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Functional conditions and compositions (uses [Formi](


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API Docs

Kondico exposes the `Kondico` function.

- `Kondico(boolean, [options])` -> Function
- `Kondico(func, [options])` -> Function

####Kondico(boolean, [options])

Defines function that returns input boolean.


var isTrue = Kondico(true);
isTrue(); // ==> true

####Kondico(func, [options])

Defines function that returns result of a called function.


var isDefined = Kondico(function(val) { return val !== undefined;  }); 
isDefined(640) // true
isDefined(undefined) // false

###Kondico Options

Option | Value | Description
--- | --- | ---
once | Boolean | Only run function body once, cache result
memoize | Boolean/Function | Only run function body once per input value

####Kondico(func, { once: true })

Defines a function that runs it's body a single time, any subsequent calls will return that same value without running that function body.


var hasJquery = Kondico(function() {
    return typeof jQuery === 'function';
}, { once: true });

if (hasJquery()) {
    alert('has jquery: ' + hasJquery());

####Kondico(func, { memoize: true })

Defines a function that runs it's body a single time for each unique input, any subsequent calls with the same input will return the same value without running the function body.  

`memoize` option can be a boolean value or a hashFunction that returns an id used to cache a functions return; hashFunction will return first argument by default.


var has = Kondico(function(val) {
    return typeof val === 'function';
}, { memoize: true });

if (has(jQuery)) {
    alert('has jquery: ' + has(jQuery));

##Compositions (Logic Gates)

Kondico defines logic gate function for composing more complex conditions.  All functions will operate on any number of arguments.  `not` returns an array if more than one argument is passed.

- `Kondico.not`
- `Kondico.or`
- `Kondico.and`
- `Kondico.nor`
- `Kondico.nand`
- `Kondico.xor`
- `Kondico.xnor`


Example Useages

####Media Queries
var smallSize = Kondico(function(val) { return val < 720;  }); 
var largeSize = Kondico(function(val) { return val > 1280; });
var mediumSize = Kondico.nor(smallSize, largeSize);

// example window size (960x720)
smallSize(window.innerWidth) // false
mediumSize(window.innerWidth) // true
largeSize(window.innerWidth) // false

####Feature Detection
var hasCanvas = Kondico(function() {
    var elem = createElement('canvas');
    return !!(elem.getContext && elem.getContext('2d'));
}, { once: true }); 