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Test Coverage
create or replace function pgq.next_batch_info(
    in i_queue_name text,
    in i_consumer_name text,
    out batch_id int8,
    out cur_tick_id int8,
    out prev_tick_id int8,
    out cur_tick_time timestamptz,
    out prev_tick_time timestamptz,
    out cur_tick_event_seq int8,
    out prev_tick_event_seq int8)
as $$
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Function: pgq.next_batch_info(2)
--      Makes next block of events active.
--      If it returns NULL, there is no events available in queue.
--      Consumer should sleep then.
--      The values from event_id sequence may give hint how big the
--      batch may be.  But they are inexact, they do not give exact size.
--      Client *MUST NOT* use them to detect whether the batch contains any
--      events at all - the values are unfit for that purpose.
-- Parameters:
--      i_queue_name        - Name of the queue
--      i_consumer_name     - Name of the consumer
-- Returns:
--      batch_id            - Batch ID or NULL if there are no more events available.
--      cur_tick_id         - End tick id.
--      cur_tick_time       - End tick time.
--      cur_tick_event_seq  - Value from event id sequence at the time tick was issued.
--      prev_tick_id        - Start tick id.
--      prev_tick_time      - Start tick time.
--      prev_tick_event_seq - value from event id sequence at the time tick was issued.
-- Calls:
--      pgq.next_batch_custom(5)
-- Tables directly manipulated:
--      None
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    select f.batch_id, f.cur_tick_id, f.prev_tick_id,
           f.cur_tick_time, f.prev_tick_time,
           f.cur_tick_event_seq, f.prev_tick_event_seq
        into batch_id, cur_tick_id, prev_tick_id, cur_tick_time, prev_tick_time,
             cur_tick_event_seq, prev_tick_event_seq
        from pgq.next_batch_custom(i_queue_name, i_consumer_name, NULL, NULL, NULL) f;
$$ language plpgsql;

create or replace function pgq.next_batch(
    in i_queue_name text,
    in i_consumer_name text)
returns int8 as $$
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Function: pgq.next_batch(2)
--      Old function that returns just batch_id.
-- Parameters:
--      i_queue_name        - Name of the queue
--      i_consumer_name     - Name of the consumer
-- Returns:
--      Batch ID or NULL if there are no more events available.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    res int8;
    select batch_id into res
        from pgq.next_batch_info(i_queue_name, i_consumer_name);
    return res;
$$ language plpgsql;

create or replace function pgq.next_batch_custom(
    in i_queue_name text,
    in i_consumer_name text,
    in i_min_lag interval,
    in i_min_count int4,
    in i_min_interval interval,
    out batch_id int8,
    out cur_tick_id int8,
    out prev_tick_id int8,
    out cur_tick_time timestamptz,
    out prev_tick_time timestamptz,
    out cur_tick_event_seq int8,
    out prev_tick_event_seq int8)
as $$
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Function: pgq.next_batch_custom(5)
--      Makes next block of events active.  Block size can be tuned
--      with i_min_count, i_min_interval parameters.  Events age can
--      be tuned with i_min_lag.
--      If it returns NULL, there is no events available in queue.
--      Consumer should sleep then.
--      The values from event_id sequence may give hint how big the
--      batch may be.  But they are inexact, they do not give exact size.
--      Client *MUST NOT* use them to detect whether the batch contains any
--      events at all - the values are unfit for that purpose.
-- Note:
--      i_min_lag together with i_min_interval/i_min_count is inefficient.
-- Parameters:
--      i_queue_name        - Name of the queue
--      i_consumer_name     - Name of the consumer
--      i_min_lag           - Consumer wants events older than that
--      i_min_count         - Consumer wants batch to contain at least this many events
--      i_min_interval      - Consumer wants batch to cover at least this much time
-- Returns:
--      batch_id            - Batch ID or NULL if there are no more events available.
--      cur_tick_id         - End tick id.
--      cur_tick_time       - End tick time.
--      cur_tick_event_seq  - Value from event id sequence at the time tick was issued.
--      prev_tick_id        - Start tick id.
--      prev_tick_time      - Start tick time.
--      prev_tick_event_seq - value from event id sequence at the time tick was issued.
-- Calls:
--      pgq.insert_event_raw(11)
-- Tables directly manipulated:
--      update - pgq.subscription
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    errmsg          text;
    queue_id        integer;
    sub_id          integer;
    cons_id         integer;
    select s.sub_queue, s.sub_consumer, s.sub_id, s.sub_batch,
            t1.tick_id, t1.tick_time, t1.tick_event_seq,
            t2.tick_id, t2.tick_time, t2.tick_event_seq
        into queue_id, cons_id, sub_id, batch_id,
             prev_tick_id, prev_tick_time, prev_tick_event_seq,
             cur_tick_id, cur_tick_time, cur_tick_event_seq
        from pgq.consumer c,
             pgq.queue q,
             pgq.subscription s
             left join pgq.tick t1
                on (t1.tick_queue = s.sub_queue
                    and t1.tick_id = s.sub_last_tick)
             left join pgq.tick t2
                on (t2.tick_queue = s.sub_queue
                    and t2.tick_id = s.sub_next_tick)
        where q.queue_name = i_queue_name
          and c.co_name = i_consumer_name
          and s.sub_queue = q.queue_id
          and s.sub_consumer = c.co_id;
    if not found then
        errmsg := 'Not subscriber to queue: '
            || coalesce(i_queue_name, 'NULL')
            || '/'
            || coalesce(i_consumer_name, 'NULL');
        raise exception '%', errmsg;
    end if;

    -- sanity check
    if prev_tick_id is null then
        raise exception 'PgQ corruption: Consumer % on queue % does not see tick %', i_consumer_name, i_queue_name, prev_tick_id;
    end if;

    -- has already active batch
    if batch_id is not null then
    end if;

    if i_min_interval is null and i_min_count is null then
        -- find next tick
        select tick_id, tick_time, tick_event_seq
            into cur_tick_id, cur_tick_time, cur_tick_event_seq
            from pgq.tick
            where tick_id > prev_tick_id
              and tick_queue = queue_id
            order by tick_queue asc, tick_id asc
            limit 1;
        -- find custom tick
        select next_tick_id, next_tick_time, next_tick_seq
          into cur_tick_id, cur_tick_time, cur_tick_event_seq
          from pgq.find_tick_helper(queue_id, prev_tick_id,
                                    prev_tick_time, prev_tick_event_seq,
                                    i_min_count, i_min_interval);
    end if;

    if i_min_lag is not null then
        -- enforce min lag
        if now() - cur_tick_time < i_min_lag then
            cur_tick_id := NULL;
            cur_tick_time := NULL;
            cur_tick_event_seq := NULL;
        end if;
    end if;

    if cur_tick_id is null then
        -- nothing to do
        prev_tick_id := null;
        prev_tick_time := null;
        prev_tick_event_seq := null;
    end if;

    -- get next batch
    batch_id := nextval('pgq.batch_id_seq');
    update pgq.subscription
        set sub_batch = batch_id,
            sub_next_tick = cur_tick_id,
            sub_active = now()
        where sub_queue = queue_id
          and sub_consumer = cons_id;
$$ language plpgsql security definer;