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# Bootstrap for Sass

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`bootstrap-sass` is a Sass-powered version of [Bootstrap](, ready to drop right into your Sass powered applications.

## Installation

Please see the appropriate guide for your environment of choice:

### a. Ruby on Rails

`bootstrap-sass` is easy to drop into Rails with the asset pipeline.

In your Gemfile you need to add the `bootstrap-sass` gem, and ensure that the `sass-rails` gem is present - it is added to new Rails applications by default.

gem 'sass-rails', '>= 3.2' # sass-rails needs to be higher than 3.2
gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~> 3.1.1'

`bundle install` and restart your server to make the files available through the pipeline.

#### Rails 3.2.x

For Rails 3.2.x, make sure that all the gems are moved out of the `:assets` group, and `config.assets.initialize_on_precompile` is set to `true`.

### b. Compass without Rails

Install the gem
gem install bootstrap-sass

If you have an existing Compass project:

# config.rb:
require 'bootstrap-sass'

bundle exec compass install bootstrap

If you are creating a new Compass project, you can generate it with bootstrap-sass support:

bundle exec compass create my-new-project -r bootstrap-sass --using bootstrap

This will create a new Compass project with the following files in it:

* [_variables.scss](/templates/project/_variables.scss.erb) - all of bootstrap variables (override them here).
* [styles.scss](/templates/project/styles.scss) - main project SCSS file, import `variables` and `bootstrap`.

Some bootstrap-sass mixins may conflict with the Compass ones.
If this happens, change the import order so that Compass mixins are loaded later.

### c. Ruby without Compass / Rails

Require the gem, and load paths and Sass helpers will be configured automatically:

require 'bootstrap-sass'

### d. Bower

Using bootstrap-sass as a Bower package is still being tested and requires libsass master. You can install it with:

bower install git://

`bootstrap-sass` is taken so make sure you use the Git URL above.

Sass, JS, and all other assets are located at [vendor/assets](/vendor/assets).

bootstrap-sass [requires]( minimum [Sass number precision][sass-precision] of 10 (default is 5).

When using ruby Sass compiler with the bower version you can enforce the limit with:

::Sass::Script::Number.precision = [10, ::Sass::Script::Number.precision].max

#### JS and fonts

Assets are discovered automatically on Rails, Sprockets, and Compass, using native asset path helpers.

Otherwise the fonts are referenced as:


`$icon-font-path` defaults to `bootstrap/`.

When not using an asset pipeline, you can copy fonts and JS from bootstrap-sass, they are located at [vendor/assets](/vendor/assets):

mkdir public/fonts
cp -r $(bundle show bootstrap-sass)/vendor/assets/fonts/ public/fonts/
mkdir public/javascripts
cp -r $(bundle show bootstrap-sass)/vendor/assets/javascripts/ public/javascripts/

## Usage

### Sass

Import Bootstrap into a Sass file (for example, `application.css.scss`) to get all of Bootstrap's styles, mixins and variables!
We recommend against using `//= require` directives, since none of your other stylesheets will be [able to access][antirequire] the Bootstrap mixins or variables.

@import "bootstrap";

You can also include optional bootstrap theme:

@import "bootstrap/theme";

The full list of bootstrap variables can be found [here]( You can override these by simply redefining the variable before the `@import` directive, e.g.:

$navbar-default-bg: #312312;
$light-orange: #ff8c00;
$navbar-default-color: $light-orange;

@import "bootstrap";

You can also import components explicitly. To start with a full list of modules copy this file from the gem:

cp $(bundle show bootstrap-sass)/vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.scss \
Comment out components you do not want from `bootstrap-custom`.

In `application.sass`, replace `@import 'bootstrap'` with:

  @import 'bootstrap-custom';

### Javascript

We have a helper that includes all Bootstrap javascripts. If you use Rails (or Sprockets separately), 
put this in your Javascript manifest (usually in `application.js`) to load the files in the [correct order](/vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap.js):

// Loads all Bootstrap javascripts
//= require bootstrap

You can also load individual modules, provided you also require any dependencies. You can check dependencies in the [Bootstrap JS documentation][jsdocs].

//= require bootstrap/scrollspy
//= require bootstrap/modal
//= require bootstrap/dropdown


## Development and Contributing

If you'd like to help with the development of bootstrap-sass itself, read this section.

### Upstream Converter

Keeping bootstrap-sass in sync with upstream changes from Bootstrap used to be an error prone and time consuming manual process. With Bootstrap 3 we have introduced a converter that automates this.

**Note: if you're just looking to *use* Bootstrap 3, see the [installation](#installation) section above.**

Upstream changes to the Bootstrap project can now be pulled in using the `convert` rake task.

Here's an example run that would pull down the master branch from the main [twbs/bootstrap]( repo:
    rake convert
This will convert the latest LESS to SASS and update to the latest JS.
To convert a specific branch or version, pass the branch name or the commit hash as the first task argument:
    rake convert[e8a1df5f060bf7e6631554648e0abde150aedbe4]

The latest converter script is located [here][converter] and does the following:

* Converts upstream bootstrap LESS files to its matching SCSS file.
* Copies all upstream JavaScript into `vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap`
* Generates a javascript manifest at `vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap.js`
* Copies all upstream font files into `vendor/assets/fonts/bootstrap`
* Sets `Bootstrap::BOOTSTRAP_SHA` in [version.rb][version] to the branch sha.

This converter fully converts original LESS to SCSS. Conversion is automatic but requires instructions for certain transformations (see converter output).
Please submit GitHub issues tagged with `conversion`.

## Credits

bootstrap-sass has a number of major contributors:

<!-- feel free to make these link wherever you wish -->
* [Thomas McDonald](
* [Tristan Harward](
* Peter Gumeson
* [Gleb Mazovetskiy](

and a [significant number of other contributors][contrib].

## You're in good company
bootstrap-sass is used to build some awesome projects all over the web, including
[Diaspora](, [rails_admin](,
Michael Hartl's [Rails Tutorial](, [gitlabhq]( and
