namespace Krixon\Rules\Lexer;
use IntlChar;
use Krixon\Rules\Exception\SyntaxError;
class Lexer
private const KEYWORDS = [
'is' => Token::EQUALS,
'not' => Token::NOT,
'and' => Token::AND,
'or' => Token::OR,
'xor' => Token::XOR,
'in' => Token::IN,
'true' => Token::BOOLEAN,
'false' => Token::BOOLEAN,
'matches' => Token::MATCHES,
'between' => Token::BETWEEN,
'contains' => Token::CONTAINS,
'any' => Token::ANY,
'all' => Token::ALL,
'of' => Token::OF,
private const ESCAPE_SEQUENCES = [
'"' => '"',
'\\' => '\\',
'n' => "\n",
't' => "\t",
private $expression;
private $tokens = [];
private $tokenStart = 0; // The position of the start of the current token.
private $current = 0; // The current cursor position (the offset into $expression).
private $expressionEnd = 0; // The position of the end of the expression.
* @return Token[]
* @throws SyntaxError
public function tokenize(string $expression) : array
while (!$this->eof()) {
$this->tokenStart = $this->current;
$this->tokenStart = $this->current;
return $this->tokens;
* @throws SyntaxError
private function next() : void
$char = $this->advance();
switch ($char) {
case ' ':
case "\r":
case "\t":
case "\n":
case '(': $this->push(Token::LEFT_PAREN); break;
case ')': $this->push(Token::RIGHT_PAREN); break;
case '[': $this->push(Token::LEFT_BRACKET); break;
case ']': $this->push(Token::RIGHT_BRACKET); break;
case '.': $this->push(Token::DOT); break;
case ',': $this->push(Token::COMMA); break;
case ':': $this->push(Token::COLON); break;
case '<': $this->push($this->match('=') ? Token::LESS_EQUALS : Token::LESS); break;
case '>': $this->push($this->match('=') ? Token::GREATER_EQUALS : Token::GREATER); break;
case '=': $this->eq(); break;
case '!': $this->neq(); break;
case '"': $this->string(); break;
case '/': $this->comment(); break;
if (ctype_digit($char)) {
} elseif (IntlChar::isalpha($char)) {
} else {
throw new SyntaxError('Invalid token.', $this->expression, $this->current - 1);
* Returns the current character and advances the cursor to the next.
private function advance() : string
return mb_substr($this->expression, $this->current - 1, 1);
* Advances the cursor by n characters.
* @param int $n The number of characters to consume. The default of 1 will consume the current character only.
private function consume(int $n = 1) : void
$this->current += $n;
* Peeks at a character without advancing the cursor.
* @param int $offset The number of characters ahead to peek. Defaults to 0 to peek at the current character.
* @param int $length The maximum number of characters to return. Fewer characters will be returned if not enough
* remain in the expression from the specified offset.
* @return string|null The character or null of the offset results in a position before or after the expression.
private function peek(int $offset = 0, int $length = 1) : ?string
$position = $this->current + $offset;
if ($position >= $this->expressionEnd || $position < 0) {
return null;
return mb_substr($this->expression, $position, $length);
* Determines if the current character matches the specified character. If so, the cursor is advanced, consuming
* the current character.
private function match(string $char) : bool
if ($this->peek() !== $char) {
return false;
return true;
* Handles a possible "equals" token.
* @throws SyntaxError
private function eq()
if (!$this->match('=')) {
* Handles a possible "not equals" token.
* @throws SyntaxError
private function neq()
if (!$this->match('=')) {
* Handles a string token.
* @throws SyntaxError
private function string()
$buffer = '';
while ($this->peek() !== '"' && !$this->eof()) {
$current = $this->peek();
// Handle escape sequences.
if ($current === '\\') {
$next = $this->peek(1);
if (array_key_exists($next, self::ESCAPE_SEQUENCES)) {
$current = self::ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[$next];
$buffer .= $current;
if ($this->eof()) {
throw new SyntaxError('Unterminated string.', $this->expression, $this->current);
$this->push(Token::STRING, $buffer);
* @throws SyntaxError
private function comment() : void
if ($this->match('/')) {
} elseif ($this->match('*')) {
private function lineComment() : void
while ($this->peek() !== "\n" && !$this->eof()) {
* @throws SyntaxError
private function blockComment() : void
/* This kind of comment continues until it is closed. It can also be nested. */
$balance = 1;
while (!$this->eof()) {
$chars = $this->peek(0, 2);
if ($chars === '*/') {
} elseif ($chars === '/*') {
if ($balance === 0) {
if ($this->peek(0, 2) === '*/') {
} else {
throw new SyntaxError('Unclosed block comment.', $this->expression, $this->current);
* Handles a number token.
private function number()
while (ctype_digit($this->peek())) {
// Fractional component to support floats.
if ($this->peek() === '.' && ctype_digit($this->peek(1))) {
while (ctype_digit($this->peek())) {
$value = (float)$this->lexeme();
$this->push(Token::NUMBER, $value);
* Handles an identifier token.
private function identifier()
while (IntlChar::isalnum($this->peek())) {
$value = $this->lexeme();
$keyword = strtolower($value);
if (array_key_exists($keyword, self::KEYWORDS)) {
$this->push(self::KEYWORDS[$keyword], $keyword);
} else {
$this->push(Token::IDENTIFIER, $value);
* Returns the lexeme associated with the current token.
* This is essentially the section of source code which produced the token.
private function lexeme() : string
return mb_substr($this->expression, $this->tokenStart, $this->current - $this->tokenStart);
* Determines if the end of input has been reached.
private function eof() : bool
return $this->current >= $this->expressionEnd;
* Creates a new token.
* If no $value is provided, the current lexeme will be used, unless there is no current lexeme, in which case
* null will be used.
private function token(string $token, $value = null) : Token
if (null === $value) {
$value = $this->lexeme();
if ('' === $value) {
$value = null;
return new Token($token, $value, $this->tokenStart);
* Pushes a new token onto the stack.
* If no $value is provided, the current lexeme will be used, unless there is no current lexeme, in which case
* null will be used.
private function push(string $token, $value = null) : void
$this->tokens[] = $this->token($token, $value);
* @throws SyntaxError
private function unexpectedCharacter(string $expected, string $actual = null)
if (null === $actual) {
$actual = $this->peek() ?? Token::EOF;
throw SyntaxError::unexpectedCharacter(
$this->current - 1
private function reset(string $expression)
$this->expression = $expression;
$this->tokens = [];
$this->tokenStart = 0;
$this->current = 0;
$this->expressionEnd = mb_strlen($expression);