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Test Coverage

    {% set allkeys = [filterkeys,limitkeys,delimitkeys,amountkeys,specialkeys] | combine_dicts %}

    {% if limitkeys != {} %}

            {% set thisrange = limitkeys.timerange %}
            {% set prevrange = %}
            {% set nextrange = %}

            {% if prevrange is not none %}
                <a href='{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("",filterkeys,limitkeys,delimitkeys,specialkeys,{'timerange':prevrange}) }}'><span class='stat_selector'>{{ prevrange.desc() }}</span></a>
            {% endif %}
            {% if prevrange is not none or nextrange is not none %}
                <span class='stat_selector' style='opacity:0.5;'>{{ thisrange.desc() }}</span>
            {% endif %}
            {% if nextrange is not none %}
                <a href='{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("",filterkeys,limitkeys,delimitkeys,specialkeys,{'timerange':nextrange}) }}'><span class='stat_selector'>{{ nextrange.desc() }}</span></a>
            {% endif %}


            {% for r in xcurrent %}
                {% if r.range == limitkeys.timerange %}
                    <span class='stat_selector' style='opacity:0.5;'>{{ r.localisation }}</span>
                {% elif r.heavy and settings['DISCOURAGE_CPU_HEAVY_STATS'] %}
                    <span class='stat_selector blocked' title="CPU heavy statistics are discouraged at the moment.">{{ r.localisation }}</span>
                {% else %}
                    <a href='{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("",allkeys,{"timerange":r.range}) }}'><span class='stat_selector'>{{ r.localisation }}</span></a>
                {% endif %}
                {{ "|" if not loop.last }}
            {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if delimitkeys != {} %}
            {% for cat in [xdelimiters,xtrails] %}
                {% for r in cat %}
                    {# {% if all(r.keys[k] == allkeys[k] for k in r.keys) %} #}
                    {% if r.replacekeys | map('compare_key_in_dicts',r.replacekeys,allkeys) | alltrue %}
                        <span class='stat_selector' style='opacity:0.5;'>{{ r.localisation }}</span>
                    {% elif r.heavy and settings['DISCOURAGE_CPU_HEAVY_STATS'] %}
                        <span class='stat_selector blocked' title="CPU heavy statistics are discouraged at the moment.">{{ r.localisation }}</span>
                    {% else %}
                        <a href='{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("",allkeys,r.replacekeys) }}'><span class='stat_selector'>{{ r.localisation }}</span></a>
                    {% endif %}
                    {{ "|" if not loop.last }}
                {% endfor %}
            {% endfor %}

    {% endif %}

    <!-- we do this only for things filtered by artist (to include or not include their subunits etc), but NOT for get_performance
    since it's more intuitive to fall under the separate/combined logic below -->
    {% if ('artist' in filterkeys) and (not artistchart) %}
        {% for o in xassociated %}
            {% if o.replacekeys | map('compare_key_in_dicts',o.replacekeys,allkeys) | alltrue %}
            <span style='opacity:0.5;'>{{ o.localisation }}</span>
            {% else %}
            <a href='{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("",allkeys,o.replacekeys) }}'><span>{{ o.localisation }}</span></a>
            {% endif %}
            {{ "|" if not loop.last }}
        {% endfor %}

    {% endif %}

    {% if artistchart %}
    {% for o in xseparate %}
        {% if o.replacekeys | map('compare_key_in_dicts',o.replacekeys,allkeys) | alltrue %}
        <span style='opacity:0.5;'>{{ o.localisation }}</span>
        {% else %}
        <a href='{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("",allkeys,o.replacekeys) }}'><span>{{ o.localisation }}</span></a>
        {% endif %}
        {{ "|" if not loop.last }}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}