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Test Coverage

create or replace function pgq.get_batch_cursor(
    in i_batch_id       bigint,
    in i_cursor_name    text,
    in i_quick_limit    int4,
    in i_extra_where    text,

    out ev_id       bigint,
    out ev_time     timestamptz,
    out ev_txid     bigint,
    out ev_retry    int4,
    out ev_type     text,
    out ev_data     text,
    out ev_extra1   text,
    out ev_extra2   text,
    out ev_extra3   text,
    out ev_extra4   text)
returns setof record as $$
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Function: pgq.get_batch_cursor(4)
--      Get events in batch using a cursor.
-- Parameters:
--      i_batch_id      - ID of active batch.
--      i_cursor_name   - Name for new cursor
--      i_quick_limit   - Number of events to return immediately
--      i_extra_where   - optional where clause to filter events
-- Returns:
--      List of events.
-- Calls:
--      pgq.batch_event_sql(i_batch_id) - internal function which generates SQL optimised specially for getting events in this batch
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    _cname  text;
    _sql    text;
    if i_batch_id is null or i_cursor_name is null or i_quick_limit is null then
    end if;

    _cname := quote_ident(i_cursor_name);
    _sql := pgq.batch_event_sql(i_batch_id);

    -- apply extra where
    if i_extra_where is not null then
        _sql := replace(_sql, ' order by 1', '');
        _sql := 'select * from (' || _sql
            || ') _evs where ' || i_extra_where
            || ' order by 1';
    end if;

    -- create cursor
    execute 'declare ' || _cname || ' no scroll cursor for ' || _sql;

    -- if no events wanted, don't bother with execute
    if i_quick_limit <= 0 then
    end if;

    -- return first block of events
    for ev_id, ev_time, ev_txid, ev_retry, ev_type, ev_data,
        ev_extra1, ev_extra2, ev_extra3, ev_extra4
        in execute 'fetch ' || i_quick_limit::text || ' from ' || _cname
        return next;
    end loop;

$$ language plpgsql; -- no perms needed

create or replace function pgq.get_batch_cursor(
    in i_batch_id       bigint,
    in i_cursor_name    text,
    in i_quick_limit    int4,

    out ev_id       bigint,
    out ev_time     timestamptz,
    out ev_txid     bigint,
    out ev_retry    int4,
    out ev_type     text,
    out ev_data     text,
    out ev_extra1   text,
    out ev_extra2   text,
    out ev_extra3   text,
    out ev_extra4   text)
returns setof record as $$
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Function: pgq.get_batch_cursor(3)
--      Get events in batch using a cursor.
-- Parameters:
--      i_batch_id      - ID of active batch.
--      i_cursor_name   - Name for new cursor
--      i_quick_limit   - Number of events to return immediately
-- Returns:
--      List of events.
-- Calls:
--      pgq.get_batch_cursor(4)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    for ev_id, ev_time, ev_txid, ev_retry, ev_type, ev_data,
        ev_extra1, ev_extra2, ev_extra3, ev_extra4
        select * from pgq.get_batch_cursor(i_batch_id,
            i_cursor_name, i_quick_limit, null)
        return next;
    end loop;
$$ language plpgsql strict; -- no perms needed