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package software.kes.enhancediterables;

import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe;
import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.hlist.Tuple2;
import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn1;
import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.Fn2;
import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1.Init;
import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1.Last;
import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn1.Reverse;
import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.CartesianProduct;
import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.Intersperse;
import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.MagnetizeBy;
import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.Map;
import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn2.PrependAll;
import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.functions.builtin.fn3.ZipWith;
import com.jnape.palatable.lambda.monoid.builtin.Concat;

import java.util.Collection;

import static com.jnape.palatable.lambda.adt.Maybe.just;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import static software.kes.enhancediterables.EnhancedIterables.unsafeNonEmptyFiniteIterable;
import static software.kes.enhancediterables.Wrapped.unwrap;

 * An {@code EnhancedIterable} that is finite and guaranteed to contain at least one element.
 * @param <A> the element type
public interface NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A> extends FiniteIterable<A>, NonEmptyIterable<A> {

     * Returns an {@code FiniteIterable} containing all subsequent elements of this one beyond the first.
     * @return an {@code FiniteIterable<A>}
    FiniteIterable<A> tail();

     * Lazily concatenates a {@code FiniteIterable} to the end of this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable},
     * yielding a new {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}.
     * @param other a {@link FiniteIterable}
     * @return an {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>}
    default NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A> concat(FiniteIterable<A> other) {
        return unsafeNonEmptyFiniteIterable(Concat.concat(unwrap(this), unwrap(other)));

     * Lazily concatenates a {@code Collection} to the end of this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable},
     * yielding a new {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}.
     * @param other a {@link Collection}
     * @return an {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>}
    default NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A> concat(Collection<A> other) {
        return unsafeNonEmptyFiniteIterable(Concat.concat(unwrap(this), unwrap(other)));

     * Returns the lazily computed cartesian product of this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable} with another {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}.
     * @param other a {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable} of any type
     * @param <B>   the type of the other {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}
     * @return a {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable<Tuple2<A, B>>}
    default <B> NonEmptyFiniteIterable<Tuple2<A, B>> cross(NonEmptyFiniteIterable<B> other) {
        return unsafeNonEmptyFiniteIterable(CartesianProduct.cartesianProduct(unwrap(this), unwrap(other)));

     * Returns an infinite {@code NonEmptyIterable} that repeatedly cycles this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}'s elements,
     * in order.
     * @return an {@code NonEmptyIterable<A>}
    default NonEmptyIterable<A> cycle() {
        return EnhancedIterables.nonEmptyCycle(this);

     * Returns a {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable} of the distinct values from this {@link NonEmptyFiniteIterable}.
     * @return a {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>}
    default NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A> distinct() {
        return EnhancedIterables.nonEmptyDistinct(this);

     * Returns a new {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable} by applying a function to all elements of this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}.
     * @param f   a function from {@code A} to {@code B}.
     *            This function should be referentially transparent and not perform side-effects.
     *            It may be called zero or more times for each element.
     * @param <B> the type returned by {@code f}
     * @return a {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable<B>}
    default <B> NonEmptyFiniteIterable<B> fmap(Fn1<? super A, ? extends B> f) {
        return unsafeNonEmptyFiniteIterable(Map.map(f, unwrap(this)));

     * Returns a {@code FiniteIterable} containing all of elements of this one, except for the last element.
     * @return a {@code FiniteIterable<A>}
    default FiniteIterable<A> init() {
        return EnhancedIterables.finiteIterable(Init.init(unwrap(this)));

     * Returns a new {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable} with the provided separator value injected between each value of this
     * {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}.
     * <p>
     * If this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable} contains only one element, it is left untouched.
     * @param separator the separator value
     * @return a {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>}
    default NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A> intersperse(A separator) {
        return unsafeNonEmptyFiniteIterable(Intersperse.intersperse(separator, unwrap(this)));

     * Returns the last element.
     * @return an element of type {@code A}
    default A last() {
        return Last.last(unwrap(this)).orElseThrow(AssertionError::new);

     * Returns an {@code Iterable} of contiguous groups of elements in this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable} that match a
     * predicate pairwise.
     * @param predicate the predicate function.
     *                  This function should be referentially transparent and not perform side-effects.
     *                  It may be called zero or more times for each element.
     * @return an {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable<NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>>} containing the contiguous groups
    default NonEmptyFiniteIterable<? extends NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>> magnetizeBy(Fn2<A, A, Boolean> predicate) {
        return unsafeNonEmptyFiniteIterable(MagnetizeBy.magnetizeBy(predicate, unwrap(this)))

     * Returns a new {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable} with the provided separator value injected before each value of this
     * {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}.
     * @param separator the separator value
     * @return a {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>}
    default NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A> prependAll(A separator) {
        return unsafeNonEmptyFiniteIterable(PrependAll.prependAll(separator, unwrap(this)));

     * Applies a binary operator to all elements of this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}, going left to right.
     * @param op the binary operator (accumulator on the left, item on the right)
     * @return the result of inserting {@code op} between consecutive elements of this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable},
     * going left to right:
     * <code>
     * op( op( ... op(x_1, x_2) ..., x_{n-1}), x_n)
     * </code>
     * where <code>x,,1,,, ..., x,,n,,</code> are the elements of this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}
    default A reduceLeft(Fn2<? super A, ? super A, ? extends A> op) {
        return tail().foldLeft(op, head());

     * Applies a binary operator to all elements of this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}, going right to left.
     * @param op the binary operator (item on the left, accumulator on the right)
     * @return the result of inserting {@code op} between consecutive elements of this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable},
     * going right to left:
     * <code>
     * op(x_1, op(x_2, ..., op(x_{n-1}, x_n)...))
     * </code>
     * where <code>x,,1,,, ..., x,,n,,</code> are the elements of this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}
    default A reduceRight(Fn2<? super A, ? super A, ? extends A> op) {
        return reverse().reduceLeft(op.flip());

     * Returns a reversed representation of this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}.
     * <p>
     * Note that reversing is deferred until the returned {@code Iterable} is iterated.
     * @return a {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>}
    default NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A> reverse() {
        return unsafeNonEmptyFiniteIterable(Reverse.reverse(unwrap(this)));

     * Always succeeds because {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}s are always finite.
     * @return this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable} wrapped in a `just`
    default Maybe<? extends NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>> toFinite() {
        return just(this);

     * Always succeeds because {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}s are always non-empty.
     * @return this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable} wrapped in a `just`
    default Maybe<? extends NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>> toNonEmpty() {
        return just(this);

     * Zips together this {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable} with an {@code NonEmptyIterable} by applying a zipping function.
     * <p>
     * Applies the function to the successive elements of each {@code Iterable} until one of them runs out of elements.
     * @param fn    the zipping function.
     *              Not null.
     *              This function should be referentially transparent and not perform side-effects.
     *              It may be called zero or more times for each element.
     * @param other the other {@code Iterable}
     * @param <B>   the element type of the other {@code Iterable}
     * @param <C>   the element type of the result
     * @return an {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable<C>}
    default <B, C> NonEmptyFiniteIterable<C> zipWith(Fn2<A, B, C> fn, NonEmptyIterable<B> other) {
        return unsafeNonEmptyFiniteIterable(ZipWith.zipWith(fn, unwrap(this), unwrap(other)));

     * Creates a {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}.
     * @param head the first element
     * @param tail the remaining elements.  May be empty.
     * @param <A>  the element type
     * @return a {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>}
    static <A> NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A> nonEmptyFiniteIterable(A head, FiniteIterable<A> tail) {
        return EnhancedIterables.nonEmptyFiniteIterable(head, tail);

     * Creates a {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable}.
     * @param head the first element
     * @param tail the remaining elements.  May be empty.
     * @param <A>  the element type
     * @return a {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>}
    static <A> NonEmptyFiniteIterable<A> nonEmptyFiniteIterable(A head, Collection<A> tail) {
        return EnhancedIterables.nonEmptyFiniteIterable(head, tail);

     * Creates a {@code NonEmptyFiniteIterable} containing the given elements.
     * <p>
     * Note that this method actually returns an {@link ImmutableNonEmptyFiniteIterable}, which is
     * also an {@link NonEmptyFiniteIterable}.
     * @param first the first element
     * @param more  the remaining elements
     * @param <A>   the element type
     * @return an {@code ImmutableNonEmptyFiniteIterable<A>}
    static <A> ImmutableNonEmptyFiniteIterable<A> of(A first, A... more) {
        if (more.length > 0) {
            return EnhancedIterables.of(first, more);
        } else {
            return EnhancedIterables.singleton(first);
