function __wakeup() { }

  public function __destruct()

  private function _init($install_dir, $filename, $url, $sig_url, $tmpdir)
    $this->install_dir = $install_dir;
    $this->filename = $filename;
    $this->url = $url;
    $this->sig_url = $sig_url;
    $this->tmpdir = $tmpdir;

    $basename = $this->tmpFileNamePrefix() . uniqid(rand(), true) . '.php';
    $this->tmpfile = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($tmpdir, $basename));
    $this->remove_tmpdir = false;

  private function _prepare()
    if(!file_exists($this->tmpdir)) {
      if(!mkdir($this->tmpdir)) {
        $msg = "Failed to create '" . $this->tmpdir . "': " . (error_get_last()['message']);
        throw new BootstrapError($msg);
      $this->remove_tmpdir = true;
    if(file_exists($this->tmpfile)) {

  private function _cleanup()
    if(file_exists($this->tmpfile)) {
    if($this->remove_tmpdir && file_exists($this->tmpdir)) {
      $this->remove_tmpdir = false;

  private function _downloadInstaller()
    if(!copy($this->url, $this->tmpfile)) {
      $msg = "Failed to download '" . $this->url . "' =>  '" . $this->tmpfile . "': " . (error_get_last()['message']);
      throw new BootstrapError($msg);

  private function _getExpectedSignature()
    $sig = file_get_contents($this->sig_url);
    if($sig === false) {
      $msg = "Failed to download installer signature: " . (error_get_last()['message']);
      throw new BootstrapError($msg);
    return trim($sig);

  private function _getActualSignature()
    $sig = hash_file('SHA384', $this->tmpfile);
    if($sig === false) {
      $msg = "Failed to compute installer signatur : " . (error_get_last()['message']);
      throw new BootstrapError($msg);
    return $sig;

  private function _checkSignature($expected, $actual)
    if ($actual !== $expected) {
      $msg = 'Installer corrupt (signatures do not match)';
      throw new BootstrapError($msg);

  public function install()
    try {


      if(isset($this->sig_url)) {
        $expected = $this->_getExpectedSignature();
        $actual = $this->_getActualSignature();
        $this->_checkSignature($expected, $actual);


    } finally {



class ComposerInstaller extends AbstractInstaller
  use SingletonSupport;

  protected function defaultUrl() { return 'https://getcomposer.org/installer'; }
  protected function defaultSigUrl() { return 'https://composer.github.io/installer.sig'; }
  protected function defaultFileName() { return 'composer'; }
  protected function tmpFileNamePrefix() { return 'composer-setup-'; }

  protected function runInstallCmd()
      $cmd = "php " . $this->tmpfile .
        " --quiet --install-dir=" . $this->install_dir .
        " --filename=" . $this->filename;


class PhpDocInstaller extends AbstractInstaller
  use SingletonSupport;

  protected function defaultUrl() { return 'https://github.com/phpDocumentor/phpDocumentor2/releases/latest/download/phpDocumentor.phar'; }
  protected function defaultSigUrl() { return null; }
  protected function defaultFileName() { return 'phpdoc'; }
  protected function tmpFileNamePrefix() { return 'phpdoc-'; }

  protected function runInstallCmd()
    $destfile = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($this->install_dir, $this->filename));
    if(!copy($this->tmpfile, $destfile)) {
      $msg = "Failed to copy file '". $this->tmpfile ."' => '". $destfile ."': ". (error_get_last()['message']);
      throw new BootstrapError($msg);
    if(!chmod($destfile, 0755)) {
      $msg = "Failed to chmod on '". $destfile ."': ". (error_get_last()['message']);
      throw new BootstrapError($msg);

class DockerComposerInstaller extends AbstractInstaller
  use SingletonSupport;

  protected function defaultUrl() {
    $release = '1.23.0';
    $fname = 'docker-compose-' . self::system(). '-' . self::machine();
    if('win' === strtolower(substr(self::system(),0,3))) {
      $fname = $fname . '.exe';
    return "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/$release/$fname";
  protected function defaultSigUrl() { return null; }
  protected function defaultFileName() {
    if('win' === strtolower(substr(self::system(),0,3))) {
      return 'docker-compose.exe';
    } else {
      return 'docker-compose';
  protected function tmpFileNamePrefix() { return 'docker-compose-'; }

  protected function runInstallCmd()
    $destfile = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($this->install_dir, $this->filename));
    if(!copy($this->tmpfile, $destfile)) {
      $msg = "Failed to copy file '". $this->tmpfile ."' => '". $destfile ."': ". (error_get_last()['message']);
      throw new BootstrapError($msg);
    if(!chmod($destfile, 0755)) {
      $msg = "Failed to chmod on '". $destfile ."': ". (error_get_last()['message']);
      throw new BootstrapError($msg);

function updateDotEnvFile()
  $dotenv = __DIR__.'/.env';
  if(file_exists($dotenv)) {
    fprintf(STDERR, "info: %s\n", "file $dotenv already exists, skipping creation");
    return false;

  $dist = __DIR__.'/.env.dist';

  $uid = (string)getmyuid();
  $gid = (string)getmygid();

  $content = file_get_contents($dist);
  $content = preg_replace('/@UID@/', $uid, $content);
  $content = preg_replace('/@GID@/', $gid, $content);

  file_put_contents($dotenv, $content);

  return true;

try {

  $opts = getopt('', ['no-install']);

  if (!isset($opts['no-install'])) {

} catch(BootstrapError $e) {

  fprintf(STDERR, "error: %s\n", $e->getMessage());

