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Test Coverage
## What does this PR do?

_(required) Describe the effects of your pull request in detail. If multiple
changes are involved, a bulleted list is often useful._

## Why is this change being made?

_(required) Describe the reasoning and background context for your
change. Include a link to relevant ticket(s)._

## How does this PR do it?

_(encourged) Describe how your pull request does what it does so that your
reviewer can better understand the changes being made. If multiple
changes are involved, a bulleted list is often useful. Puppet run output can
also be put here to describe the how._

## How was this tested? How can the reviewer verify your testing?

_(required) Describe the steps you used to test your change. Provide evidence of
testing or explicit, repeatable instructions the reviewer can follow
to verify your testing._

## What gif best describes this PR or how it makes you feel?

_(encouraged) Insert an appropriate gif/meme to brighten up your reviewer's day._

## Completion checklist

- [ ] The pull request has been appropriately labeled according to
  our [conventions](
- [ ] The version of the package has been updated according to [Semantic Versioning](
- [ ] The change has unit & integration tests as appropriate.
- [ ] Documentation is up to date and correct.
- [ ] Dependencies are correctly listed under `Pipfile` and
      are up to date without going over a major version.
- [ ] Stakeholders have been notified. Workflow-impacting changes have
      been appropriately socialized to avoid surprises.
- [ ] The change is either small or have been canaried in the appropriate environment(s).