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Bauhaus - The missing Laravel 4 Admin Generator

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Bauhaus is an admin generator / builder / interface for [Laravel]( with scoping, exporting and filtering functionality.
With Bauhaus you can easily create visual stunning lists, forms and filters for your models.

Use Bauhaus if you want:
- Create list and forms easily tightly coupled on your models
- A nice and clean admin interface
- and much, much more

Bauhaus is currently available in the following languages:
- English
- Brazilian (Thanks [willmkt](
- Dutch

> Warning: Right now, Bauhaus is a moving target. Every day new changes will be pushed possibly breaking the design and/or inner workings. If you're having trouble running this package, please consider running the `php artisan asset:publish krafthaus/bauhaus` and/or the `php artisan config:publish krafthaus/bauhaus` command. Thank you!

[Documentation is located here.](

![Bauhaus List](
![Bauhaus Form](

Add bauhaus to your composer.json file:
"require": {
    "krafthaus/bauhaus": "dev-master"

Use composer to install this package.
$ composer update

### Registering the package
'providers' => array(
    // ...

Add the `admin` folder to the `app/` directory and put the following line in your composer.json file:
"autoload": {
    "classmap": [

Then publish the config file with `php artisan config:publish krafthaus/bauhaus`.
This will add the main bauhaus config file in your application config directory.

And last but not least you need to publish to package's assets with the `php artisan asset:publish krafthaus/bauhaus` command.

Creating your first Bauhaus model
To build your first (and most exciting) admin controller you'll have to follow the following easy steps:

Run `$ php artisan bauhaus:scaffold --model=name` where `name` is the name of the model you want to use.

This will create 3 files:
- A new (empty) model in `app/models/YourModelName`.
- A new migration in the `app/database/migrations` directory.
- And ofcourse a Baushaus model file in `app/admin`.

Have a bug? Please create an issue here on GitHub that conforms with [necolas's guidelines](

This package is available under the [MIT license](LICENSE).