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Test Coverage
create or replace function pgq.drop_queue(x_queue_name text, x_force bool)
returns integer as $$
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Function: pgq.drop_queue(2)
--     Drop queue and all associated tables.
-- Parameters:
--      x_queue_name    - queue name
--      x_force         - ignore (drop) existing consumers
-- Returns:
--      1 - success
-- Calls:
--      pgq.unregister_consumer(queue_name, consumer_name)
--      perform pgq.ticker(i_queue_name);
--      perform pgq.tune_storage(i_queue_name);
-- Tables directly manipulated:
--      delete - pgq.queue
--      drop - pgq.event_N (), pgq.event_N_0 .. pgq.event_N_M 
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    tblname  text;
    q record;
    num integer;
    -- check if exists
    select * into q from pgq.queue
        where queue_name = x_queue_name
        for update;
    if not found then
        raise exception 'No such event queue';
    end if;

    if x_force then
        perform pgq.unregister_consumer(queue_name, consumer_name)
           from pgq.get_consumer_info(x_queue_name);
        -- check if no consumers
        select count(*) into num from pgq.subscription
            where sub_queue = q.queue_id;
        if num > 0 then
            raise exception 'cannot drop queue, consumers still attached';
        end if;
    end if;

    -- drop data tables
    for i in 0 .. (q.queue_ntables - 1) loop
        tblname := q.queue_data_pfx || '_' || i::text;
        execute 'DROP TABLE ' || pgq.quote_fqname(tblname);
    end loop;
    execute 'DROP TABLE ' || pgq.quote_fqname(q.queue_data_pfx);

    -- delete ticks
    delete from pgq.tick where tick_queue = q.queue_id;

    -- drop seqs
    -- FIXME: any checks needed here?
    execute 'DROP SEQUENCE ' || pgq.quote_fqname(q.queue_tick_seq);
    execute 'DROP SEQUENCE ' || pgq.quote_fqname(q.queue_event_seq);

    -- delete event
    delete from pgq.queue
        where queue_name = x_queue_name;

    return 1;
$$ language plpgsql security definer;

create or replace function pgq.drop_queue(x_queue_name text)
returns integer as $$
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Function: pgq.drop_queue(1)
--     Drop queue and all associated tables.
--     No consumers must be listening on the queue.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    return pgq.drop_queue(x_queue_name, false);
$$ language plpgsql strict;