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Test Coverage
create or replace function pgq.ticker(i_queue_name text, i_tick_id bigint, i_orig_timestamp timestamptz, i_event_seq bigint)
returns bigint as $$
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Function: pgq.ticker(3)
--     External ticker: Insert a tick with a particular tick_id and timestamp.
-- Parameters:
--     i_queue_name     - Name of the queue
--     i_tick_id        - Id of new tick.
-- Returns:
--     Tick id.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    insert into pgq.tick (tick_queue, tick_id, tick_time, tick_event_seq)
    select queue_id, i_tick_id, i_orig_timestamp, i_event_seq
        from pgq.queue
        where queue_name = i_queue_name
          and queue_external_ticker
          and not queue_ticker_paused;
    if not found then
        raise exception 'queue not found or ticker disabled: %', i_queue_name;
    end if;

    -- make sure seqs stay current
    perform pgq.seq_setval(queue_tick_seq, i_tick_id),
            pgq.seq_setval(queue_event_seq, i_event_seq)
        from pgq.queue
        where queue_name = i_queue_name;

    return i_tick_id;
$$ language plpgsql security definer; -- unsure about access

create or replace function pgq.ticker(i_queue_name text)
returns bigint as $$
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Function: pgq.ticker(1)
--     Check if tick is needed for the queue and insert it.
--     For pgqadm usage.
-- Parameters:
--     i_queue_name     - Name of the queue
-- Returns:
--     Tick id or NULL if no tick was done.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    res bigint;
    q record;
    state record;
    last2 record;
    select queue_id, queue_tick_seq, queue_external_ticker,
            queue_ticker_max_count, queue_ticker_max_lag,
            queue_ticker_idle_period, queue_event_seq,
            pgq.seq_getval(queue_event_seq) as event_seq,
        into q
        from pgq.queue where queue_name = i_queue_name;
    if not found then
        raise exception 'no such queue';
    end if;

    if q.queue_external_ticker then
        raise exception 'This queue has external tick source.';
    end if;

    if q.queue_ticker_paused then
        raise exception 'Ticker has been paused for this queue';
    end if;

    -- load state from last tick
    select now() - tick_time as lag,
           q.event_seq - tick_event_seq as new_events,
           tick_id, tick_time, tick_event_seq,
           txid_snapshot_xmax(tick_snapshot) as sxmax,
           txid_snapshot_xmin(tick_snapshot) as sxmin
        into state
        from pgq.tick
        where tick_queue = q.queue_id
        order by tick_queue desc, tick_id desc
        limit 1;

    if found then
        if state.sxmin > txid_current() then
            raise exception 'Invalid PgQ state: old xmin=%, old xmax=%, cur txid=%',
                            state.sxmin, state.sxmax, txid_current();
        end if;
        if state.new_events < 0 then
            raise warning 'Negative new_events?  old=% cur=%', state.tick_event_seq, q.event_seq;
        end if;
        if state.sxmax > txid_current() then
            raise warning 'Dubious PgQ state: old xmax=%, cur txid=%', state.sxmax, txid_current();
        end if;

        if state.new_events > 0 then
            -- there are new events, should we wait a bit?
            if state.new_events < q.queue_ticker_max_count
                and state.lag < q.queue_ticker_max_lag
                return NULL;
            end if;
            -- no new events, should we apply idle period?
            -- check previous event from the last one.
            select state.tick_time - tick_time as lag
                into last2
                from pgq.tick
                where tick_queue = q.queue_id
                    and tick_id < state.tick_id
                order by tick_queue desc, tick_id desc
                limit 1;
            if found then
                -- gradually decrease the tick frequency
                if (state.lag < q.queue_ticker_max_lag / 2)
                   (state.lag < last2.lag * 2
                    and state.lag < q.queue_ticker_idle_period)
                    return NULL;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
    end if;

    insert into pgq.tick (tick_queue, tick_id, tick_event_seq)
        values (q.queue_id, nextval(q.queue_tick_seq), q.event_seq);

    return currval(q.queue_tick_seq);
$$ language plpgsql security definer; -- unsure about access

create or replace function pgq.ticker() returns bigint as $$
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Function: pgq.ticker(0)
--     Creates ticks for all unpaused queues which dont have external ticker.
-- Returns:
--     Number of queues that were processed.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    res bigint;
    q record;
    res := 0;
    for q in
        select queue_name from pgq.queue
            where not queue_external_ticker
                  and not queue_ticker_paused
            order by queue_name
        if pgq.ticker(q.queue_name) > 0 then
            res := res + 1;
        end if;
    end loop;
    return res;
$$ language plpgsql security definer;