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import HtmlParser from 'prescribe';
import * as utils from './utils';

 * Turn on to debug how each chunk affected the DOM.
 * @type {boolean}
const DEBUG_CHUNK = false;

 * Prefix for data attributes on DOM elements.
 * @type {string}
const BASEATTR = 'data-ps-';

 * ID for the style proxy
 * @type {string}
const PROXY_STYLE = 'ps-style';

 * ID for the script proxy
 * @type {string}
const PROXY_SCRIPT = 'ps-script';

 * Get data attributes
 * @param {Object} el The DOM element.
 * @param {String} name The attribute name.
 * @returns {String}
function getData(el, name) {
  const attr = BASEATTR + name;

  const val = el.getAttribute(attr);

  // IE 8 returns a number if it's a number
  return !utils.existy(val) ? val : String(val);

 * Set data attributes
 * @param {Object} el The DOM element.
 * @param {String} name The attribute name.
 * @param {null|*} value The attribute value.
function setData(el, name, value = null) {
  const attr = BASEATTR + name;

  if (utils.existy(value) && value !== '') {
    el.setAttribute(attr, value);
  } else {

 * Stream static html to an element, where "static html" denotes "html
 * without scripts".
 * This class maintains a *history of writes devoid of any attributes* or
 * "proxy history".
 * Injecting the proxy history into a temporary div has no side-effects,
 * other than to create proxy elements for previously written elements.
 * Given the `staticHtml` of a new write, a `tempDiv`'s innerHTML is set to
 * `proxy_history + staticHtml`.
 * The *structure* of `tempDiv`'s contents, (i.e., the placement of new nodes
 * beside or inside of proxy elements), reflects the DOM structure that would
 * have resulted if all writes had been squashed into a single write.
 * For each descendent `node` of `tempDiv` whose parentNode is a *proxy*,
 * `node` is appended to the corresponding *real* element within the DOM.
 * Proxy elements are mapped to *actual* elements in the DOM by injecting a
 * `data-id` attribute into each start tag in `staticHtml`.
export default class WriteStream {
   * Constructor.
   * @param {Object} root The root element
   * @param {?Object} options The options
  constructor(root, options = {}) {
    this.root = root;
    this.options = options;
    this.doc = root.ownerDocument; = this.doc.defaultView || this.doc.parentWindow;
    this.parser = new HtmlParser('', {autoFix: options.autoFix});

    // Actual elements by id.
    this.actuals = [root];

    // Embodies the "structure" of what's been written so far,
    // devoid of attributes.
    this.proxyHistory = '';

    // Create a proxy of the root element.
    this.proxyRoot = this.doc.createElement(root.nodeName);

    this.scriptStack = [];
    this.writeQueue = [];

    setData(this.proxyRoot, 'proxyof', 0);

   * Writes the given strings.
   * @param {...String} str The strings to write
  write(...str) {

    // Process writes
    // When new script gets pushed or pending this will stop
    // because new writeQueue gets pushed
    while (!this.deferredRemote && this.writeQueue.length) {
      const arg = this.writeQueue.shift();

      if (utils.isFunction(arg)) {
      } else {

   * Calls the given function.
   * @param {Function} fn The function to call
   * @private
  _callFunction(fn) {
    const tok = {type: 'function', value: || fn.toString()};
    this._onScriptStart(tok);, this.doc);

   * The write implementation
   * @param {String} html The HTML to write.
   * @private
  _writeImpl(html) {

    let tok;
    let script;
    let style;
    const tokens = [];

    // stop if we see a script token
    while ((tok = this.parser.readToken()) &&
      !(script = utils.isScript(tok)) &&
      !(style = utils.isStyle(tok))) {
      tok = this.options.beforeWriteToken(tok);

      if (tok) {

    if (tokens.length > 0) {

    if (script) {

    if (style) {

   * Write contiguous non-script tokens (a chunk)
   * @param {Array<Object>} tokens The tokens
   * @returns {{tokens, raw, actual, proxy}|null}
   * @private
  _writeStaticTokens(tokens) {
    const chunk = this._buildChunk(tokens);

    if (!chunk.actual) {
      // e.g., no tokens, or a noscript that got ignored
      return null;

    chunk.html = this.proxyHistory + chunk.actual;
    this.proxyHistory += chunk.proxy;
    this.proxyRoot.innerHTML = chunk.html;

    if (DEBUG_CHUNK) {
      chunk.proxyInnerHTML = this.proxyRoot.innerHTML;


    if (DEBUG_CHUNK) {
      chunk.actualInnerHTML = this.root.innerHTML;

    return chunk;

   * Build a chunk.
   * @param {Array<Object>} tokens The tokens to use.
   * @returns {{tokens: *, raw: string, actual: string, proxy: string}}
   * @private
  _buildChunk(tokens) {
    let nextId = this.actuals.length;

    // The raw html of this chunk.
    const raw = [];

    // The html to create the nodes in the tokens (with id's injected).
    const actual = [];

    // Html that can later be used to proxy the nodes in the tokens.
    const proxy = [];

    const len = tokens.length;
    for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      const tok = tokens[i];
      const tokenRaw = tok.toString();


      if (tok.attrs) { // tok.attrs <==> startTag or atomicTag or cursor
        // Ignore noscript tags. They are atomic, so we don't have to worry about children.
        if (!(/^noscript$/i).test(tok.tagName)) {
          const id = nextId++;

          // Actual: inject id attribute: replace '>' at end of start tag with id attribute + '>'
          actual.push(tokenRaw.replace(/(\/?>)/, ` ${BASEATTR}id=${id} $1`));

          // Don't proxy scripts: they have no bearing on DOM structure.
          if ( !== PROXY_SCRIPT && !== PROXY_STYLE) {
            // Proxy: strip all attributes and inject proxyof attribute
              // ignore atomic tags (e.g., style): they have no "structural" effect
              tok.type === 'atomicTag' ? '' :
              `<${tok.tagName} ${BASEATTR}proxyof=${id}` + (tok.unary ? ' />' : '>')
      } else {
        // Visit any other type of token
        // Actual: append.

        // Proxy: append endTags. Ignore everything else.
        proxy.push(tok.type === 'endTag' ? tokenRaw : '');

    return {
      raw: raw.join(''),
      actual: actual.join(''),
      proxy: proxy.join('')

   * Walk the chunks.
   * @private
  _walkChunk() {
    let node;
    const stack = [this.proxyRoot];

    // use shift/unshift so that children are walked in document order
    while (utils.existy(node = stack.shift())) {
      const isElement = node.nodeType === 1;
      const isProxy = isElement && getData(node, 'proxyof');

      // Ignore proxies
      if (!isProxy) {
        if (isElement) {
          // New actual element: register it and remove the the id attr.
          this.actuals[getData(node, 'id')] = node;
          setData(node, 'id');

        // Is node's parent a proxy?
        const parentIsProxyOf = node.parentNode &&
          getData(node.parentNode, 'proxyof');
        if (parentIsProxyOf) {
          // Move node under actual parent.

      // prepend childNodes to stack
      stack.unshift.apply(stack, utils.toArray(node.childNodes));

   * Handles Script tokens
   * @param {Object} tok The token
  _handleScriptToken(tok) {
    const remainder = this.parser.clear();

    if (remainder) {
      // Write remainder immediately behind this script.

    tok.src = tok.attrs.src || tok.attrs.SRC;

    tok = this.options.beforeWriteToken(tok);
    if (!tok) {
      // User has removed this token

    if (tok.src && this.scriptStack.length) {
      // Defer this script until scriptStack is empty.
      // Assumption 1: This script will not start executing until
      // scriptStack is empty.
      this.deferredRemote = tok;
    } else {

    // Put the script node in the DOM.
    this._writeScriptToken(tok, () => {

   * Handles style tokens
   * @param {Object} tok The token
  _handleStyleToken(tok) {
    const remainder = this.parser.clear();

    if (remainder) {
      // Write remainder immediately behind this style.

    tok.type = tok.attrs.type || tok.attrs.TYPE || 'text/css';

    tok = this.options.beforeWriteToken(tok);

    if (tok) {
      // Put the style node in the DOM.

    if (remainder) {

   * Build a style and insert it into the DOM.
   * @param {Object} tok The token
  _writeStyleToken(tok) {
    const el = this._buildStyle(tok);

    this._insertCursor(el, PROXY_STYLE);

    // Set content
    if (tok.content) {
      if (el.styleSheet && !el.sheet) {
        el.styleSheet.cssText = tok.content;
      } else {

   * Build a style element from an atomic style token.
   * @param {Object} tok The token
   * @returns {Element}
  _buildStyle(tok) {
    const el = this.doc.createElement(tok.tagName);

    el.setAttribute('type', tok.type);

    // Set attributes
    utils.eachKey(tok.attrs, (name, value) => {
      el.setAttribute(name, value);

    return el;

   * Append a span to the stream. That span will act as a cursor
   * (i.e. insertion point) for the element.
   * @param {Object} el The element
   * @param {string} which The type of proxy element
  _insertCursor(el, which) {
    this._writeImpl(`<span id="${which}"/>`);

    const cursor = this.doc.getElementById(which);

    if (cursor) {
      cursor.parentNode.replaceChild(el, cursor);

   * Called when a script is started.
   * @param {Object} tok The token
   * @private
  _onScriptStart(tok) {
    tok.outerWrites = this.writeQueue;
    this.writeQueue = [];

   * Called when a script is done.
   * @param {Object} tok The token
   * @private
  _onScriptDone(tok) {
    // Pop script and check nesting.
    if (tok !== this.scriptStack[0]) {
      this.options.error({msg: 'Bad script nesting or script finished twice'});


    // Append outer writes to queue and process them.
    this.write.apply(this, tok.outerWrites);

    // Check for pending remote

    // Assumption 2: if remote_script1 writes remote_script2 then
    // the we notice remote_script1 finishes before remote_script2 starts.
    // I think this is equivalent to assumption 1
    if (!this.scriptStack.length && this.deferredRemote) {
      this.deferredRemote = null;

   * Build a script and insert it into the DOM.
   * Done is called once script has executed.
   * @param {Object} tok The token
   * @param {Function} done The callback when complete
  _writeScriptToken(tok, done) {
    const el = this._buildScript(tok);
    const asyncRelease = this._shouldRelease(el);
    const afterAsync = this.options.afterAsync;

    if (tok.src) {
      // Fix for attribute "SRC" (capitalized). IE does not recognize it.
      el.src = tok.src;
      this._scriptLoadHandler(el, !asyncRelease ? () => {
      } : afterAsync);

    try {
      this._insertCursor(el, PROXY_SCRIPT);
      if (!el.src || asyncRelease) {
    } catch (e) {

   * Build a script element from an atomic script token.
   * @param {Object} tok The token
   * @returns {Element}
  _buildScript(tok) {
    const el = this.doc.createElement(tok.tagName);

    // Set attributes
    utils.eachKey(tok.attrs, (name, value) => {
      el.setAttribute(name, value);

    // Set content
    if (tok.content) {
      el.text = tok.content;

    return el;

   * Setup the script load handler on an element.
   * @param {Object} el The element
   * @param {Function} done The callback
   * @private
  _scriptLoadHandler(el, done) {
    function cleanup() {
      el = el.onload = el.onreadystatechange = el.onerror = null;

    const error = this.options.error;

    function success() {
      if (done != null) {
      done = null;

    function failure(err) {
      if (done != null) {
      done = null;

    function reattachEventListener(el, evt) {
      const handler = el[`on${evt}`];
      if (handler != null) {
        el[`_on${evt}`] = handler;

    reattachEventListener(el, 'load');
    reattachEventListener(el, 'error');

    Object.assign(el, {
      onload() {
        if (el._onload) {
          try {
            el._onload.apply(this,, 0));
          } catch (err) {
            failure({msg: `onload handler failed ${err} @ ${el.src}`});

      onerror() {
        if (el._onerror) {
          try {
            el._onerror.apply(this,, 0));
          } catch (err) {
            failure({msg: `onerror handler failed ${err} @ ${el.src}`});
        failure({msg: `remote script failed ${el.src}`});

      onreadystatechange() {
        if (/^(loaded|complete)$/.test(el.readyState)) {

   * Determines whether to release.
   * @param {Object} el The element
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @private
  _shouldRelease(el) {
    const isScript = (/^script$/i).test(el.nodeName);
    return !isScript || !!(this.options.releaseAsync && el.src && el.hasAttribute('async'));
