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 * @file src/Korowai/Lib/Ldap/Adapter/Mock/AbstractResultRecord.php
 * This file is part of the Korowai package
 * @author Paweł Tomulik <ptomulik@meil.pw.edu.pl>
 * @package korowai\ldaplib
 * @license Distributed under MIT license.


namespace Korowai\Lib\Ldap\Adapter\Mock;

use Korowai\Lib\Ldap\Adapter\ResultRecordInterface;

 * Common functions for ResultEntry and ResultReference.
 * @author Paweł Tomulik <ptomulik@meil.pw.edu.pl>
abstract class AbstractResultRecord implements ResultRecordInterface
    /** @var Result */
    private $dn;

    abstract public static function getInterfaceName() : string;
    abstract public static function createWithInterface($record);
    abstract public static function createWithArray(array $record);

     * Returns a ResultEntry/ResultReference object made out of *$record* argument.
     * @param mixed $record an instance of ResultEntryInterface/ResultReferenceInterface or an array.
     * @return ResultEntry
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException when *$record* is of wrong type
    public static function make($record)
        if ($record instanceof static) {
            return $record;
        } elseif (is_a($record, static::getInterfaceName())) {
            return static::createWithInterface($record);
        } elseif (is_array($record)) {
            return static::createWithArray($record);
        } else {
            $type = gettype($record);
            $type = $type === 'object' ? get_class($record) : $type;
            $msg = 'parameter 1 to '.static::class.'::make() must be ' .
                   'an instance of '.static::getInterfaceName().' or an array, not ' . $type;
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException($msg);

     * Initializes the ``AbstractResultRecord`` instance
     * @param string $dn
    protected function initResultRecord(string $dn)
        $this->dn = $dn;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getDn() : string
        return $this->dn;

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