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Test Coverage
# This cog handles support of YT links and playthrough of them using lavalink
# While this is not directly music bot, it implements feature request from Github.
# Code uses config for easy selfhosting setup, while this makes .add_node look disgusting it makes it easier for end user to host on their own

# imports
import math
import re
import json

import discord
import lavalink
from discord.ext import commands

url_regex = re.compile('https?:\\/\\/(?:www\\.)?.+') 

# config initiation
def getConfig(path):
    configFile = open(path, "r")
    return json.loads(configFile.read())

config_ll = getConfig("config.json")

# cog initiation
class Youtube(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot

        if not hasattr(bot, 'lavalink'):  # This ensures the client isn't overwritten during cog reloads.
            bot.lavalink = lavalink.Client(bot.user.id)
            bot.lavalink.add_node(config_ll['ll_ip'], config_ll['ll_port'], config_ll['ll_password'], config_ll['ll_region'], config_ll['ll_node_name'])  # Host, Port, Password, Region, Name
            bot.add_listener(bot.lavalink.voice_update_handler, 'on_socket_response')


    def cog_unload(self):

    async def cog_before_invoke(self, ctx):
        check_if_in_guild = ctx.guild is not None
        #  Check if user sent command in Guild

        if check_if_in_guild:
            await self.ensure_voice(ctx)
            #  Verify that bot and end user share mutal voice channel.

        return check_if_in_guild

    async def cog_command_error(self, ctx, error):
        if isinstance(error, commands.CommandInvokeError):
            await ctx.send(error.original)
            # informs user about any errors such as "need to be in voice cahannel"

    async def track_hook(self, event):
        if isinstance(event, lavalink.events.QueueEndEvent):
            guild_id = int(event.player.guild_id)
            await self.connect_to(guild_id, None)
            # Disconnect from the channel after queue finishes.

    async def connect_to(self, guild_id: int, channel_id: str):
        """ Connects to the given voicechannel ID. A channel_id of `None` means disconnect. """
        ws = self.bot._connection._get_websocket(guild_id)
        await ws.voice_state(str(guild_id), channel_id)

    # play YT video from either URL or search querry    
    async def play(self, ctx, *, query: str):
        """ Searches and plays a song from youtube"""
        player = self.bot.lavalink.players.get(ctx.guild.id)

        query = query.strip('<>')

        if not url_regex.match(query):
            query = f'ytsearch:{query}'

        results = await player.node.get_tracks(query)

        if not results or not results['tracks']:
            return await ctx.send('Nothing found!')

        embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.blurple())

        if results['loadType'] == 'PLAYLIST_LOADED':
            tracks = results['tracks']

            for track in tracks:
                player.add(requester=ctx.author.id, track=track)

            embed.title = 'Playlist Enqueued!'
            embed.description = f'{results["playlistInfo"]["name"]} - {len(tracks)} tracks'
            track = results['tracks'][0]
            embed.title = 'Track Enqueued'
            embed.description = f'[{track["info"]["title"]}]({track["info"]["uri"]})'
            player.add(requester=ctx.author.id, track=track)

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)

        if not player.is_playing:
            await player.play()

    @commands.command(aliases=['np', 'n', 'playing'])
    async def now(self, ctx):
        """ Shows currently playing song. """
        player = self.bot.lavalink.players.get(ctx.guild.id)

        if not player.current:
            return await ctx.send('Nothing playing.')

        position = lavalink.utils.format_time(player.position)
        if player.current.stream:
            duration = '🔴 LIVE'
            duration = lavalink.utils.format_time(player.current.duration)
        song = f'**[{player.current.title}]({player.current.uri})**\n({position}/{duration})'

        embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.blurple(),
                              title='Now Playing', description=song)
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)

    # allows to manually disconnect bot from channel clearing it queue
    async def disconnect(self, ctx):
        """ Disconnects the player from the voice channel and clears its queue. """
        player = self.bot.lavalink.players.get(ctx.guild.id)

        if not player.is_connected:
            return await ctx.send('Not connected.')

        if not ctx.author.voice or (player.is_connected and ctx.author.voice.channel.id != int(player.channel_id)):
            return await ctx.send('You\'re not in my voicechannel!')

        await player.stop()
        await self.connect_to(ctx.guild.id, None)
        await ctx.send('*⃣ | Disconnected.')

    async def ensure_voice(self, ctx):
        """ This check ensures that the bot and command author are in the same voicechannel. """
        player = self.bot.lavalink.players.create(ctx.guild.id, endpoint=str(ctx.guild.region))
        # Create returns a player if one exists, otherwise creates.

        should_connect = ctx.command.name in ('play')  # Add commands that require joining voice to work.

        if not ctx.author.voice or not ctx.author.voice.channel:
            raise commands.CommandInvokeError('You need to be in Voice Channel to use this command.')

        if not player.is_connected:
            if not should_connect:
                raise commands.CommandInvokeError('Not connected.')

            permissions = ctx.author.voice.channel.permissions_for(ctx.me)

            if not permissions.connect or not permissions.speak:  # Check user limit too?
                raise commands.CommandInvokeError('I need the `CONNECT` and `SPEAK` permissions.')

            player.store('channel', ctx.channel.id)
            await self.connect_to(ctx.guild.id, str(ctx.author.voice.channel.id))
            if int(player.channel_id) != ctx.author.voice.channel.id:
                raise commands.CommandInvokeError('You need to be in my voice channel.')

def setup(bot):